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君诚国际双语学校小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!


发布日期:2022-11-15 11:50:48

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚国际双语学校小学部IB PYP课程的核心亮点就是超学科元素,它通过六大超学科主题“我们是谁”、“世界如何运作”、“我们身处怎样的时空”、“我们如何表达自己”、“我们如何组织自己”、“共享地球”打破学科的边界,引领孩子们认识自己,发现世界的奥秘。

在君诚的PYP项目中,我们每个超学科单元都会定期举行全校规模的PYP成果展,为各年级学生们提供展示学习成果和行动的平台,并让低年级的小学和幼儿园的孩子们都参与到成果展中来,以“大”带“小”,以“老”带“新”, 夯实学科基础并勇于打破学科藩篱,悄悄地把终身学习者的种子种在了每一个孩子的心里,真正实现了“君诚大社区”的愿景。


Grade 1

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!





Grade 2

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!



我们还简要研究了播种的过程。在我们的项目中,我们决定帮助我们的学校社区,在学校的花圃区再种上一些花草的种子使校园更加美丽。为了帮助孩子们充分理解一个社区的特殊之处,我们首先需要研究并确定世界上每个社区都有自己的一些传统。这是为了告诉孩子们,整个世界也是一个共同体。为了这个目的,我们决定研究世界各地的传统,并写信给我们的家庭成员,询问他们的家庭传统有哪些内容。 下一步,我们则让孩子们明确在一个社区中有不同的角色。就像我们的家庭有不同的角色一样。这是学习过程中至关重要的一步,因为它帮助孩子们理解为什么我们需要在种植我们的社区花园之前要分配好角色。 

最后,老师和孩子们讨论了 “公民”一词的定义,并搜索了中国与其他国家相似的规则和法律。君诚的每个班级都有自己的规则和程序,学生需要遵守,就像不同社区的公民必须遵守不同的法律和法规一样。 


Grade 3

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

三年级: 文化时装秀


这个活动引发了孩子们的思考: 为什么选择一件个人物品会代表个人的文化认同呢?当孩子们开始讨论对个体进行分类的多种方式时,关于在社区内加强团结的核心思想引入了文化多样性的话题中。通过进一步的讨论和使用KWL图表,学生表达了渴望从身体、情感习惯和文化各方面了解我们是谁的愿望。因此,他们开始学习DNA、人体骨骼结构和器官的相关知识,以满足他们对生理知识的渴望。在接下来的几周里,学生们学习了在不同文化背景中表达情感和行为差异,以及存在于世界不同地区的文化符号和传统。 在完成了“我们是谁”相关的话题后,孩子们进行了一场精彩的文化时装秀,展示他们所学到的不同类型的知识。

有的学生在T恤上画画,展示人体内部; 有的学生在T恤上装饰情感图标,帮助他们介绍不同国家的语言和行为习惯; 还有的学生在T恤上装饰民族符号和传统时尚用品。三年级的每个班都以“我们是谁”为主题,由学生进行叙述。在时装表演的最后,全体三年级学生一起朗诵了一首中国传统诗歌《千字文》。


Grade 4

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!



Grade 5

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

君诚小学部IB PYP单元成果展来啦!

5年级: “世界文化博览会”五年级的学生们专注于 “我们是谁”这一跨学科的主题,其中心思想是调查“文化和身份如何随着时间而变化”。在他们的总结评估中,不同小组的学生将分别创建自己的旅游或博物馆小册子,其中将突出他们自己选择的国家之文化。学生们还制作了各具特色的海报和传单,以突出他们所选择国家的传统和文化。他们在10月28日进行的“世界文化博览会”上以“旅行社”和“博物馆策展人”的身份展示由自己所在小组制作的精美作品。由于这是一项小组任务,学生们被要求成为探究者、思考者和沟通者,以研究他们各自的部分,处理他们所阅读的信息,并与他们的队友合作。

学生们将应用各种技能来实现他们的学习和特性目标。他们还阅读了涉及不同文化方面的各类文字,并将自己的文化与世界上其他文化进行比较和对比,思考个人和集体在文化保护方面的责任。学生们通过头脑风暴、计划、起草、修改、编辑和重写各自的写作部分来参与整个的写作过程,然后使用编辑小工具来修改和编辑他们的写作初稿。最后学生们以宣传小册子的形式出版他们的作品,并在“世界文化博览会”上向他们的同伴以及低年级的孩子们展示他们的发现。 English version Grade 1:Meet The Author

The children in grade 1 have created a unique book. They have written a personal narrative about an event with the purpose of highlighting a special relationship. The children of grade 1 then invited the kindergarten classes to a Meet The Author event. The grade 1 children read their stories to the kindergarten children and explained things in their native language.

Grade 2: We Are a Community

This PYP unit, Grade 2 has taken the time to research and understand what makes a community special. We have learned about family traditions, roles in a community, and the importance of our roles as citizens. We also briefly studied the process of planting seeds. For our project, we decided to help our school community by planting a garden near our recess area. 

To help our students fully comprehend what makes a community special, we first needed to research and establish that every community around the world has its own traditions. This was to help educate our children about the idea that our world is also a community. For this purpose, we decided to research traditions around the world and write a letter to our family members asking them about their own family traditions. 

For our next course of action, we had to establish that there were distinct roles within a community. Just like there are different roles in our family, a community also has roles too. This was a crucial step in the learning process as it helped students understand that we needed to assign roles before planting our community garden. 

Finally, we looked at the definition of the word “citizen” and talked about rules and laws we can find in China that are like those found in other countries. Each classroom at SIBS has its own rules and procedures that students need to follow, just like how citizens in different communities must adhere to and abide by different laws and regulations. 

We also planned this community garden by researching the process of how to plant a seed and the diverse types of seeds that might survive the chilly winter.

Grade 3: Who We Are

The grade 3 students at SIBS are focused on ‘Who We Are' as the transdisciplinary theme in the first PYP unit of Inquiry. They began this unit by introducing an item of personal significance to their classmates based on a cultural context. Clues were provided by each student to allow others to practice their inference skills and guess the item contained in a paper bag. This activity led to a reflection on the purpose of choosing an item for personal representation of cultural identity. As the students were prompted to discuss the multitude of ways that individuals can be classified, a central idea about building unity within communities was introduced into the topic of cultural diversity. Through further discussion and the use of KWL charts, students expressed a desire to know who they are in terms of their physical bodies, emotional habits, and cultural expressions. As a result, they began learning about DNA, human bone structures, and their internal organs to satisfy their desire for physiological knowledge. In the following weeks, students have been learning about emotional and behavioral differences that can be expressed in different cultures, as well as the cultural symbols and traditions that exist in different regions of the world.

As the grade 3 students explore each of the topics related to ‘Who We Are’, they will prepare for a cultural fashion show that can showcase the different types of knowledge that they have acquired. Some students will decorate articles of clothing to display the internal human body, some will decorate t-shirts with emotional icons to help them introduce the language and behavioral customs of different countries, while others will decorate t-shirts with national symbols and traditional fashion articles of their choice. Narration will be provided by students as each grade 3 class presents their topic of ‘Who We Are’. As a conclusion to the fashion show, all grade 3 students will recite a Chinese poem to express the culture of their home country.

Grade 4: How we organize ourselves

Our unit is ‘How we organize ourselves’. We have been exploring our environment, both inside the classroom and out in our society. We started our unit by looking at the organizations within our school, for example, the security guards, and then progressed onto large cities like Beijing and how different organizations within a city work together. We identified that organizations are fragile and need to be carefully thought out as something as simple as taking away trees can have a profound impact.

Our final project is to design and build our very own city. We will need to think about what we want our city to look like, what facilities will be available and how did our city come to be.

By building on the knowledge we obtained throughout our unit, we can create an optimal environment for our city’s citizens. We need to consider people’s needs and reflect on our research of other cities when designing to ensure our project is a success. We will be communicators, inquirers, and reflectors throughout this project.

Grade 5: Who We Are

The students of Grade 5 will focus on the transdisciplinary theme of ‘Who We Are’ with a central idea that investigates how ‘cultures and identities change over time’. For their summative assessment, students in different groups will create a travel or museum brochure that will feature and highlight the cultures of different chosen countries. The students will make a poster and leaflet to highlight the traditional and modern cultures of their chosen country. They will present their work as “travel agents” and “museum curators” at the ‘Grade 5 Cultural Fair’ on October 28th. As this is a group task, the students are required to be inquirers, thinkers, and communicators to research their individual parts, process the information they are reading, and collaborate with their teammates.

Students will apply a variety of skills to achieve their learning and character goals. Students will read a variety of texts relating to different cultural aspects, as well as compare and contrast their own cultures with other cultures of the world. Students will also compare and contrast modern culture with traditional culture, and think about individual and collective responsibilities for cultural preservation. Students will engage in the writing process by brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, editing, and rewriting the individual parts of their written work. Students will use an editing key to revise and edit the first drafts of their writing. Later, they will move on to sorting out their revised writing to help write their second drafts, and finally, publish their pieces as a brochure. The students will communicate and collaborate to make posters with their teammates and present their findings in front of their peers at the ‘Cultural Fair’

“知识、技能、概念、态度、行动”是IB PYP的五大重要元素,融入到了君诚小学部每个单元探究活动中,同时我们充分尊重并调动孩子的能动性,带领孩子们在每个环节及时反思自己的不足和前进的方向,同时也浸润在IB十大品格的培养中。

作为IBO官方认证的国际课程 IB PYP(IB幼儿园小学课程)学校,君诚学校在夯实国家义务教育大纲的语数课程体系和美国英文核心课程体系的学科基础上,精心地融入IB PYP课程中的“超学科”元素,“终身学习者”的核心理念以及“探究式”、“概念驱动”的教学方式,引领小学项目全面升级,向着建校愿景稳步前进:真正办一所“国际社会认可的双语双文化的世界学校”。





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