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发布日期:2022-11-04 11:39:54

In October, SUIS Pudong-Sanlin has formed a new Student Council team. They will lead all the students on this campus during this academic year to achieve their goals and realise their dreams.  10月,协和教育浦东课程中心三林迎来了新一届学生委员会,他们将在未来一年,带领协和三林的学生们,走出一条属于他们的梦想之路。

Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方

Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方

Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方

Members of Student Council  


President 主席

Bob Wu A2B

Vice President 副主席

Oscar Sun IG2B

Secretary 秘书长

Michelle Zhang IG2B

Treasurer 财务长

Leo Liu A2B

Publicity Secretary 宣传秘书长

Emily Ruan A2A | Cici Jiang IG2A

A2 Representative A2年级代表

Masa Takayanagi A2A

A1 Representative A1年级代表

Jonathan Zhao A1A

IG2 Representative IG2年级代表

Valencia Huang IG2A

IG1 Representative  IG1年级代表

Adelaide Wang IG1A

Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方
Congratulations & Bravo! 

You made it! Let’s recap on how they have got the position they vied for: getting tutor recommendation letter, preparing presentations, giving speech to students and teaching staff. What a journey!  



Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方

Vice President 


Oscar Sun IG2B

Sometimes success comes as a surprise. 

Our elections started during September and finally ended in October. I ran for the vice president role and to be fair, I didn’t expect a success. There were 3 other candidates, all of whom were excellent students and capable of the role of vice president as well as I am.  We conducted our first campaign speech on the 22nd of September. I have to be honest, I didn’t prepare for the speech at all. Everything I said and discussed on stage were improvised, through which I mainly focused upon communicating with the audience instead of boasting how well I can fulfill this role. The announcing of the results raised a high tension, and I was fully expecting myself to fail. In fact, I was consoling myself already when it was announced that I became the vice-president!

Now that we have fully engaged in day-today-matters of the council, I find it slightly more challenging then what I have thought, and it was difficult at first, to manage my time and to communicate with everyone, but now everyone is fitting into their roles and managing perfectly!

我们的第一次竞选始于九月二十二日,并在十月彻底地收了尾。我竞选的职位是学生会副主席,面临着三位其他十分优秀的同学的竞争。说句实话,我其实没有意料到我的竞选进行的如此顺利。九月二十二号那一天,我们发表了我们的第一篇竞选演讲。我并没有准备太多,因为我认为与台下的同学们进行交流会比滔滔不绝的陈述自己有多么优秀重要的多。我的演讲台词中十有八九都是临场发挥的,也取得了可观的效果。发表竞选结果时,气氛十分焦灼,而说句实话,我对自己的信心并不大。在现场宣布结果之前,我甚至都已经开始安慰自己了:“这次不好大不了下次重来。” 但是我成功了!


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Different to Oscar’s communication strategy,  

Michelle learned to use her own strength

to convince her fellow students. 


Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方



Michelle Zhang IG2B

Let‘s make the school better together. 

During the campaign, we were very competitive and we had a lot of reversals. We gave two speeches, and since there were more competitors, we needed a second campaign. However, I am not afraid of more competition, and I am honored to be their competition. Relying on my rich experience and efforts, I stayed up late at night to prepare speeches and ppt. 

The next day, I made a bold speech on the stage and convinced my classmates to trust me and give me the positions. I won with 64 percent of the vote. I am very honored to get this position. I have been working hard for the school, putting forward effective plans in every meeting, and trying to lead the students to make the school better together.



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When it comes to the 

future of the Student Council, 

what is the next step? 

Our President Bob said.


Student Council, Where dream begins 学生会,梦想开始的地方



Bob Wu A2B

Creat a SUIS community that we can all call family even after 20 or 30 years. 

Still remember my campaign slogan "what is the difference between human and salty fish without dream"? In the 12 years of being a student, it is not infrequent that I hear the first thing people do when they dream of seemingly impossible goals is osimply to lower their goals. But no SUIS student wants to be that salty fish, and that's what the student council is here for. It will be the place where we dream, where we map and seek help for our dreams, and where we accomplish our dreams. SUIS Sanlin may or may not the place where the dream all of SUIS students began, but it will surely be the place where SUIS students initiate their first step towards accomplishing the dreams.

Personally, my aim their year to bypass the challenges we face to create a strong and collective SUIS community that enhances our academic and social experience at SUIS and an alumni base that will benefit us years beyond the start of our dreams at SUIS.

I have a lot of dreams, and a part of that is to lead this student council to accomplish the dreams of all SUIS students. It is my deep honour to lead the wonderful SUIS student family in the year ahead, and create a community that we can still call family after 20 or 30 years later.

依然记得我的竞选口号:没有梦想那还跟咸鱼有什么区别呢?作为学生的12年里, 我经常听到有些人在面对一个看似不可能的实现的目标时,他们的第一反应是降低目标要求。但我相信没有任何一个协和的学生会愿意去做这样一条咸鱼,那这也就是学生会存在的意义。这是一个我们可以做梦,可以规划地图,可以在追梦的路上找到帮助的地方,这也将最终成为我们实现梦想的地方。协和三林也许并不是所有学生梦想开始的地方,但这肯定是一个激励协和学生迈出实现梦想第一步的地方。



The end of the campaign is the beginning of the new journey.  We hope all the students can work hard towards their dreams  and all their dreams will come true.  






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