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发布日期:2022-12-12 15:12:46



At our SUIS Qingpu campus we have remained sheltered from the cold of winter with the warmth of art and music.  Our primary and middle school students had the wonderful opportunity to display their talents and shine brightly at our Cross-Grade Artistic Performing Corner. This beautiful event provided our students with the valuable opportunity to display virtues such responsibility, artistic sensitivity, and love for music.  

<a href=https://school.net/school/509.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海青浦区协和双语学校</a>

我们当晚的开场曲目是由1D的学生Harry演奏的《We Wish You a Merry Christmas》,这首歌带领我们进入了圣诞的氛围之中,让大家感到十分宁静。接下来是一年级的Ellie演奏的温暖的小提琴作品《我的祖国》。我们听到的第三首作品是关于爵士乐的美好回忆,名为《月亮诉说我的心灵》,由2H的Lucas演绎。随后是3F的Holly演奏的壮观而怀旧的《十月秋歌》。在欣赏了这些精致而谦和的作品之后,我们惊讶于4F同学Joanna演绎的钢琴曲《雪崩》的激奋,也惊讶于5A同学Perley为架子鼓专门编排的歌曲《反对战争》的活力与明快。在本次演出中还要特别感谢音乐组的孟倩如Martina老师、Erika老师和Manuel老师为我们带来了一首优美动人的中文歌曲: 黄自创作的《玫瑰三愿》,这首就像它的名字一样,如玫瑰一般细腻而芬芳。最后,我们要感谢不可思议的舞蹈校队,他们表演了由Shopin老师执导的名为 “逆光” (Backlight)的精彩舞蹈。

The evening began with a piano piece entitled, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, played by Harry from 1D.  This musical piece welcomed the serene atmosphere of the Christmas spirit.  Harry was followed by Ellie from 1F who played a warm violin piece called My Motherland. The third work was a beautiful jazz piece entitled, The Moon Speaks of My Mind.  This song was masterfully interpreted by Lucas from 2H, who was followed by the spectacular and nostalgic October Autumn Song, played by Holly from 3F. After delighting in the delicacy of this piece, we enjoyed a passionate interpretation of Avalanche on the piano, performed by Joanna from 4H. We were then delighted by the energy of Against War, arranged for the drum set and presented by Perley from 5A. 

These delightful pieces from our students were then followed by our gifted and talented music teachers, Mr Martina, Ms Erika and Mr Manuel.  They performed a captivating Chinese song called Three Wishes of Roses, composed by Huany Zi.  This piece was inspired by the fragrant delicacy of roses. The final moment of the evening was the incredible Dance Team who performed a fantastically choreographed dance called Backlight, directed by Ms. Shopin. 



We were also delighted to invite eight young painters to our Art Exhibition. All of them displayed remarkable, creative and original ideas. This was most evident in their artworks, as they are each beginning to develop their own unique style. Wednesday’s exhibition was a visual feast for our audience. The combination of music and visual art at this APC concert provided a beautiful and unique opportunity to inspire our audience. Our school aims to provide more opportunities and platforms for young artists to display their creativity and ideas freely.  The APC concerts serve not only as channels for affirming and encouraging them, but also as valuable learning opportunities.



It is essential to promote activities that highlight the musical and artistic talents of our students; our purpose is to cultivate the character and personality of our students by helping them grow in their sense of responsibility, artistic sensitivity, and commitment to the community. A human being who understands and practices their preferred artistic discipline will always be an individual who contributes to society and values tolerance, understanding, cordiality, and ethics. This is why we wish to invite all our students to participate in our Cross-Grade Artistic Performing Corner events and to be part of this community, where art and music are promoted as an essential element of life and progress in our society. 





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