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发布日期:2022-12-13 10:24:41










- 对自己负责,在学术和个人方面都保持独立性。

- 照顾好自己的工作空间、教室和整个校园。

- 在学习过程中互相帮助。

- 保持积极的、成长的心态。

- 发出自己的声音。

- 做更好的自己,帮助他人。





Francine Hou


Micky Zhao


Roanne Wong


Allen Zhao


Allen Shang





Claire Chen




Ares Tan


Becky Liu



Charles Zhou



Leadership is about the art of motivating, influencing, and directing people to work together to achieve the goals of a community. 

We believe it’s essential for our students to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling, to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities, and achieving tasks effectively. We also believe it provides our young leaders with opportunities to learn to identify and display effective communication and interpersonal skills.

Leadership begins with identifying and understanding our values. Our values are our fundamental beliefs – the principles that we consider worthwhile and desirable. At King’s College International School, we believe all members of our learning community should be capable of exercising leadership in different contexts. The more leadership is encouraged, the more it flourishes.

Leadership is not reserved for adults; leadership opportunities come in various shapes and sizes for all ages. Student leadership is important in school. Through modelling and role-playing, students practice decision-making and how to be appropriately self-assertive. 

Students see examples of leadership when teachers give examples at story time, during group meetings, and on the playground. As students get older, they learn more about being good leaders as they participate in team-building activities. Students become leaders as they know how to communicate, negotiate, listen, persevere, solve problems, and cooperate. Frequently practising these skills helps to build self-confident students.

Becoming leaders themselves shows students that a leader is not only a person in charge of a group but someone who can lead quietly by example, whether it be on a sports team or by doing the right thing when others are looking and, more importantly, when others are not. When our Grade 8 learners are selected to become prefects, it comes with the understanding that being a prefect encompasses our students learning how to:

- Take responsibility for oneself which includes developing independence academically and personally;

- Taking care of their workspace, classroom and the school campus as a whole; 

- Helping each other through the learning process; 

- Having a positive, growth mindset; 

- Developing a voice;

- Stretching beyond themselves to help others.

As students mature as leaders, they naturally gain more independence in both their social and academic lives. By assuming responsibility, they demonstrate a willingness to help others, to listen empathetically, and to make sound decisions. Helping students develop these character traits is why student leadership is crucial in school. Our prefect model is essential to our learning experience at King’s College International School.

As the perfect, our students said:

Francine Hou

“Being a prefect has been a great experience. I’ve made a lot of new friends, whether it’s other students or fellow prefects. Overall, it has been an enjoyable learning experience.”

Micky Zhao

“I think my attitude has improved, especially when dealing with other students. I have also found the leadership experience to be much fun. It has helped improve my management skills. I hope to help my school improve through my leadership.”

Roanne Wong

“As a prefect, I have had to learn to become more assertive with students who break the rules. However, being a prefect has also benefitted me by helping me to become more sociable. Recently, I joined our school’s soccer team and was able to make new friends.”

Allen Zhao

“As a member of the Prefect team at Hangzhou Dipont School Of Arts And Science, I often have to spend my personal time contributing to the students and the school. But every time I solve a problem, I feel that my work was never in vain. This position has allowed me to help others and to improve my problem-solving skills and sense of responsibility. I hope that in the future I will be able to help the school improve and make the most of this position.”

Allen Shang

“For a successful team, the team should not have only one type of person but should be divided into two types. One is the leader, and the other is the member. After this allocation, the team can complete the task perfectly under the orderly and careful planning.Nowadays, the school will require students to complete an assignment when they are working in a group, which means that their achievements are for the group rather than individuals, so how to accomplish this achievement is the key.At this time, if there is a leader, the efficiency can be greatly improved, and the tasks can be completed efficiently. Firstly, leadership can enable a student to play a greater role in completing team tasks, and exercise students' independent thinking and skills to learn from each other's strengths. Second, students can develop the habit of thinking about problems from multiple perspectives. When leading a team, students need to find the most suitable method from everyone's perspective, so developing leadership is also developing students' thinking capabilities.In conclusion, leadership is an indispensable part of student’s development. Possessing leadership can not only improve students themselves, but also make students more comfortable in the process of interpersonal communication and teamwork. Therefore, leadership is important for students when they are learning and improving themselves.”

Claire Chen

"Student leadership is important for students to learn the knowledge of building relationships within teams, experiencing leadership opportunities from early years,finding everyones’ ability, and completing the tasks effectively. It also provides the opportunity to learn how to rise the efficiency from communication.Besides,for other students, because of the students may tend to listen to a same-age’ leader,therefore a model and a leader as well can has a big influence to others.All in all,the student leadership is significant for all the student."

Ares Tan

“When I was on duty, I would remind those who did not behave properly. In the process of communication, I learned how to communicate with people of different ages or different characters.”

Becky Liu

“Becoming a prefect has taught me the ability to collaborate and communicate with others. It has also taught me to set an example for others, I have learned to be responsible for my actions.”

Charles Zhou

“It is my honor to severe as a prefect. It is a valuable experience for me. Since becoming a prefect it has encouraged me to become more responsible and hardworking. I am making efforts to study harder, to become more involved in various school activities, and to help classmates and assist teachers.”

Let's look forward our students becoming the leader in the future!





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