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发布日期:2023-01-04 11:55:22

<a href=https://school.net/school/509.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海青浦区协和双语学校</a>初中部手机摄影CCA社团

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA’s), an integral and unique part of SUIS Qingpu’s Middle School programme, are aimed at developing students' multiple intelligences and providing them with a variety of experiences. ‘Mobile Phone Photography’ is one of the many new subjects set up for CCA time this academic year. Students’ original intentions for choosing ‘Mobile Photography’ were quite simple: they wanted not only to learn photography, but they also desired to attract countless fans by sharing magnificent and classy photos on their WeChat moments and to legitimately use their mobile phones while in class. Why not? However, with the end of the semester approaching, students discovered the power of ‘shen sheng bu xi’ (the ‘circle of life’) from this Mobile Phone Photography CCA. Students and their instructor will share their meanings of ‘shen sheng bu xi’ through their photography works.




——7A 曹婧

Shen: We live in Shanghai

‘Everyone who records the beauty of Shanghai with a camera lens is a gentleman. Let us stretch ourselves throughout our city and feel the generosity and grace of flexibility.’

——7A Cao Jing


For several reasons of which we are all familiar with, we missed the ability to enjoy springtime in Shanghai. However, ‘Mobile Photography’ enables students to catch the end of summer, remember the colours of autumn, and walk into the warm sun of early winter. Living in Shanghai, we are able to enjoy the convenience and beauty of the city.


——7C 王众迎

Shen: We are SUIS students

‘We are all born beautiful and full of spirit because we are confident. In harmony with each other, but maintaining our uniqueness, we cooperate and innovate in our school.’

——7C Wang Zhongying


In and around the campus, students always maintain grace and confidence in front of the camera. The study of ‘16 Character Tips of Portrait Photography’ enabled them to discover different types of seemingly undetectable charm from their classmates.


——8B 江美孜

Bu: Choosing SUIS Qingpu without regret

‘The professional relationship with any teacher at SUIS Qingpu can be described as one that is both teacher and friend. The team of professional teachers at our school produces resolute students and supportive parents. Join us! The beautiful campus environment and diverse campus culture will never make you regret joining our community.’

——8B Jiang Meizi


Students with mobile phones who formed teams to capture images of school life became a regular sight around the campus. The objects in their camera lens were beautiful sceneries around the school: students' concentration in class, their vitality in sports, their rigour while creating, their joy after reading, their friendship at play, their hard work in training, the seriousness of their debating, and the wonderful moments when interacting with their teachers. All these make campus life at SUIS Qingpu most enviable.

“生活就像摄影,你不能留下取景框里的所有, 只留你最想留的,值得锁定的焦点永远只有一个,除此之外,虚化、压黑、裁剪……纷繁从未停止,生活需要构图,屏息凝神,只为定格一个目标。”

——8A 林德昊

Xi: Hold your breath and focus on light and shadow

‘Life is like photography, you cannot keep everything, only what you want to keep. There is always only one focus worth focusing on. Blurring, pressing black and cutting …… The complexity never stops. Like photography, life requires composition. Hold your breath to focus on a target.’

——8A Lin Dehao


Photography is pleasing, but the process is serious. To get a satisfactory picture, students walk from street to street, stop for countless times, even under the hot sun or in the rainy night. No matter if encountering problems or getting fantastic photos, students always communicate with their tutors in the learning group and make progress together.


Through one semester's study, the teachers and students of the mobile photography class have created more than five hundred works, most of which have shown the themes of ‘Shanghai city’, students' spiritual outlook, campus cultural atmosphere, and artistic photography exploration. A total of 180 works were selected for exhibition under the theme of ‘shen sheng bu xi’. After the end of the pandemic, we look forward to hosting our first joint exhibition on campus for the mobile photography class, and also look forward to the arrival of the second phase of participating students.





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