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耀中耀华教育网络YCYW Education

发布日期:2023-02-03 10:58:44

One of YCIS's signature calling cards is its commitment to the development of each student's character, which will help them to make the correct choices later in life. From Early Childhood to Upper Secondary, every YCIS student realises the importance of helping others in order to work towards creating a better world. These objectives of our Character Education Programme, emphasised in daily lessons, weekly assemblies, and other activities beyond the classroom walls, are essential, to YCIS education and the creation of global citizens.


This semester, we started two new character education programmes, the keyholder programme and mentoring programme.


Keyholder Programme 小主人项目

The keyholder programme aims to raise students' ownership and make them believe in their ability to contribute to the school community. Every student from year 1 to year 13 has the opportunity to be a keyholder. The nomination is made by the head of primary and secondary. They will choose one student from each section, lower primary, upper primary, lower secondary and upper secondary. The keyholder badge changes to new students twice a month.


During this period, the keyholder will wear the nametag to show the spirit of ownership and serve the school community. For instance, supporting the teacher on duty at break/ lunch time, helping organise students during assemblies, and helping motivate students to keep the school spaces clean and friendly.


Mr Stephen O' Connor

Western Co-Principal 外籍校长

It is to recognise students who can take extra responsibility by completing a variety of tasks outside of the classroom. It is also to help build students' confidence, show empowerment within the school and build up their skills. As previously mentioned, it is for year one to year 13 students as this doesn't matter, as students can demonstrate their care, love and skills by becoming keyholders.

The impact it has on the student is it gives them the opportunity to do good things within the school and community and to demonstrate that they support and initiative. It also allows students to learn new skills giving them confidence and resilience. To become a keyholder programme student is a great honour to them and for the school, as they can show their commitment and motivation to do good things for the school and for themselves.



Keyholder Say


As a keyholder, I helped to take care of my classroom by tidying up and organising the class, helped my classmates to do their schoolwork, helped to pick up litter around the school, and I played safely with the year one at break time! I like being the keyholder!


Year2 Tojo Anna 二年级 东条杏夏

I helped motivate the students to keep the gym clean, tidy up the balls and equipment, and support the students to line up neatly and stay 1m apart. I turned off the lights after we ended a class. Like this, I served the school and helped others. 

After the keyholder program, this sentence came to my mind: Love others as I love myself. I felt happy and proud while I served the school community and helped others. The keyholder program has made me an unforgettable experience.



Year 8 Rosy 八年级 张艺韩

During the two weeks of the key holder program, I have been involved in and encouraged others in energy conservation within the school. At the same time, I actively seek ways to help others, including helping others put back sports equipment, giving out mental support to younger students, and more. This program has given me a great chance to do something new, which was very rewarding. I also learned the importance of giving out support to others and paying attention to details that others may need help with.


Year 13 Gloria 十三年级 高雅

Mentoring Programme 导师项目

Gretchen Clarke

Life Skills Teacher and Character Education Leader


The mentoring programme is designed to help create stronger connections in our school community. The idea is for staff to create mentoring relationships with smaller groups of students and for older students to learn how to mentor younger students. The aim is to create a caring community where staff and students feel connected and valued.



The mentoring programme is arranged at 8:00-8:10 each Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. We have divided the students into small groups of 10-12 students based on their house team colour. Each group has a designated teacher serving as the lead mentor. The groups are made up of students from Y4-Y13. In the beginning, the groups were teacher-led. As we progress, the upper secondary students will begin to take increasing leadership of the mentoring groups. The groups sit in a circle to ensure all members are on an equal level and can see each other's faces clearly. This contributes to the sense of belonging and shared values. Each group has a small coloured ball that matches their house team's colour. They pass this around the circle as they share their thoughts so that the person who is speaking is always holding the ball. 



house game 多种多样的游戏

The groups use a variety of team-building games, ice-breaking games, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) stories that explore different character traits or virtues. Each circle time is designed to build connections, encourage open sharing of ideas and feelings, and develop stronger character. 


This year we have chosen our topics in order to better explore some of the important focuses of YCIS Qingdao. We are studying the 4 virtues in the YCYW motto: Diligence, Frugality, Humility, and Faithfulness. We are also studying the four school definitions of Global Citizenship, Internationalism, Digital Citizenship, and Learning. We have tried to pair these topics with special events happening on our campus so that students can see how these virtues and definitions connect to our school life. For example, we paired Internationalism with our International Day event, Learning with our Book Week Event, and Humility with our celebration of Christmas. We hope that learning this way will help our students work together to make connections between their character development and their daily lives.


We hope the students will benefit from this in many ways 


01.Feeling connected to the community


02.Feeling supported by teachers 


03.Feeling empowered to support other students


04.Developing confidence in communication skills


05.Developing stronger character


06.Increased academic achievement typically follows when students feel like valued and supported members of the community


Through those character education programmes, we hope our students can build well-rounded characters, be open-minded, be confident in themselves, and embrace changes at all times. If you wonder how YCIS develop 'globally competent and compassionate global citizens', you may find the answer in this way.



文章转载自:【耀中耀华教育网络YCYW Education】




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