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华旭双语 原华师双语

发布日期:2023-02-03 11:21:10

上海华旭双语学校寒假特别推出-英文有声阅读系列寒假伴你读,遇见一本好书 打开一个世界,用童声童心,温暖整个寒冬。



Fantastic Mr. Fox is a children’s book written in 1968 by famed author Roald Dahl. Its main characters are a number of personified animals, including the Mr. Fox of the title. The story follows his adventures as he tries to outwit the farmer who lives near him.

Teacher Isaac

English Teacher



Isaac is from Australia. He holds a BA degree in language, from Waikato University in New Zealand. He is a professional teacher with more than 10 years experience in educating people of all ages.



Someone's been stealing from the three meanest farmers around, and they know the identity of the thief—it's Fantastic Mr. Fox! Working alone they could never catch him; but now fat Boggis, squat Bunce, and skinny Bean have joined forces, and they have Mr. Fox and his family surrounded. What they don't know is that they're not dealing with just any fox—Mr. Fox would rather die than surrender. Only the most fantastic plan can save him now.

He was humming to himself as he put the bricks back in place.'I can still taste that glorious cider,'he said.'What an impudent fellow Rat is.'

Mr Fox sang a little song as he ran:'Home again swiftly I glide,Back to my beautiful bride.She’ll not feel so rotten. As soon as she's gotten.Some cider inside her inside.'

They grabbed their jars of cider and off they went. Mr Fox was in front, the Smallest Fox came next and Badger last.

'Keep it up, my darlings!' shouted Mr Fox. ' We'll soon be there! Think what's waiting for us at the other end!

var audio2 = new BeePlayer({element: document.getElementById("audio-2"),music:{title: "Guess How Much I Love You -G4", author: "华旭双语 原华师双语",pic: "", url: "http://res.wx.qq.com/voice/getvoice?mediaid=MzIyMDAzNTg2NV8yNjUyMzE5MDMx"}}); audio2.init();

Guess How Much I Love You is a timeless picture book about love that has enchanted millions of readers around the world. As they hop their way to bedtime, Little Nutbrown Hare wants to tell Big Nutbrown Hare how much he loves him. But it’s not so easy to measure love - is it higher than you can jump? Taller than you can stretch? Little Nutbrown Hare tries to find bigger and better ways to express his love as he stretches his arms and hops as high as he can saying “I love you THIS much”, but as he drifts off to sleep Big Nutbrown Hare has the last word “I love you right up to the moon… and BACK”.

Scott & Shelley

Teacher Scott

English Teacher



Scott is from the Lake District in the United Kingdom. He has a bachelors degree with honours in Media Studies from the University of Bradford. He previously taught at Xinhua Academy in Hefei, Anhui. Scott now works in the SABS Beech department.

Teacher Shelley

English Teacher



Shelley is from Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a BA in Visual Arts and is currently pursuing her MA in Arts Education. She has taught various ages from Pre-K to high school, and is passionate about education and lifelong learning. 


"I love you all the way up to my toes!" he said.

"And I love you all the way up to your toes," said Big Nutbrown Hare,swinging him upover his head.

"I love you all the way dowm the lane as far as the river," said Little Nutbrown Hare.

"i love you across the river and over the hills,"said Big Nutbrown Hare.

文章转载自:【华旭双语 原华师双语】




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