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发布日期:2023-05-09 12:06:22





In this edition of MACDUFFIE Student Interview, we have invited two excellent students from Class 11AC, namely Elizabeth and Andy.


Let's go inside these two students and listen to their story with MacDuffie!


金颖 |  Elizabeth获奖经历 Award Experience


FBLA Business Management


FBLA Social Innovation 2.0 


Conrad Challenge


China Thinks Big


Asia Schools Open 







Reading, movies, speech and debate, baking


伍愿臻  |  Andy获奖经历 Award Experience



Australian Mathematics Competition: High Distinction (Grade 10, Intermediate, 2022)


The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad: China National Silver Award (2022)


British Physics Olympiad 2022-2023 Bronze Ⅱ(Global Rnaking)




Comprehensive Performance Award


Excellent Student Union Officer (2022.11.28)


Second Prize in English Speech Contest of 2022 



Citibank Investment Analysis Virtual Internship Program (from July 30, 2022 to August 30, 2022)


Asdan China Business Simulation 2020-2022-2023




What are the difficulties to be overcome in transferring to an international school? What was the most memorable experience?


At the beginning, I may feel uncomfortable with the courses of international system because the language and content focus are different from those of domestic courses. After I transfer to an international school, I will have much more freedom in arranging extracurricular activities and free time. Therefore, I need to cultivate my time-management ability and self-discipline to effectively manage my free time.

The most memorable experience is that I started my own club after I entered MacDuffie. I received a lot of support from teachers and the school. It can be seen that the focus of international school includes extracurricular life as well as study.




In my opinion, the biggest difficulty for international schools and public schools is that the requirements for independent learning have become much higher, especially for students who attend American high school courses. In addition to the courses learned in school, I also learned several AP courses by myself to better qualify for application.

In the learning process of these courses, I need to plan the course progress by myself, look for supporting resources, and take classes in spare time. Since there was no teacher to teach and supervise like a normal course, I had to make sure that I studied and prepared efficiently before the scheduled test time. The most unforgettable experience for me was the welcoming ceremony for freshmen last semester.

I had never watched the performance with all the teachers and students in the evening by candlelight, and this experience left a deep impression on me.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>


Why did you choose to enroll in MACDUFFIE AP Class?


I have an American passport, so I plan to go to college in the United States and settle down there in the future. There are many Ap courses that I am interested in and plan to take outside exams in the future (calculus, American history, chemistry, economics). Most of them are in small class sizes, which can ensure the mastery of knowledge and give students personalized instruction.




Because I have studied in the United States for a while, I have developed a great interest in American education methods and courses. In the study within the system, the heavy learning pressure makes me unable to learn the extra AP courses well, so I want to find an international school suitable for me. The beautiful environment and responsible principal teachers of MacDuffie made me feel that I could get the most help here, so I chose MacDuffie's AP course.




What do you think is different about the school when you are a student at MacDuffie?


First of all, the campus environment is very beautiful, the green area is large, which will not make people feel depressed. I also like the school atmosphere of MacDuffie very much. The study pressure is not too great, and I can feel the humanistic care. The teachers are very approachable and give enough attention to each student. You can ask them directly if you don't know something. There is no need to make up extra lessons.




I think the biggest difference in learning in MacDuffie is what you learn and how you learn. As I mentioned above, the American High School curriculum have high requirements for independent study, and also a high requirement for grade points, that is, GPA. I have to actively participate in all activities, conscientiously complete all assignments, including oral assignments, and maintain sufficient speaking and interaction in each class.

This is quite different from my previous study where I just finished my homework and exams. Here I learned how to communicate with others, work together on group projects, and even how to express my ideas accurately with teachers and classmates.


Do you have any personal interests after school?


I like reading books, watching movies and documentaries, and sometimes I make some food and drinks by myself. I have also participated in many activities and competitions related to speeches and debates.



My hobbies in my spare time are basketball, badminton and violin. Basketball and violin are my hobbies for many years, and I have paid a lot of efforts and sweat. I developed badminton under the influence of my classmates.

After all, the badminton facilities in our school are quite good and many people are willing to participate. Maybe because I don't want to sweat after exercise to affect the subsequent classes, I have developed a deep interest in badminton, a sport that can not only exercise physical strength, but also exercise reaction speed.




What do I want to say to my class teacher and classmates?


I was transferred to American High School in grade 11, but it took me a long time to adapt to the new environment, so I would like to thank my head teacher and classmates for their warm and friendly treatment of me, so that I can integrate into the group smoothly, and have a lot of wonderful experiences shared with them. I hope you can achieve the desired development in your future life, study and career!



What I want to say most to the class teacher is: "Teacher Du, come on! Thank you for your care and help all the time. I wish you all the best in your future work and life."


What I want to say to my classmates is: "High school study is one of the most important stages in our life, study hard, but at the same time enjoy life, it is not to let down yourself."




What are your personal goals and future plans? What efforts have you made to achieve your dream?

Elizabeth:在美本申请上我想尽量冲刺一下综排Top20-30的Reach school,或者顶尖一些的文理学院,学习政经或者商科相关的专业。我已经考完了sat和托福两个很重要的标化,现在到申请季打断做人文方向的科研,并在暑假的时候开始规划文书。

In the application of the universities in America, I want to try my best to go to the top20-30 reach school, or some top liberal arts colleges, to study political economics or business related majors. I have finished the SAT and TOEFL, two very important standardized exams. Now I will stop doing scientific research in humanities during the application season and start to plan the documents during the summer vacation.



My goal for my future university is to be admitted to one of the top 30 universities ranked by QS, and I want to study applied mathematics as my major. In order to achieve this goal, I try my best to study hard in every subject and do not miss any chance to improve myself.

I am strict with the quality of every homework and class, and always pay attention to my GPA and any problems that need me to correct. At the same time, I also try to take as many AP courses as possible in my limited one year to increase the competitiveness of my application. The road to realize the dream is never smooth sailing. In this most beautiful and passionate youth, I think all the efforts are worth it.

班主任寄语 “金颖同学刚刚进入美高班的时候,是一个比较内向的小姑娘,慢慢的和同学们熟悉了之后,她逐渐变得活泼开朗了起来,也比较适应学校的生活。目前金颖同学的标化考试托福语言成绩达到了114分,SAT达到了1550分。目前在班级里的成绩也是十分稳定的,GPA在3.8左右。由于金颖同学具有很强的组织能力和文案编辑能力,本学期她创建了校园公众号社团和饮品文化社,社团活动丰富多彩,赢得了广大同学们的喜爱。我相信金颖同学在接下来的学习生活中会更加的出彩,能够在即将来临的申请季拿到心仪的offer。”

Elizabeth was an introverted girl when she just entered the American High School class. After getting familiar with her classmates, she has gradually become lively and cheerful and has adapted to the school life.

At present, she got 114 points in TOEFL and 1550 points in SAT. And her academic performance in the class is also very stable, with a GPA of 3.8. Due to her strong organizational ability and copy editing ability, Jin Ying set up a campus public account club and a beverage culture club this semester. The club activities are colorful, and she has won the favor of the students.

I believe that Jin Ying will be more outstanding in her future study and life, and she will get the offer she is interested in in the coming application season.


Andy has always been a self-disciplined student with clear goals. His down-to-earth and diligent learning spirit can serve as a model for anyone, and his meticulous learning attitude is an important guarantee for his steady improvement in academic performance.

Currently, Wu's TOEFL score has reached 108 points, and he plans to take the TOEFL test again in the summer vacation to get a score above 110 points. At the same time, Wu has been preparing for the ACT exam, expecting him to get excellent results. In addition to his excellent academic performance, Wu has actively participated in various activities inside and outside the school.

The most important thing in life is to struggle, the most rare is to insist. I hope Wu will get the offer that he is interested in.








Focus on learning and be steady

Take the dream on the road, chase light

I hope the two students can always maintain

Confident and efficient learning

Fly high in the future and realize your dreams

MacDuffie wishes you

The future journey, get what you want, harvest full





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