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发布日期:2021-09-02 15:18:01

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语



I am very happy to see so many students receiving their awards today. I hope to see more students on stage to receive the award.

To begin with, I would like to share a story. It is said that Alexander the Great once built a library for Aristotle, the great philosopher and scientist. Later, unfortunately, the library was destroyed by fire. However, two or three of the books were rescued. Inside one of the books was an old piece of parchment with a treasure map on it. The parchment said that on the shore of the Black Sea, there was a pile of black stones, and in this pile of stones was hidden a magic stone. This stone looked like other stones, but it was warm. If anyone could find this stone, he could use it to turn stones into gold.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语

消息一出,大家都想获得藏宝图,实现自己的发财梦。其中有一个人,幸运地获得了藏宝图,并根据藏宝图在黑海旁的悬崖边上找到了这样一堆黑石头。但是石头堆实在太多了,  他分不清哪块是那个神奇的石头,也无法判断自己是不是已经摸过哪个石头。于是,他想出了一个聪明的办法。将自己摸过的,测试过的石头,直接扔到悬崖下面,这样就可以逐步缩小范围。



As soon as the news came out, everyone wanted to get the treasure map and become rich. One of them was lucky enough to get the map and find such a pile of black stones on the edge of a cliff next to the Black Sea. However, the pile was so large that he could not tell which one was the magic one or which ones he had already checked. Later, he came up with a clever idea: throw the stones he had touched and tested off the cliff. 

He kept checking, but they were all cold stones, so he kept throwing them off the cliff every day. One day, ten years later, he suddenly touched a warm stone. It was the magic stone! He was ecstatic, tears streaming down his face, but out of habit, he threw the stone off the cliff. 

Whether this story is true or not is unknown, but it has been passing on for a long time in the Western world. It tells us not to ignore the power of habit.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语

我们的人生不过是无数习惯的总和。 其实,我们每个人的一言一行,一举一动,都深受着习惯的影响。从日常习惯中,便可看出一个人今后能否取得成功,这便是习惯的力量。曾经有人专门做了研究,想知道穷人为什么穷,富人为什么富。经过五年的调查研究,他发现富人身上都具备一些很好的习惯,而这些习惯穷人很少具备。这些习惯便是:经常阅读,坚持早起,每天花费30—40分钟思考问题,不盲目,不从众。这些习惯短时期内做起来很容易,长时期坚持却十分困难,也正是因为这些习惯,才使得他们走向了完全不同的命运。

Our life is nothing but the sum of our habits. In fact, every word we say and every action we take is deeply affected by our habits. We can tell if a person is likely to succeed from his habits. One person tried to find out why the poor were poor and why the rich were rich. After five years of research, he found that rich people had some good habits that poor people rarely had. These habits are: read often, get up early, and think for 30 to 40 minutes a day. Those people had their own thinking and they never followed the crowd. These habits, which are easy to do in a short time, yet difficult to persist for a long time. That is where there disparity started. 

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语  

孩子间的差距日益拉大是什么原因?有时候并不是智商的高低,而是每天的一些日常习惯。习惯的力量是不容小觑的。你一旦养成一些好习惯,你就将自在的在轨道上运行,也不会觉得坚持下去是一件很困难的事情。 所有的不平凡,都源自一个个平凡的小习惯。平时未雨绸缪,关键时刻便能决胜千里。习惯的力量是强大的,每一次看似不经意的小行为,一点一滴地成长起来,就能带给我们脱胎换骨的变化。 日本人铃木一郎在美国职业棒球联盟创下一年最多安打记录时,说了这么一句话:“获得惊人成绩唯一的途径,就是重复每一个小步骤。” 这句话正说明了“习惯”的力量!我们每天都应该不断重复生活中的正确的事儿,重复每一个小动作,不断精进,让自己成为一个习惯复利人!正所谓:“滴水穿石,绳锯木断”,做任何事情,贵在坚持,贵在持之以恒。 

Why are there growing gaps among the students? It's more because of their daily habits than their IQs. The power of habit shall not be underestimated. Once you have some good habits, you'll be on the right track and won't find it difficult to carry them on. All the extraordinary starts with ordinary little habits. If you have been preparing for a rainy day while it is sunny, you can still be at ease when the rain comes. The power of habit is powerful: every seemingly casual little behavior, one by one, can transform a person. When Ichiro Suzuki set the record for the most hits in a year in the American Major League Baseball, he said, the only way to achieve amazing results is to repeat every small step. This shows the power of "habit"! Every day, we should repeat the right things in our life, repeat every little good action and constantly improve ourselves! As the saying goes, "Constant dropping wears away a stone; little strokes fell great oaks."  Perseverance is the key to doing anything successfully.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语


孔子曾说过:“少成若天性,习惯成自然。” 大意就是儿时养出的好习惯,会像天性一样,深深地刻在骨子中。






In fact, our decades of educational experience have taught us that no matter how smart a person is, if he or she does not consistently adhere to good habits, he or she will not achieve as much as someone who is relatively ordinary but consistently adheres to good habits.

Confucius once said, "Little is nature; habit is nature." The idea is that the good habits developed in childhood will be deeply engraved in our bones like nature.

The great educator Ye Shengtao once said: the essence of education is to cultivate good habits. Continuous good actions can form a good habit, and good habits mean good life. Habits also determine a person's character.

There are many cases to prove the huge power of habits. For example, once a manager decided who he should hire from the three candidate in an interview only by observing their behaviors and habits. Our habits imprint upon us.

The "Wen Hui" scholarship we just awarded is donated anonymously by a parent of our community. The total number of students awarded in one semester is 50, and each winner is awarded 1000 RMB scholarship. The name "Wen Hui" originates from the Buddhist saying of three types of wisdom: "Wen Si Xiu.”“Wen” means to hear; “Si”means to think and to understand; “Xiu”means to experience and practice in reality. This award is to encourage students to take the initiative to learn, think, and practice. The gaining of any knowledge and skill in the world can’t be achieved without "Wen, Si, Xiu". Only through practicing these three steps can one develop real inner wisdom.

I don't know if you have noticed that winners of the following top scholarships after the Wenhui Scholarship are basically all from "Wen Hui" scholarship winners. “Wenhui” scholarship pays more attention to students' virtues and deeds, so that we can encourage good behaviors and attitudes. If you want to get a top scholarship, you need to first join the Wenhui Scholarship first by starting from developing good habits.

Let's take actions and develop good habits!

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>2021年秋季学期陈文国总校长开学典礼寄语

文 | 陈文国

翻译 | Irene

排版|  Jang


Our values:Dignity、Honor、Respect、Integrity









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