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上海高藤致远创新学校每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

发布日期:2021-10-15 16:51:19



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After the National Day holiday, SHTCS Morning Meeting Broadcast continues as normal. Summarized in one sentence as "family affairs, national affairs and world affairs", the morning session today took us on a journey from far to near: from international issues like America-related current political news and Sino-US relations, to the recent national issue of power restriction. And at last, we focused on the "family affairs" of campus - the recognition of progress and outstanding students.

Without further ado, let’s get right to it.

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

1学生分享:U Sure About this (USA)?

Student-Sharing: U Sure About this (USA)?

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

U Sure About this (USA)?





近几年美国的形势有目共睹,似乎已使“美式生活”褪去光环。经济上,川普不顾全球化发展肆意推行贸易保护和孤立政策,引发中美贸易大战;美国国内,Me Too 等社会运动对美国社会环境造成冲击;国际上,美国疫情中的表现和失败的阿富汗撤军对美国的世界声誉造成毁灭性打击。




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After a brief introduction by hostess Lan, students Anthea and Will from the US Program shared their thoughts on America-related current events, the country where they are going to study in the future, and Sino-US relations. It is true what the students said in the speech: ‘As students preparing to study in the United States, we should be concerned about the impact of the current social situation in the United States on our own lives.’

Before the sharing begins, the two hosts asked the audience to listen to an audio and think about the following questions: What of America has attracted our attention over the past century, and what is the United States proud of?

The rest of the speech answered the above questions with a brief historical review of America's post-World War II economic glory, its self-proclaimed liberal and democratic society, and its remarkable academic achievements.

However, the speech took an abrupt turn and a sharp question was thrown out: is the same old “American Style of Life” still desirable?

The American situation in recent years is there for all to see, which had seemed to take the shine off the "American life". Economically, Trump willfully implemented trade protection and isolation policies in disregard of the development of globalization, triggering a Sino-US trade war; "Me Too" and other social movements shook the social environment; America's performance in the pandemic and the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan have dealt a devastating blow to its global reputation.

From these questions, we can see that students from the US Program have been paying attention to and thinking about international current affairs and political issues, and have a far-sighted international vision. 

The two speakers' final remarks were also sonorous and thought-provoking:

As prospective international students who’re planning to study abroad, we should think more about today's dramatic international situation, for example - how to correctly look at the so-called "American liberalism" ? As Chinese students, we should also think about how to not only learn technical and cultural knowledge from the West, but also represent China and tell Chinese stories well.

 <a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事  

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事


Teacher-Sharing: Game behind power restriction in northeast China





In the teacher sharing session, teacher Claude from the physics discipline analyzed and explained the recent power restriction problems in Northeast China from three aspects: "event review", "reasons for power restriction", "solutions and prospects".

Power rationing first began in December last year and spread to a large number of provinces and cities across the country in September this year. From restricting production of industrial enterprises to affecting people's life and urban operation, the scale was larger and impact more serious. It can be seen from this that our ordinary daily lives are the result of people trying to keep the city running.

"If you have taken physics classes, you know that China's power transmission system is one of the best in the world," teacher Claud said. "So why are there so many large-scale power cuts?" Through student Gilgamesh’s answer and teacher Claud's further in-depth analysis, we know that the main reasons are as follows: the northeast electricity gap is unbalanced; reform in supply-side drives high coal prices and the game mechanism behind coal-fired generation is not smooth. All of these boil down to energy problems, which is why teacher Claude returned to the subject of physics at the end of the outlook section and wished our country to realize controlled nuclear fusion at an early date for the benefit of mankind. 

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事


Progress and outstanding Student Recognition 

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事




杨卓然 乔一林 贠思

洁袁筱烁 曹屹霖

G11 尹李睿 陆亦宸 王小雨

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事


G9 白英华 G12 陈晗 张皓程 美高  孙婧闵 张澜玥 德国班  全晰源 刘人境

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事


<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事 <a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

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After taking a look at current events at home and abroad, let's see what happens in this morning's meeting on "family matters" : The September Awards for Progressive and Outstanding Students.

The selection criteria of "Progress Star" are students who have made outstanding progress in academic performance, learning attitude and code of conduct. The winners are:


Zhuoran Yilin Jessie 

Cindy Hades

G11 Joyce Ethan Amelia

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

The criteria for "Outstanding Student" are those students whose outstanding performance has been unanimously recognized by the subject teachers and who have set an example in learning and behaviour. Students who received this special honor in September are:

G9 Eric G12 Cynthia Allen US Program Program Anthea Lan Germany Program Jolanda Alice

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事

Principal Li issued certificates of honor to the winning students, who have also earned a chance to spin the ‘Reward Wheel’.

<a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事 <a href=https://school.net/school/516.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海高藤致远创新学校</a>每周晨会播报 | 家事国事天下事



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And that's all for this morning session. We’ll see you in the next episode of SHTCS Morning Meeting Broadcast. 





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