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发布日期:2021-11-18 11:20:00



The CAS time on the afternoon of Nov.8 saw a sharing session given by Ms. Guo Shengfang, an experienced lecturer and adviser in parenting education and adolescent sex education. Invited by SHBS Parents and School Association, she focused her lecture on the topic of young love.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>家长大讲堂青春期主题分享


Adolescents are in a stage full of rapid physical and psychological changes, so it’s easy to for them to get rash and emotional. They are particularly sensitive to interpersonal relationships, and curious about the opposite sex and sex, so they need parents and school to give them appropriate instruction. The SHBS Parents and School Association attaches great importance to the sex education of teenagers. Actually, Ms Guo’s lecture was one in a series of educational activities organized by the association.


<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>家长大讲堂青春期主题分享

Ms Guo's way of handling the topic was unique, so she immediately caught the attention of students and easily identified with them. The whole lecture centered on a high school girl’s love diary, showing the students the whole process of her young love, beginning with admiration and passion, followed by expressing her love to the boy, enjoying an intimate relationship, and ending with breakup. In addition,  in each stage of the girl ‘s emotional development, that is, when she faces different emotional challenges, Ms Guo instructed the students to discuss, explained psychological mechanism behind the thoughts, shared some proper perspectives to look at those challenges, and gave them methodological instructions.


Ms. Guo led the students to think deeply about why they like a person, what quality of his they like.  When you begin to like someone, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Maybe what you like is just what you think of him, not who he really is.  Therefore, before deciding to commit to a relationship, it is also necessary to discern calmly.  When you focus on the other person, the "projection" effect in psychology, which is "the phenomenon of subconsciously transferring characteristics to others according to our own needs", also comes into play and affects your cognition and judgment. Thus, it requires us to rationally know and understand the other person.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>家长大讲堂青春期主题分享

Ms. Guo also led students to discuss the contradictory relationship between intimate relationship and their academics in high school.  It's normal for teenagers to be curious about the opposite sex, develop a crush and want to develop close relationships.  Some students said that since their time and energy are limited, intimate relationship will affect their study; others said that falling in love can help motivate each other academically.  Ms. Guo reminded us that love and learning do not conflict each other on condition that the two lovers should have self-control, have long-term goals and short-term planning, can manage their time, can deal with emotional problems (trust and communication).  If they can handle these, their relationship may help the two grow up.  If you can't handle this relationship, well, it will really might have a negative effect on your study.


When it comes to the topic of "being rejected when confessing one's love to him or her",  Ms. Guo reminded students to be mature, wise and elegant. We should respect each other's wills instead of pestering others, and cope with our own emotions. The fact that he or she doesn’t love you doesn't mean you are not good enough, but just means you two don’t match. These experiences offer us opportunities to be more independent, confident and tolerant. 


While discussing whether teenagers decide to go further in their "intimate relationships," Guo reminded students of the possible dangers of adolescent sex, such as unwanted pregnancy, abortion and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.  In addition, sexual behavior can also bring about great psychological changes for teenagers.  Teenagers are not yet fully responsible for themselves and others, so they must set and keep the boundaries of their relationships.  Be sure to take protective measures in case the rational thoughts fail to hold back the impulses. 

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>家长大讲堂青春期主题分享


The education and guidance on puberty cannot be accomplished overnight. Instead, they require the joint efforts of both parents and the school and rely on continuous attention and guidance from both sides.  We believe that this seminar will help students raise their awareness of “setting correct boundaries for relationships”. 


文 | Irene Ma

翻译 | Dawn Xu

排版 | Jang



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