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发布日期:2021-12-02 17:19:26

Stimulate the inner strength for growth

G10,Class 1,吴想






G12,Class 1,王锦怡





 G12,Class 2,仇丁妮

You come from the depths of time, all the way beautiful scenery, take me to pursue the best tomorrow.

There are so many wonderful things in life, so many difficulties and setbacks, and I feel the most happy thing is to have someone by my side to accompany me, accompany me in my childhood, my youth, my future. She is the last person in my life who loves me. She is the one person in my life I should thank the most. She is my mother. When I was sick, you were by my side. When I am in pain, you are by my side. When I am wronged, you are by my side. When I need you the most, you always give me love, so I am not afraid of any difficulties, because you are by my side, my life is so beautiful. I don't know how I can thank you for everything you have brought me, but I will remember what you have done for me, and I will try my best to give you the best life.

The most vast in the world is the sea; more vast than the sea is the sky; more vast than the sky is the human heart. Your heart is my greatest support, give my life to you, give me happy is that you, encourage you to me, give me the future is you, you gave me too much, you pay so much to me, but not enough half sentence complaint, you are not required to return, you said you did to me all the things for granted, the vast mind you give me the direction of life, in my bit by bit Deep down, although I have never said a word of thanks to you, in my heart, you are the one who should be thanked most.

In our life, there are a lot of people worthy of our gratitude, our family, our friends, our teachers, or even inadvertently give us a help to gratitude, we should all people live in this world, if can't learn Thanksgiving others, so he is not to feel grateful, that person no matter how much he good, he also did not deserve the appreciation of others.

I think everyone should be grateful to her mother, is the mother worked so hard to give you birth, bear great pain but no complaints. Mother's love is the greatest love in the world, we should go to life Thanksgiving Thanksgiving, is a verb, we should use action to show; Thanksgiving, is a noun, we want to use language to express; Learn to be grateful for everything in the world, there will be too much happiness in life, Thanksgiving into life, work out a beautiful life.

G12,Class 2,褚奕玮










G12,Class 2,龚柏霖

Thanksgiving, a word that has been with you all your life since you were born, is not only a traditional Chinese virtue, but also a responsibility that one must fulfill. That's why Thanksgiving came into being Thank your parents for getting up early to prepare breakfast for you; Thank you for teachers’ tireless education; Thank your friends for helping you when you are in trouble; Even thank those barriers that appear on your growth path, which teach you to be strong, patient, optimistic and bear.

When I got up in the morning, who put a cup of fragrant and pure hot milk on the table; After school in the afternoon, who is quietly looking at the door, hoping that you can go home completely; When it rains, who is waiting patiently with an umbrella at the school gate; Who made the bed before going to bed at night. No doubt it's your family. They have paid so much for me. Don't we want to thank our family with a grateful heart? I want to thank my mother for the cup of fragrant and pure milk she prepared for me; Thank her for her patience; Thank her for her quiet help.

Early in the morning, I got up very early. With a grateful heart, I heated a cup of fragrant and pure milk for my mother. Mother woke up, saw the milk on the table, took a sip and smiled. Mother said that the milk was more fragrant and purer than anyone in the world, because the milk was full of my concern for her. In the afternoon, as soon as the school bell rang, I was the first to fly out of the classroom, stood at the door with a grateful heart, looked around quietly, waiting for my mother to come home from work. When my mother came back, she saw me looking around and smiled excited. It's raining. School is very early. When I get home, my mother hasn't come back yet. I took my umbrella and rushed to the rain, waiting for my mother with a grateful heart. Mother smiled happily when she saw me in the rain. Mother said that although the whole body was still wet that day, it seemed that the rain on her body was warm. In the evening, I helped my mother make the bed with gratitude when my mother didn't pay attention. My mother saw it and smiled happily. Mother said she never slept as comfortable as that day because she was wrapped in silent love. When she woke up, my mother saw the pure hot milk on the table again.

A cup of hot milk, a waiting, an umbrella and a small behavior are such ordinary little things in life that they can no longer be ordinary, but they can make your parents and family feel your care and return to him. In the face of selfless love from our parents, how can we not return and be grateful? Parents give us life, parents take care of our growth, and parents take care of our daily life. We should hold a grateful heart and be a crutch for parents when their parents are busy, so that they can relax and be happy; In the scorching sun, a big umbrella for parents to shield them from the scorching summer sun.

G12,Class 2,王炜程

Grateful heart, thank you..." I don't know how many people's voices are sung in this song "grateful heart".

A few faint clouds floated across the blue sky, leaving no trace. This is like the beloved teachers who silently contribute to us, moistening things silently. Teachers, preach, teach and dispel doubts.

People come and go in their life. There are many people passing by our life, which makes us remember deeply. There are often few people who let us remember our kindness. For our students, teachers are definitely one of them.

Thanks to you, we have the color of pen and ink in our youth. You are unforgettable on the podium, you are unforgettable in the late night office, you are unforgettable in the classroom, you teach us learning methods and answer questions for us. The foundation of goodness lies in teaching, and the foundation of teaching lies in teachers. I always think that students do not meet teachers at the best time, but meet teachers, and they achieve the best time. I still remember that day, you dressed in cheongsam, took us to really feel the fun of classical literature, introduced us to the long-standing Chinese culture, and told us to inherit the Chinese tradition. It was you who led us to open our literary dream. From then on, Tang poetry and Song Ci let us soar. It is you who installed the wings of dreams for us, so that we can see the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and all the mountains and rivers we can see.

A spring silkworm may not stop spinning silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. It is precisely because of the guidance of teachers that we will not lose ourselves in a busy life. Gratitude to the teacher is not only a thank you, but also an endeavor falling into practice. Remember the teachers' sincere instructions, learn scientific knowledge, master various skills, and strive for the rise of China and the rejuvenation of the nation.

We should have a grateful heart, thank those who have helped us, and thank those who are unknown and selfless. Only when you learn to be grateful, will there be more people who help and support you, will there be a source of happiness, and will you be happy and happy. Gratitude is not a hypocritical ceremony. Gratitude is deeply moved by the people who have helped you. Gratitude is a little warmth deep in my heart, and gratitude is a warm feeling lingering in my heart.

The fallen leaves hover in the air and compose a movement of gratitude, which is the gratitude of the tree to nourish its earth; White clouds float in the blue sky, painting moving pictures, which is the gratitude of white clouds to the blue sky that nurtures it. Because Thanksgiving will have this colorful society; Because of gratitude, there will be sincere friendship; Because Thanksgiving makes us understand the true meaning of life!

Gratitude is a kind of identity, which originates from the depths of the soul; Gratitude is a kind of return, which is clean and flawless; Gratitude is a kind of admiration, which should flow from the heart...

G12,Class 2,王易扬

When I saw the electric fan in the corner of the room, it was as if my heart had woken up at first, and the warmth of my father's love overflowed around me.

As soon as I arrived home today, I took out my frustration and boredom on my father. When my father was cooking in the kitchen, he just laughed at my discontent. He asked me if I was hungry. At the dinner table, my father gave me a dish while asking me with concern. His voice was very hoarse, but he still had a smile on his face.

I looked out of the window with boredom, the cold wind was blowing hard, leaves were blown off from time to time, and even the necks of the pedestrians wearing big cotton jackets could not help but shrink towards their clothes.

Seeing this scene, the original somewhat feverish hands became cold again, the house stopped heating, there is not a way to get warm. "Cough, cough." Behind me came the sound of my father's cough, I turned to see, my father in the room as if looking for something in the cupboard, and that cupboard is not used for a long time, all dust. I couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what are you looking for?" "This is not, the family stopped heating, I was looking for the former electric fan to find out ......" I can't help but feel a little saddened and worried that my father, who is under pressure from work, is sick.

My father raked the cupboard for a while and finally found a bagged electric fan, which was covered with dust and looked a bit old. My father put the fan in my room and carefully wiped every part of it with a rag. He kneeled on one leg and held the fan with one hand. I saw the fan getting clean one after another. And my father's hands and clothes are full of dust. Perhaps it is because of kneeling for a long time, he stood up for a moment almost fell.

My father carefully pressed the switch, and all of a sudden, the golden light enveloped the room, and the afterglow set a golden outline for my father's face, and he was still smiling, and my heart was filled with warmth and happiness.

My father was always like this, so optimistic, so selfless, he took care of everything at home, but without complaining, and still cared for me. The warmth my father brought to me has always been around me, like the tundra experiencing a spring blossom at the turn of spring and winter, moreover, I am full of warmth to life.

点评  三等奖(部分)

吴想同学的感恩对象为一个下雨天,立意很有新意。开头使用了先抑后扬的手法,但后文又如陶渊明诗句中的“欲辨已忘言”一般体现了其紧扣感恩主题,描述了她渐渐走进了雨的世界,顺畅扣题,令人回味。   王锦怡同学在文章中表达了她对父亲深深的爱,辞藻虽然不华丽,却分外温情,让人有一种非常温暖的感觉。在看到父亲写的日记之后,体会到父亲对于她的关爱,借此机会,表达了自己对父亲的感恩,让人非常感动,体会到了父母对孩子真切地爱。   仇丁妮同学的感恩信件写出了自己对妈妈的感激和对母爱的歌颂。内容非常真实感人,从身边小事写到妈妈对自己未来和人生的指导和鼓励。字里行间体现出对自己妈妈的热爱和感激。   王易扬同学的感恩信件写的都是生活中的小事件,但是细微之处体现出爸爸对她的爱,是一种乐观、包容、深厚的爱。孩子从父亲的一言一行感受到了爱,学会了成长,从而变得感恩。   王炜程同学的感恩信件把“感恩”这件事写得很唯美,道出了老师的辛勤劳作,对老师的深切感恩,也用华美的言语写出了对身边的人和事的热爱和感激。





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