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发布日期:2022-01-19 12:35:11




<a href=https://school.net/school/1223.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海金山杭州湾双语学校</a>举办华夏文化周活动


<a href=https://school.net/school/1223.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海金山杭州湾双语学校</a>举办华夏文化周活动


<a href=https://school.net/school/1223.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海金山杭州湾双语学校</a>举办华夏文化周活动

宋朝的集市更为热闹:“爆竹声中一岁除, 春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户曈曈日,总把新桃换旧符。” 教室被打扮成了宋代集市的样子,同学们走入其中,仿佛身临其境,置身于一个个大街小巷中。在观看敦煌画九色鹿时,莫高窟的美景令人惊叹,让人如痴如醉。孔明锁、猜字谜,同学们也玩儿这些传统的游戏,融入到古人日常娱乐生活之中。



<a href=https://school.net/school/1223.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海金山杭州湾双语学校</a>举办华夏文化周活动
Indulging in the past time of history is glorious and splendid. What a magestic view it is!

Kongzi said that, “ l have heard Laozi is very versed in both ancient and modern learnings.” That’s the reason why HBBSS hold the annual Chinese Culture Week. Students indulge in the long history of China, and appreciate the beauty of traditional culture.

“The wind howls over the frisid waters, the vigorous departs to never return.” During the period of Zhanguo, many heroes did valiant recordz. Students from Grade Six decorates the classroom with the topic of the countries in the period of Zhanguo. They also watch the video about the period of Zhanguo, and have a deeper understanding of that period. In the art lesson, students depict the facial makeup in operas of hero. They find out the ancient people’s understanding toward the color and the great spirit of hero. Can you guess what activities the students are doing during their leisure time? They are tying Chinese knots and guessing idioms by reading stories. Students both learn more about the history and practice the working abilities.

“ The seven sages are all noble characters; their merits are worth learning.” How talented the seven sages of the bamboo grove are! Students in grade seven decorate their classroom with the topic of seven sages of the bamboo grove, and they also watch the videos about them. In the art class, students trace the painting of great artist Kaizhi Gu and exerience the culture of Weijin. Students also make the bookmark in ancient customs. They not only learn about the comments toward the seven sages of the bamboo grove, but also practice calligraphy. It is more interesting to play Gobong. Some students drop chess on the chessboard after long meditation; some students write as if a magic pen with confidence.

We associate the verse “Countless dynasties replace in thousands of years” when we are talking about Song Dynasty. This is a patriotic verse from “ Nan Xiang Zi- recalling the experience of visiting capital palace”, written by the famous poet Qiji Xin. The eighth graders decorated their classrooms in the theme of Song dynasty poets (including life experiences, artificial opuses, etc.) and watched videos about Qiji Xin. In art class, students try to depict their own landscape paintings, and secular scenery usually not being noticed. Every single mountain and river is unique, and having their own ravines and experiences. For amusement, they play nine interlocking links, and fabricate moon-shaped pan. Every person puts his or her thinking cap on and practices spatial thinking ability.

“ The new year comes in the sound of exploding firecrackers, and people drink Tusu wine in the breeze of spring. The sunrise shines upon thousands of families, while people replace old Taofu with new ones.” The Song dynasty market is much busier than nowadays. The ninth graders ornament their classrooms to a Song dynasty market. As you walk into it, you can undergo tangible Song dynasty alleys. They also watch videos related to Shanghai’s history, which helps them understand how the city of Shanghai develops from a small village to a metropolis. In art class, students attempt creating after appreciating the Dunhuang painting - nine color deer. Everyone is amazed by the magnificence of Mogao Grottoes. Then, students try to unlock the Kongming lock, solve word puzzles, sufficiently integrate the life of ancient people.

On the Friday Costume Day, students wear classic Chinese costume, personally experience the beauty of traditional clothing, which further promotes Chinese traditional culture, and set up national confidence.

中|7-1 Ruby

英 | 7-1 Tony Joe


编辑|曹琳 吕佳玉





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