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发布日期:2022-01-21 16:50:34

上海协和双语高级中学进一步阐述教科 EMW的课程如何帮助学生顺利进入下一阶段的学习,迎接各类相关的挑战。事实上,从进入校园的那天起,融合学子们已经在教师团队潜移默化地影响下,在心理上做好了充分的准备。

In November we explained some of the key terms that you would hear during your child's progression through middle school to high school. In this episode, we would like to explain how these terms can be related to your child's learning at Jiaoke EMW stream. Our students are already prepared by our teachers with this in mind from the first day that they set foot on the campus.




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在教科EMW,我们为八年级学生开设了IGCSE的几大核心课程,分别是数学、中文、英国文学和科学。科学课上,学生会定期进行实验操作,为他们在十年级时的实践考试部分做好准备。为了帮助学生顺利衔接古北校区的IGCSE课程,八年级的科学课也从之前的综合科学细分为生物、化学和物理三门,分阶段进行授课。此外,我们的数学课旨在为学生进入IGCSE的附加数学的学习夯实基础。每年的5月,我们会鼓励有能力的学生参加IGCSE数学的考试,从中积累考试经验,找到自己的长处和不足,做好调整,迎接后续更多的挑战。在初中阶段打好数学基础,对于融合学子来说,无论是IGCSE还是IB DP的学习,都将是一个良好的开端。

The teaching of the core subjects in IGCSE (Mathematics, Chinese, English Literature and Science) has already begun by Grade 8 at JiaoKe EMW. Students conduct regular experiments in their Science lessons to prepare them for the practical exam component in G10. In Grade 8 Science lessons are taught on a rotation to prepare students for the individual lab sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) that are taught at Gubei campus. Students are prepared for the IGCSE Mathematics course at JiaoKe (with a number sitting the final exam on campus each May) to provide them with a strong foundation for the IGCSE Additional Mathematics course followed at Gubei, thus offering them a head start to the rigours of IB DP Mathematics.

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IB DP课程要求学生具有极强的组织规划能力。在教科EMW,学生需要学会规划自己的作业时间。通常老师布置的任务是无法在一个晚上完成,也不可能在最后一分钟赶出来的。因此,学生必须学习和思考如何合理分配一周内的作业时间,制定均衡有效的时间表。在此过程中,他们的统筹把控和平衡分配的能力也得到了锻炼。在道法课上,老师通过丰富的课堂活动,结合时事热点,帮助学生把所学知识和技能迁移到真实的生活情境中,培养和鼓励学生的批判性思,这将有助于他们在11年级开始"知识理论(哲学)课程"的学习。此外,一个全面发展的IB学生需要具备三个核心潜能:积极参与体育、艺术和团体活动。在教科EMW,我们的艺术、体育、音乐课程,以及丰富多样的拓展课程,注重主动式、探索性的学习模式,我们的老师始终积极鼓励并全力支持学生兴趣的全面发展。

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The IB DP program requires students to possess extremely strong organisational skills. At JiaoKe EMW, students are urged to pace themselves in terms of homework: tasks set cannot completed in one night, nor can they be left until the last minute to accomplish. A well-balanced homework timetable encourages students to allocate appropriate time to all subjects across the week, thus instilling a sense of structure and coordination to a student's continued learning at home. Students are taught critical thinking skills in their Moral Education lessons - this will give them an insight to the Theory of Knowledge (Philosophy) course that they will study in Grade 11. A well-rounded IB student would show promise across three key pillars: engagement in the sports, the arts and the community are developed from early on in a student's time at JiaoKe EMW.

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<a href=https://school.net/school/478.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海协和双语高级中学</a>多元路径助力升学规划

IELTS - The myth is that "IELTS English" can be taught lecture-style with 100 other students in a training centre. This is clearly not the case. Developing sustained speech is important - this is an important facet of the education we offer at JiaoKe EMW where students deliver presentations in a number of subjects across the curriculum throughout the year. Getting used to delivering presentations and speeches is the best preparation for IELTS that there can be - and this all happens here on campus. Argumentative writing is cemented in G8 History lessons, where students become adroit in outlining the key points of a structured response, which is closely aligned to skills examined in the IELTS writing exam.

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托福——与之前的雅思考试建议一样,我们认为如果学生在学校保证出勤率并积极参与课程和各类校园活动,他们将在此测试中表现出色。单纯地背诵大量的单词对学生并没有实际的用处,他们需要学会在文本中使用单词,并将它们应用于各类口头和书面表达中。这些技能都是教科EMW 的英语和历史课程所注重培养的。

TOEFL - Similar to the advice for the previous English qualification, students will excel in this test if they maintain a near perfect attendance rate at school and actively participate in lessons and activities. Learning large word lists is not beneficial - students must be able to use words in context and apply them across a number of verbal and written situations. These skills will be honed in particular in English and History lessons at JiaoKe EMW.

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SATs, 又称为美国高考——从 8 年级开始,学生通过学习以英语为教学语言的严格课程体系,便可获得成功通过这项考试所需的技能。学生还应该养成爱阅读、会阅读的习惯,并充分利用我们藏书丰富的图书馆中的资源,不断拓展自身的阅读能力和思维能力。SATs中很多考题的类型其实都跟IGCSE不同学科的考试类型相似,因此,我们认为,学生只要充分掌握和吸收了校内的知识点,就不需要再额外花费大量的时间在SATs考试的练习上。建议融合学子们可以在 10 年级夏季完成 IGCSE 期末考试后再集中准备这项考试。

SATs - The skills that students require to succeed on this particular exam are acquired from attending rigorous lessons taught in the medium of English from Grade 8 onwards. Students should also be well-read and be making good use of the resources in our well-stocked library. Many of the style of comprehension questions tested will already have been visited across a number of subjects at IGCSE level so long periods of practice for this test along side normal school work are unnecessary. Students should only look to begin preparing for this test in earnest after their final IGCSE examination in the summer of Grade 10.

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Parents should already be thinking about ideas for their child's university as a family from middle school. Your child's opinions count - ask him/her which subject they like best and which degree course it could lead into. Families should also be investigating destinations for their child's universities as these differ dramatically. At school, your child could ask their favourite teacher/mentor about their university course and how they ended up choosing their degree.

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In conclusion, it is never too early to begin thinking about any of the key areas outlined above. However, students need to understand that a rigorous foundation will set them up well to succeed across all these key disciplines. Organisational skills, confident speaking skills and a strong bilingual mathematical and scientific bedrock will all be developed at JiaoKe EMW to allow our students to thrive at their high school and beyond from the outset.






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