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上海美达菲顺利通过IB 五年评审!续写下一个升学传奇

发布日期:2022-04-20 17:16:31


In April this year, Shanghai MacDuffie Bilingual High School received the final results of the IB five-year review. After more than a year of self-assessment, submission of materials, and reception of the jury, the school finally lived up to expectations and passed the review successfully and continued to write wonderful teaching chapters for Chinese students.

【 美达菲学校 】

MacDuffie School

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In the teaching process, the school has always adhered to high standards and strict requirements to ensure that the school's professional standards and operations meet the requirements of IBO, in addition, adhered to a rigorous academic attitude, and provide students with a diverse, inclusive, professional and reliable teaching environment.


There are two things we are particularly proud of in this IB review. One is that all the self-assessment scores submitted by our school were fully agreed upon by the accreditation team, which shows that Shanghai MacDuffie School has a precise and thorough understanding of the IB teaching standards and the concept of the International Baccalaureate Organization. The second is that the accreditation team believed that our school's response to the epidemic quarantine and online teaching activities were very flexible and resilient.

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IBO 对我校办学投入、办学理念的肯定更加坚定了我们为学生提供专业国际课程的信心,上海美达菲必将持之以恒地为贯彻IB教学理念,给学生持续提供更高质量、更高水平的国际课程。

The IBO's affirmation of our school's investment and school-running philosophy has strengthened our confidence in providing professional and international courses for students. Shanghai MacDuffie will continue to implement the IB teaching philosophy and to provide students with higher-quality and higher-level international courses.

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IB courses are favored by the world

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IB(International Baccalaureate),中文也叫国际文凭大学预科课程。它不以世界上任何一个国家的课程体系为基础,而是广泛吸收各发达国家的课程优势,以国际统一标准安排课程。含金量较高,受到世界高校以及教育的普遍认可。

IB is also called the International Baccalaureate Foundation Course. It is not based on the curriculum system of any country in the world, but widely absorbs the curriculum advantages of various developed countries and arranges courses according to international unified standards. At the same time, it has a high degree of recognition and is generally recognized by universities and education around the world.


The IB curriculum aims to cultivate well-rounded and balanced talents. The curriculum design attaches great importance to process training, emphasizes analyzing and solving practical problems, and pays attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality.


The students who studied IB courses always have good performance in creativity, dialectical thinking, independent thinking, and practical ability. Studies have shown that students who study IB courses are more likely than other students to enter the world's top universities, and these students have more stable academic performance and generally outperform other students after entering university.


Almost all universities in the UK recognize the IB diploma, and most of the well-known universities in the United States and Canada also use the IB diploma as an important criterion for examining the admission requirements of students. The IB curriculum is now being favored by more and more students and universities around the world.


IB授权有多严?How strict is IB authorization?

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Applying to become an IB-authorized school needs to go through layers of strict review. Two basic requirements must meet for the implementation of the IB program. One is the requirements listed by the IB, and the other is that the IB needs to see that the applicant school has planned to meet certain requirements.


For the implementation of the IB project, the IB official put forward four aspects for the reference of the schools applying, which are Philosophy, Organization, Curriculum, and Assessment, and each IB program must be independently assessed.


That is to say, the school must fully meet the standards in terms of school mission, educational philosophy, organizational structure, faculty, teaching skills, school hardware facilities, and curriculum system to obtain authorization. From application to school authorization, it usually takes 2-4 years, depending on the difference between the school's application time and the application course. But even successfully becoming an IB school doesn't mean everything is fine. Schools need to be under the supervision of the IB all the time, and an assessment review is carried out every five years. Only after successfully passing the audit and meeting the cognitive standards of the IB curriculum can the school's authorization status be retained.


It is precisely because of the layer-by-layer checks of authorization standards and the cumbersome review process that IB schools around the world can ensure more consistent curriculum teaching and maintain a high level of teaching quality.


上海美达菲的前世今生The past and present of Shanghai MacDuffie

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美达菲学校(The MacDuffie School)由哈佛大学毕业的美达菲夫妇创立于1890年,至今已有132年历史。学校坐落在全美最优质教育资源集中的新英格兰地区,离哈佛大学、麻省理工学院(MIT)仅1小时车程。学校占地1500多亩,四周树林、湖泊环绕,环境优雅。

The MacDuffie School was founded in 1890 by the MacDuffie couple who graduated from Harvard University and has a history of 132 years. The school is located in New England, which concentrates on the best educational resources in the United States, and it is only an hour's drive from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).


In order to allow families eager for international education to understand the world without leaving China, Shanghai Macduffie Bilingual High School relies on the century-old advanced educational concepts and high-quality teaching resources accumulated by Macduffie School in the United States and is committed to providing Chinese students with excellent Teaching, academic and social services. The school insists on cultivating students to become global citizens with a global vision and cross-cultural communication skills, and respect for multiculturalism.


IB results of Shanghai Macduffie graduates of 20212021年,上海美达菲的毕业生均交出了最令人满意的答卷,证明了我校IB课程的过硬实力,也彰显出上海美达菲学校对于发展学生学术能力,促进学生均衡发展的办学目标。

In 2021, the graduates of Shanghai MacDuffie all handed in the most satisfactory answer sheets, proving the excellent strength of our school's IB curriculum, and also demonstrating the school's goal of developing students' academic ability and promoting students' balanced development.

· 21届所有毕业生均获得了IB文凭证书

All graduates of 2021 have obtained the IB Diploma certificate

· IB成绩通过率100%

100% IB pass rate

· 本届毕业生平均分高达36.4分(总分为45分,全球平均分33.02分)位于上海IB学校前列

Average score is 36.4 points,front ranking in Shanghai (total score is 45 points, global average score is 33.02 points)

· 40%的学生取得了40分以上的优异成绩, 最高总分41分40% of the students achieved excellent results of more than 40 points, with a maximum total score of 41 points

· 单科满分率(7分)为40%Single subject full mark rate (7 points) is 40%

· EE与TOK满分率(3分)为40%EE and TOK full score (3 points) is 40%


上海美达菲的 IB 教师资源IB Teacher Resources at Shanghai Macduffie

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The quality of IB course learning is closely related to the teaching quality of teachers. IB Teacher Resources in China are abundant, and there are many schools offering IB courses, but most of them do not achieve high results. One of the most important points is the difference in teaching resources, that is, there are few high-quality IB teachers.


Many international schools have difficulty in attracting high-quality foreign teachers or returnee teacher resources in terms of salary, welfare system, and cultural tolerance. Moreover, the IB curriculum system will undergo a major change every 5 years, which requires teachers to continue to learn, so it is difficult to find an excellent IB curriculum teacher.


Shanghai MacDuffie School attaches great importance to the role of teachers' quality in the development of students, and insists on using the bilingual teaching methods. The ratio of Chinese and foreign teachers in the school achieves a classic ratio of 1:1, of which 50% are returnees , and 80% with a master's degree or above. Therefore, it can fully balance the language ability of students and subject teaching objectives, and ensure the teaching effect.


The school requires that teachers must be wherever students are, and the teaching content must be open. A high proportion of returnee teachers have extensive knowledge and vision, and this can lead students to better adapt to and learn international courses. They can give students better guidance in terms of academics, outlook on life, and values, so that students have both a deep recognition of Chinese identity and a global perspective.





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