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发布日期:2022-05-13 15:17:45


<a href=https://school.net/school/507.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>宏文学校</a>成都校区.png

Jonathan Gastel/学术校长

Jonathan Gastel博士,现任宏文学校成都安仁校区学术校长。历任美国纽约著名高中史岱文森高中科学教师兼学科协调人、纽约军事学院副校长、清澜山学校(华为公司与清华附中联办国际学校)特聘学术校长等。拥有几十年丰富的高中教学管理经验,参与多项国际教育咨询项目,擅长国际课程研发创新。在史岱文森学校任职期间,带领学校科学家和工程领导力计划跻身全美之冠。



Every middle school parent could adapt a phrase from the famous British author Charles Dickens to describe their relationship with their child:"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." One moment a child is appreciative, cooperative and even loving and then the next moment they are angry, disrespectful, and uncontrollable. Parents are therefore often asking :  How do we keep our middle school child moving in the right direction? 




3) 帮助孩子加深几个兴趣爱好领域拓展。

The roots of middle school academic and behavioral problems usually start in late primary; it is best to catch them there while they are still younger and paying attention.  Don’t wait for self-resolution!  There are three absolutely required daily habits that all parents must work on at home during this late primary period ages 9-11, if not before: 

1) develop effective daily lines of communication with your child; 

2) provide defined space, times, and practices for serious academic study/review of the days learning and additional time for more informal reading, writing and exploration; 

3) help your child to deepen a few areas of interests that will prove useful later on in various ways.


Much of successful middle school growth is about establishing good habits in the primary years, such as: regular math practice, reading, and daily review of learning.   Early establishment of good habits leads to continuation of those habits in middle school.  When the habits start to weaken, many parents wait too long to enforce and reestablish them independently of any other activities that might compete; this is a mistake.  To children, the most important habit that needs to be preserved at all costs is the one that parents and children share equally – daily communication. The worst possibility is that your child no longer communicates what is important to them and the problems fester, eat up time, and derail their progress.


To ensure communication, start by setting a time each evening where the parents discuss a child’s day with them.  What happened today? Have them habituated to discuss the good and the difficult parts of their day and they will appreciate it; let them concentrate on relating stressful events even if they seem minor to humen.  They likely will spend a lot of time on any social interactions that did not turn out the way they wanted, and maybe hide or delay talking about any academic challenges that were not yet met. As long as setbacks are greeted with support, open communication will continue.  As long, as the conversation is open and transparency encouraged, then parents can take some time to consider solutions – together and fewer emergencies will occur.  



Another aspect of minimizing tension during middle school is the establishment of a range of interests.  Just like a chair is more stable with four legs than one; a child is more stable with more than one thing that is important to them. Sure they want to learn, have friends, and please you and their teacher; but when learning is not fun and their classmates are not nice, they still need something to motivate them. 

Personal interests are first established in the primary years;  but in the middle years they take a huge jump up making them more visible in terms of talent and time.  They have more time and energy to develop their talents in sports, arts, sciences or mathematics than they might ever have again; and often are open to totally new ideas which are going to be very useful as an adult.  Take advantage of a child’s interest by allowing the standards to rise with the child.


It is for this reason that Hongwen pays great attention to the growth of children. Not only do the students work in areas they are interested in, they develop more advanced communication skills which helps them even at home. Students have access not just to our campus but to the enormous creative resources of the Hongwen Educational network. As students begin to link what they are learning about in school to their interests and their future; learning becomes not just something Mom and Dad want, but something they want for themselves. Using interest-based education, together teachers and parents can motivate students who care little for conventional education or for simply pleasing the teacher or parents; in this context, progress is constant, varied, and never dull.   When we can link the interests and talents of a child to the middle school day of learning, the worst of times becomes the best of times for both the child and the parent.





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