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发布日期:2021-08-10 11:44:57


Holiday Pandemic Prevention and Control Requirements



1. 暑期学生 8 月 16 日起非必要不得离沪(一、六年级新生 8 月 12 日起非必要不得离沪),不出境,不应出行至中高风险所在地区。

2. 自 8 月 16 日起离沪学生应事先向学校报备,如实填写《离沪人员信息登记表》,开学当天将纸质版的交给班主任。

3. 8 月 17 日起学生须每天上报体温及健康状况(一、六年级新生 8 月 12 日起登记上报)。

4. 所有学生做好开学前 14 天的自我健康管理。

Dear Parents, 

According to the current national pandemic situation, our school has implemented the following latest prevention and control requirements according to the requirements of the latest Education Committee and Disease Control. 

1.Students are not allowed to leave Shanghai unnecessarily from August 16 (freshmen in G1 and G6 are not allowed to leave Shanghai unnecessarily from August 12). They are not allowed to leave the country or travel to areas with medium and high risks. 

2.During the holiday period, from August 16, students leaving Shanghai shall report to the school in advance, truthfully fill in the information registration form of personnel leaving Shanghai, and hand over the paper version to the homeroom teacher on the day of school opening. 

3.From August 17, students must report their body temperature and health status every day (freshmen in G1 and G6 shall register and report from August 12). 

4.All students should do a good job in self-health management 14 days before the start of school.



1. 所有来自或途经国内疫情中高风险地区的师生员工暂缓返校,应在抵沪后尽快向所在居村委和单位(或所住宾馆)报告,最迟不得超过 12 小时。

2. 所有来自或途经国内疫情高风险地区的师生员工,一律需接受 14 天集中隔离健康观察,及 2 次新冠病毒核酸检测。

3. 所有来自或途经国内疫情中风险地区或国内中高风险地区所在县(区、市)的师生员工,一律需接受 14 天严格的集中(居家)健康管理,及 2 次新冠病毒核酸检测。

4. 从国内中高风险地区所在地级市(非中高风险地区及所在县、区、市)返沪入校的人员需接受 1 次新冠病毒核酸检测。

5. 对于境外返沪的师生员工,在入境后要严格执行国家和本市相关管控措施,持健康码绿码且核酸检测为阴性的方可申请返校。

6. 如同住家人有来自或途经疫情中高风险地区的,相关师生员工应执行居家健康观察。在同住家人按照本市相关规定进行新冠病毒核酸检测且结果为阴性后,相关师生员工方可申请返校。

7. 返沪师生员工如身体有不适,请不要到校并及时与学校取得联系。

结合上述返校要求,所有学生返校前须提供:学生及其同住家人的大数据行程码和“随申码”绿码。(一、六年级新生请您于 8 月 25 日前向班级老师提交;其余年级学生请于 8 月 30 日前向班级老师提交)。中、高风险地区返沪学生需提供:绿色“随申码”、核酸检测阴性报告、离沪人员信息登记表。

1. All teachers, students and staff from or passing through areas with medium and high risk in China shall postpone returning to school and report to the village committee and unit(or hotel) as soon as possible after arriving in Shanghai, which shall not exceed 12 hours at the latest. 

2. All teachers, students and staff from or passing through areas with high risk in China are required to carry out strict centralized health management for 14 days according to relevant requirements, and take twice novel coronavirus nucleic acid test.

3. All teachers, students and staff from or passing through areas with middle risk in China or the county (District, city) where the medium and high-risk areas in China are located are required to carry out strict centralized health management for 14 days according to relevant requirements, and take twice novel coronavirus nucleic acid test. 

4. Students returning to school from the prefecture level cities in middle and high risk areas in China (non middle and high risk areas and counties, districts and cities) should have Novel Coronavirus nucleic acid test once. 

5. For overseas students who return to Shanghai, they must strictly carry out the relevant state and city related control measures after entering the country. They can apply for return to school if they have green Healthy Code and nucleic acid test is negative.

6. If the resident family members come from or have passed through middle and high risk areas, the relevant students should carry out home health observation. Only after the family members have been tested for Novel Coronavirus nucleic acid in accordance with the relevant regulations of the city and the result is negative, the relevant students can apply for returning to school. 

7. If you feel unwell, please do not come to school and contact school in time.

In combination with the above requirements, please submit the following things to your homeroom teacher:

●Green travel code and green health code of students and their families before returning to school (G1 and G6 freshmen please submit it to the homeroom teacher before August 25; Students of other grades should submit it to the homeroom teacher before August 30). 

●Students returning to Shanghai from middle and high-risk areas need to provide: green health code, negative nucleic acid test report and departure information registration form.



| 学校保安

| 校园防疫消毒

| 学校食堂

| 防疫物资



Teachers, students and parents, 

please do a good job in pandemic prevention!





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