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发布日期:2023-04-14 09:34:02

In the Model United Nations (MUN) course in Dalian American International School and Huamei School Secondary students develop an understanding of global issues and current events by simulating the committee work of the United Nations through attending MUN conferences.

In March 2023, our students have been able to participate in two full-scale conferences in Shanghai and Dalian.


SHAMUN XXIIOn March 3-4, Shanghai American School Puxi Campus held their 22nd MUN conference. It was two days with over 350 student delegates from 16 schools. The 17 delegates from DAIS/DHS were spread out over 7 committees and made great achievements.


General Assembly I (3 DAIS/DHS delegates)

Best Delegate: Natalie 

Outstanding Delegate: Zuri 

General Assembly II (2 DAIS/DHS delegates)

Honorable Mentions: Julius & Ashton 

Human Rights Council (2 DAIS/DHS delegates)

Honorable Mentions: Catherine  

ECOSOC (2 DAIS/DHS delegates)

Outstanding Delegate: Suah & Jessica 

Disarmament Commission (4 DAIS/DHS delegates)

Best Delegate: Mathis  

Outstanding Delegate: Rebecca  

Honorable Mentions: Linda & Peter 

Historical Security Council (1 DAIS/DHS delegate) 

Best Delegate: Ein

Warmest congratulations to our students on receiving the Best Delegation award! It is so delightful to interact, debate and make friends with delegates from various international schools and backgrounds.

NatalieSHAMUN XXII was my first large scale conference with 50 delegates in a committee; I tried my best, and it was absolutely thrilling to receive the best delegation award for our school. I wish we can have more opportunities like this conference in the future! 

ZuriIt is a one-of-a-kind experience not only for me but for all who had enrolled in such activity, the knowledge and skills acquired from experienced delegates, the unforgettable time that we been through, and the sweet time we have had altogether. 

MathisIn the preparation before the conference and during the conference, each delegate performed to their best level. We are proud of our students!DAISMUN XIIIThe DAISMUN XIII Conference was held successfully on March 24 and 25 on Dalian American International School campus.

Congratulations to all 102 delegates and chairs from DAIS, SAS, and Maple Leaf. A big thank you to the DAISMUN instructors and the secretariat team: Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Hopkinson, Charmain Xu, Ein Sel, Eileen Wu, Rebecca Lyu, and Rebecca Yu for the incredibly large amount of work they have done behind the scenes. 

This year's committees:

United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) 

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 

United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 

NEW! Joint Crisis Committee 



Best Delegate: Ethan Rana (Mexico) (SAS PX) 

Outstanding Delegate: Kevin Chan (USA) (SAS PX) 


Best Delegate: Wenxuan Jiang (Cuba) (SAS PX) 

Outstanding Delegate: Yiting Wang (Poland) 


Best Delegate: Mathis Miao (Kenya) 

Outstanding Delegate: Jongwoo Lee (Senegal) 


Best Delegate: Hyunjeong Lee (Italy) (SAS PX) 

Outstanding Delegate: Jillian Wan (Peru) (SAS PX) 


Best Delegate: Sean Rana (United Kingdom) (SAS PX) 

Outstanding Delegate: Kevin Xu (Russia)  


Best Delegate: Julius Chen (President John F. Kennedy) 

JCC USA Outstanding Delegate: Maya Tan (Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy) (SAS PX) 


Best Delegate: Chelsea Choi (Premier Nikita Khrushchev) (SAS PX)

JCC USSR Outstanding Delegate: Ashton Liu (Officer Georgi Bolshakov) During DAISMUN XIII I had the honor to serve as the Deputy Secretary-General and oversee the 6 committees offered at our conference.

This conference was the first time after the COVID-19 pandemic that we got to invite outside schools to our conference, and we were lucky to host the Shanghai American School Puxi Campus and the Dalian Maple Leaf International School on our campus.

Having new faces at our MUN conference made it so much more interesting, and from what I heard from our students, I can say they felt the same. 

I’m super excited that we are able to go to other schools for MUN and invite other schools to our campus as well. I think next year our conference will be even better since this year, the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted at the last minute, so we didn’t have much time to prepare.

Next year, we will have a whole year to set up the best conference DAIS will have ever seen. I’m super excited to see everyone enjoy DAISMUN XIV next year!

EinSince this was my last MUN conference in high school, I wanted to make sure I did the best I could during the preparation process for the conference. Once the conference began, what really kept it running was everyone’s contribution to it.

We had very supportive and cooperative student officers and teachers, and their efforts are very much appreciated. The secretariat was excited to have other schools come for the first time since the pandemic began, and I can confidently say this was a great finale to my MUN experience in high school. 


文章转载自:【DAIS DL】




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