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发布日期:2023-08-09 16:57:54

<a href=https://school.net/school/481.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海康德双语实验学校</a>小学



Introduction to the school 


Shanghai Concord Bilingual School (hereafter referred to as ‘Shanghai Concord’) is the first internationalised private school in the Huangpu District. The school is recruiting students from Grades 1 to 12. As of 2023, we continue to recruit students for our Grade 1 intake as part of the Chinese compulsory education.


Academic excellence is at the heart of the education we provide for our students at the Primary School since it was first founded in 2018. Shanghai Concord Bilingual School has an outstanding track record of academic excellence and closely follow the government’s regulations at every step to ensure our students receive a holistic education, guided by the curriculum from the government, in order to develop a sense of responsibility in every child. Students who graduate from our primary school will have the opportunity to progress and continue their studies at our middle school.


Shanghai Concord has a management team led by the former Principal of the High School affiliated to Fudan University, Mr. Xie Yingping, who has a leading reputation and considerable influence in the field of education in the region. Every member of the Senior Leadership Team has a successful track record of managing bilingual school, educational research and highly experienced with the Chinese compulsory education system and bilingual education, appointing the academic management team and excellent expatriate teachers. With the local academic leaders and young teachers with great potential, the first class staff team has committed to building an international environment in the school and this new community is working within an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.


The school fully delivers the Chinese National Curriculum based on standards set by the Shanghai Education Commission. We offer no overseas curriculum. No overseas textbooks are used routinely throughout our lesson delivery. We have established a school that has bilingual courses, such an approach has offered students not only academic development but also the development of an independent learning style. We believe that this is the best way to nurture students who not only have a regional, cultural and national identity with an international perspective but also enjoy good physical and mental health, curiosity and creativity. It is our goal to imbue our students with this ethos so that they will become the backbone of our future society.


Shanghai Concord Bilingual School primary campus is located in the Huangpu District at No.385 South Rui Jin Road, in a rigorous, diverse and supportive environment, with outstanding facilities. The school offers bus services. Accommodation is available to students who require it.



The school 's recruitment plan and procedure

1. 执行《上海市教育委员会关于2023年本市义务教育阶段学校招生入学工作的实施意见》和《2023年黄浦区小学阶段招生入学工作实施意见》,根据黄浦区教育局核准的招生计划数、计划分类,在招生范围内进行招生。

The recruitment process will be carried out according with the “Student Recruitment in Compulsory Education in 2023 issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission” and the “Huang Pu District 2023 Primary School Student Enrolment Policy”.

2. 分类计划及招生数:2023年学校招生计划数为112名,4个班级,班额数不超过28人。分类计划表如下:

Enrolment Categories and Numbers:In 2023 we will recruit in four categories (preparatory class for primary school), 112 new students, 4 classes in total with 28 students each. The details of the enrolment categories and numbers are as below:



3. 招生范围:信息已录入“一网通办”和“上海市义务教育入学报名系统”,符合上海市义务教育就读政策的年满6周岁的适龄儿童,出生日期为2016年9月1日-2017年8月31日。

Recruitment Scope:kindergarten graduates whose information has been registered with the “Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrolment System” and “Integrated Online Platform”. The child must be aged six at the point of enrolment and the date of birth is between September 1st, 2016 to August 31st, 2017.

4. 网上报名及志愿填报:

有意愿选择我校就读的学生和家长,5月6日至5月8日登陆“上海市义务教育入学报名系统(shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn)或“一网通办“网站  (zwdt.sh.gov.cn),选择填报上海康德双语实验学校为报名志愿,还可根据个人意愿另外填报一个调剂志愿。

Please apply online through the Shanghai Compulsory Education Enrolment System (shrxbm.edu.sh.gov.cn) or Shanghai Integrated Online Platform (zwdt.sh.gov.cn) between May 6th to 8th. You can select Shanghai Concord Bilingual School as the only choice, or add another option as your secondary adjustment choice.  

5. 招生录取及确认:




2) 调剂志愿招生录取


3) 录取通知书发放


Admission  Based on Categories

1)First Choice Confirmation

The first round of enrolment takes place between May 17th to 18th. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available in a private school, then students will be selected randomly through a computer draw by the district of Education Commission.

The first round of offers will be sent out via text message to parents through the Compulsory Education Enrolment System portal start from May 20th.

2) Second Choice Confirmation (not mandatory, does not apply to everyone)

The second round of enrolment takes place on May 22nd.

3) Enrolment acceptance offer School will complete the 2023 selection process for our Primary School and notify the successful applicants within the allocated time as directed by the Huang Pu Education Bureau.



Enrolment commitment and information disclosure

1. 执行“三个承诺”:不提前组织学生报名或变相报名,不举行任何测试、测评、学科练习、面试或面谈,招生录取不与任何培训机构挂钩。

The following “three promises” will be strictly enforced: No advance registrations or interviews,no acceptance of special CVs and certificates from appropriately aged students, no association with any education training organisations.

2. 学校不引进境外课程、不使用境外教材。

International curriculum and teaching materials are not permitted.

3. 招生过程中不收取报名费、赞助费等任何费用。

No charges (including registration fees, interview fees and sponsorship fees) will be incurred during the application process. 

4. 我校通过学校官网“学校招生”栏、官方微信公众号等途径向社会公开招生工作的进程及有关信息。



Information regarding student recruitment and the admissions process and other related information will be disclosed under the “school recruitment” column on our official website: http://www.concordschool.com.cn

The school’s official WeChat account is accessible by using the Chinese ID for the school: 上海康德双语实验学校



Tuition fees and standards

学    费:82000元/学期


Tuition fee: 82000RMB per semester

The accommodation fee: 28950RMB per semester.



The school address and contact details


School address: No.385 South Ruijin Road (near Quxi Road and Zhongshan South No.2 Road)



