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International Day and More: Saturday, April 22 Recap


发布日期:2023-04-27 10:26:17

Saturday, April 22 has been particularly busy on our campus. Dalian American International School, Dalian Huamei School, and five other international schools from all around China celebrated the day with an amazing audio-visual feast for students and parents.

1 International Day


International Day held on April 22 in the South Gym brought together hundreds of students, teachers and parents from 20 countries, with food, decorations, music, fancy outfits, and games. During the event, we could experience the charm of multiculturalism in our school. It was great to see people from different parts of the world, with different views and traditions come together and celebrate our diversity.

Our Parent Support Group guided by Linda Mari and Karen Tang have led their first official event since the new committee has been set up in March.

We highly appreciate their involvement in the planning, coordination and presentation for the colorful and vibrant International Day booths, as well as the street food vendors and fun activities.

2 Earth Day

Earth Day, which is celebrated every year on April 22, is a worldwide environmental protection event. Earth Day was first celebrated in the 1970s in the United States as an environmental movement on school campuses, but in the 1990s it spread from the United States to the world and became a day for environmentalists and environmental protection advocates around the world, with people of different nationalities promoting and practicing the concept of environmental protection in their own ways.

This year, we celebrated Earth Day and International Day at the same time, and DAIS Elementary students took part in this initiative by offering fun activities and presentations in their classrooms. Our program at Dalian American International School encourages students to develop creativity and sustainability, considering these as the main skills and needs for 21st century citizens.

3 Chinese Provinces Showcase

On the same day, teachers and students of Huamei Bilingual and Heritage showcased different Chinese cities and provinces, including Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Yunnan, Gansu, and many others. We could learn more about nature, traditions, food, clothes, and famous people of each region. 

By doing research by themselves and learning about the characteristics of their hometowns, our students, with the help of their teachers and parents, set up booths with regional characteristics in the Bilingual School building so that everyone could experience the customs of different regions without leaving Dalian.

4 ACAMIS Football Playoffs

Having gone five years without ACAMIS on campus, it was a joy to host schools from Hangzhou, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and Beijing during the Gold Division ACAMIS Football competition held on DAIS campus and at the local No. 24 school in Jinshitan. Saturday, April 22 was reserved for Semi Finals, Placing Games, and Finals. Congratulations to DAIS Boys and Girls teams on both finishing in 3rd place overall! 

5 ACAMIS Badminton

Our Varsity Badminton Team headed to Shenzhen for the ACAMIS tournament. The DAIS/Huamei team consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls accompanied by the badminton coaches. Our teams fought hard and played some of the best games they ever have against some very high-level teams.

On April 22, our boy singles player, John Zhao reached the quarter finals. The boys' doubles players Jack Wang and Jason Liu also made it to the quarter finals; a stellar result for their first outing to a big competition. The whole group team of singles and doubles players together made it through to the quarter finals of their division.

Congratulations!Next Saturday, May 7, Dalian American International School and Dalian Huamei School will hold an admissions event in the city of Dandong, Liaoning province. Come to Wanda Jiahua to meet our Head of School sharing his overseas education experience and introducing our curricula. Please scan the QR code on the poster to sign up: 

文章转载自:【DAIS DL】




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