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发布日期:2023-03-29 11:14:29

“激发创新智慧,共享智趣同行”——初中PI Day数学节活动

Like Minded Peers Sharing 

Innovative Wisdom

π,一个神奇的数字。它是学生第一个接触的无理数,约等于3.14,代表了圆周长与直径的比值。然而,在学生们深入学习的过程中,他们会发现π好像又作为一把钥匙,联通了整个数学世界。今天是国际圆周率日“3.14 π ”日。让我们和上海青浦区协和双语学校初中部的同学们一起,迎接这个全体数学爱好者的节日,开启一段美妙的数学世界探索之旅……

"π" is a magical number, the first irrational number that students encounter. Approximately equaling 3.14, it represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. However, through in-depth studies, students discover that π seems to act as a ‘key’, connecting the entire world of mathematics. March 14 is International Pi Day, "3.14 π" day. Let us, together with students from SUIS Qingpu’s middle school, welcome this festival for all mathematics enthusiasts and embark on a wonderful journey of exploring the world of mathematics...


著名数学家哈尔莫斯说:“数学是一种别具匠心的艺术”。  为了让每个学生亲近数学、认识数学、挑战数学,开展了数学手抄报的制作活动。 让我们一起来感受一下同学们对数学的热爱吧!


"Count me as the best; draw out the wonder" 

- Mathematical Creative Design

The famous mathematician Hermann Weyl once said, "Mathematics is an imaginative art". In order to allow every student to get closer to mathematics, to understand, and to challenge that understanding, a math poster-making activity was devised for students. Let's all share our classmates’ love for mathematics!

Mathematics is a colourful kaleidoscope - it is both beautiful and magical. By using mathematics as a theme, it not only helps students to break free from the monotony of numbers, but also piques their interest to explore and discover in other areas.



"Count me as a player; play out the wonder" 

- Rubik's Cube Competition

"Rubik's Cube" is a puzzle toy originating from Hungary. In the competition, the contestants on stage quickly rotate the Rubik's Cube parts in order to be the first to match all the colours. The auditorium was filled with the sounds of fervent clicking and twisting. Some contestants could solve their cube in less than one minute. The contestants' keen observation skills and quick movements were watched with awe.


<a href=https://school.net/school/509.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海青浦区协和双语学校</a>





"Math, we are coming to compete for the wonder!"

- Math Knowledge Contest

The math knowledge contest was held in the theater on the afternoon of March 15. Competitors were organized into groups, with a total of 11 groups participating. The competition was divided into two parts: individual questions and buzzer questions. The final score was made up of the results from both rounds. This activity combined intelligence and ability, as well as cooperation and coordination. Let’s look at some highlights from that exciting competition!

In the first part, each group answered the questions in an orderly manner, carefully analyzing each question and working together to solve it. This activity fully demonstrated the members’ knowledge.

The "Pi" memory contest was more relaxed, but the atmosphere was still electric as the audience watched the contestants battle to compare their memory skills. The students had to recite the digits after Pi’s decimal point ‘on the spot’ - the student who recited the most digits won.

In the second part, ‘quick eyes and quick hands’ was the theme. This activity tested the reaction speed of each group member. The competition was intense, and the atmosphere was full of excitement.





Maths Bazaar

It was great to see so much enthusiasm for mathematics among the students at the "Pi Day” mathematics event. Math is not just about getting high scores in exams, but also about developing a passion for numbers. It's a wonder to see the joy and happiness on the faces of the students. This is all thanks to the hard work of the mathematics teachers at SUIS Qingpu.

As we all know, π = 3.14159... It is an infinite and non-repeating decimal, just like how mathematics has endless possibilities for exploration. "Pi Day” is not just a one-day event but is an event that fosters a continuation of our efforts to nurture a love for math among the students at SUIS Qingpu. We hope that more and more students will come to experience the beauty of mathematics at our school.





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