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上海市民办中芯学校Foreign Language Movie Festival

发布日期:2023-05-18 14:40:33

The Foreign Language Movie Festival is a project that is held annually. Students worked together for six weeks in order to create three final products: a poster to promote their movie, a script and a short movie of 5 minutes. Objectives and tasks were set on a weekly basis and students had group and individual responsibilities based on the three products.

On April 27th, with a resounding success, students celebrated their work with the SMIC community on the first-floor auditorium from period 2 to period 5.

The production of the 28 movies in Spanish, French, and Chinese promoted the students’ creativity and their appreciation for the different languages and cultures.

Throughout the process, students developed the target language skills. Furthermore, problem–solving, self–management, communication, and collaboration skills fostered the school’s ESLRs of Persons of Character and Motivated Learners.

As a professional Movie Festival, students’ works were appreciated and acknowledged according to the following categories. Congratulations to all the students who participated to make the Foreign Movie Festival successful! Big applause to the winners:

<a href=https://school.net/school/528.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海市民办中芯学校</a>



This film festival has given students a deeper understanding of various languages, and also makes everyone feel different pleasures, and makes students' school life more fulfilling.

--- Henry Bu



“Today was a wonderful experience at the movie festival, where I watched many movies performed by students in different classes in different languages. Each movie told a story about each group's theme and intended meaning. After watching most of the films, I learned a lot about life lessons and the diversity of languages. Looking forward to next year's movie festival!”

--- Sean Lin"This was a really unique and special experience to all of us, not only it improved my cooperation skills and Spanish level, but it is also interesting and happy project. I am inspired by this project to be a person of character. It was really good and I look forward to it next year as well."

--- Melina Chen

“I vote FMF as the best festival SMIC has hosted this year! As viewers, students are strongly encouraged to learn about new languages and cultures after watching the hilarious, touching, or suspenseful, but overall AMAZING films that students created. In the creation process, we learn skills including socialization, organization, and communication while getting a good laugh”

--- Olivia Tai

The World Languages teachers:

Ana Rodriguez (Spanish)

Manu Saez (Spanish)

Sergi Gil (Spanish and French)

Cedric Chastagner (French)

Fay Cheng (Chinese Performing Arts)

give a special thank you to all the teachers who accepted the invitation to bring their classes to the auditorium to enjoy the movies and appreciate our students’ work. See you at The Foreign Movie Festival next year!





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