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发布日期:2023-05-28 16:11:37

​"在你生长的地方绽放且永不停止成长"。- 贝卡-沙恩-登特

“Bloom where you are planted and never stop growing.”- Beka Shane Denter



As spring nourishes our souls with warmth and renewal, the blooms are reaching for the sun to blossom with rich colors and sweet smells that signify the rejuvenation of life and growth. It signifies maturity, inspiration, and hope.



The Class of 2023 was a big celebration. To celebrate the glorious end of their high school careers, and to set aside an even brighter prologue.

我们有幸邀请到了 上海纽约大学校长 童世骏先生,协和教育中心(集团)总校长 卢慧文女士,协和教育集团代表、幼儿园园长代表,小初高代表、各年级家委会代表一起见证2023届万源学子的傲人成就,2023届的家长们也齐聚大剧院共同见证这激动人心的时刻。


Mr. Tong Shijun, Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, Ms. Lu Huiwen, General Principal of Xiehe Education, and other representatives from SUIS Education Group, Kindergartens, and PSG representatives from three divisions of Wanyuan Primary, Middle, and High School were among those present to witness the proud achievements of the 2023 graduates. Parents and family members of graduates 2023 were also gathering together in the Thespis hall seeing the moment of excitement.


This graduation ceremony began with a speech from Principal Paul. He reviewed and sang high praise of Wanyuan students and teachers on how they have overcome difficulties in this unpredictable era, encouraging all the graduates to explore and create another milestone and success in their next life journey.



虽然Norm Martin校长无法来到现场,但他特地为本届毕业生们准备了一段祝福视频。Norm 校长把人生就是一个个绽放的过程, 他提醒学生,每朵花都每朵花都千姿百态地绽放,记得自己的重要性,并在自己擅长的领域作出有意义的改变,孜孜不倦追求卓越。

Although Principal Norm Martin was unable to come to the scene, he specially prepared a blessing video for the graduates of this year. Principal Martin has always mentioned the term 'blooming' in the video. Life is a process of blooming, he encourages graduates to model excellence, care deeply, display courage, listen with purpose, be curious, do what matters, and remember that everyone’s story does matters.


▲Norm Martin校长祝福

毕业典礼上我们有幸请到了上海纽约大学校长童世骏先生为我们分享。他用‘贞元之际’对典故,引入对ChatGPT 的讨论,勉励万源学习“不仅要放眼世界,而且要热爱祖国;不仅要尊重自己,而且要尊重他人;不仅要与别人竞争,而且要与自己竞争;不仅要重视学习的结果,而且要学会享受学习的过程。” 。

It is the honor of Wanyuan to have Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, Mr. Tong give a keynote speech. Mr.Tong encourages Graduates 2023 of SUIS wanyuan to bearing a broad perspective and love for the motherland; to have self-respect and mutual prosperity with others; to compete for oneself and surpass oneself; to value results and enjoy the process, which echoed with Wanyuan avocations and won a loud and rounds of applause.




SUIS education has always believed in the concept of ‘Where East meet West’. The performance "If Light Can Bloom" by Senior student of Jessica Wang and Elly Wang brought the piano and guzheng ensemble , which perfectly integrate the ancient oriental musical instruments with the classical sounds of the West, bringing a unique musical exchange, and a collision and blending experience of subculture.

“一日为师,终生为父” 学生的成功往往离不开老师们的辛苦付出。本届毕业典礼的主题是“Blossom" ,协和双语学校万源校区美高教师代表英语部门主任Ms. McApline老师上台给予了本届毕业生们最美好的祝福,愿他们站在新旅程的边缘时,绽放出无穷的潜力,拥抱属于他们的无限可能。

'A day as a teacher and a lifetime as a parent'. The success of students often depends on the hard work and dedication of teachers.The theme of this graduation ceremony is "Blossom". The representative of SUIS,head of English department,Ms. McApline took the stage and gave the best wishes to the graduates of this year. May they stand on the edge of their new journey, unleash infinite potential, and embrace the infinite possibilities that belong to them.


▲Ms. McApline老师


On the road of growth, not only the teacher's guidance, but also has been guiding the child to the bright guide, that is, the parents. Parents play the most important role in the process of cultivating and educating students. Mr.Zheng Xinli, Zheng Zihan's father, as the representative of the parents of the graduates, shared on the stage Zheng Zihan's academic study and interests in the Union system for 15 years, keep curiosity and explore, explore his interest in astrophysics, and strive to pursue his dreams.



2023届毕业生最大的特点就是每个人都怀揣着自己的梦想并且在通往梦想的道路上努力奋斗。就如《梦想》 这首歌是Exile乐队主唱王面带领乐队成员(Robert Nairn,张骏敖、李德隆、柳宇轩以及林炫宇)听歌100小时精挑细选,并用心准备3个月的作品。

The biggest characteristic of this graduate 2023 is that everyone carries their own dreams and strives hard on the path to their dreams. Andy and her team (Robert Nairn, Axl Zhang, Dylan Li, Hanson Liu , and Amen Lin ) spent 100 hours in choosing a perfect song and practising it for 3 months.


紧接着我们迎来了此次毕业典礼最激动人心的时刻-颁发毕业证书。由校长助理夏昱女士和德育主任Mr Solomon先生宣读毕业生录取学校及专业,全校长为毕业生颁发毕业证书以及拨穗正冠。简单的动作承载着殷切希望和美好祝愿,从右到左是千百个值得回味的定格。荏苒冬春去,又到了分别的时刻。与这里相伴的日日夜夜,四轮春夏秋冬,每个清晨傍晚都难以忘怀。

Then we have the most exciting moment of the graduation ceremony-conferral of the diploma. Ms.Xia, the assistant principal, and Mr.Mr Solomon, the dean of students announced each graduate’s attending school, Principal Paul presented the graduation certificate and completed the Turning tassel ceremony. Turning tassel from right to the left carries the ardent hope and good wishes. As winter and spring passed, it is the time of parting. The accompanying days and nights here, four rounds of spring, summer, autumn and winter, every morning and evening are unforgettable.


This year is also the 10th anniversary of SUISWY. In the past ten years, generations of students have flown their dreams and set sail here. All the harvest and success cannot be separated from the hard work and dedication of them and themselves, teachers and parents.


本届优秀毕业生代表马千跞同学和徐述同学进行了告别演说,他们为自己的同学们在学业、体育、艺术等方向取得的成绩庆祝,也为成为和见证这些背后的拼搏、执着、热情、激情和热爱而鼓掌。他们总结到: “协和万源,给予我们知识和能力;协和万源教会我们为人处世,告诉我们在前进的征途中不要迷茫和彷徨;协和万源,为我们提供了更多很好的施展才能的空间和平台。在这里,我们有像Alex这样的军事科学大师,也有像Frannie这样遨游在天文幻想中的学霸。”协而不同“的理念,让我们对优秀的定义和标准更加的多元化,在这样快乐而有爱的氛围下,我们各自都在热爱的领域茁壮成长,学有所成!”

Bella Ma and Jack Xu, the honourable graduates of the class of 2023 give the valedictorian speach at last. They celebrate the success their classmates have archived in academics, Sports, Arts and Music. They conclude “SUIS Wanyuan is different from any other school, a fiercely competitive environment of “卷王们” is never our thing; rather, we have a unique pursuit of “atypical excellence”. We have someone like Alex that is so knowledgeable in military science, and Frannie who is so into the fantasy of astronomy. Our definition and standard of being excellent are set by ourselves, and we all thrive in our own areas of passion. Now, sitting in front of us are the most brilliant scholars, the most exceptional athletes, the most gifted artists, and the most passionate individuals with all kinds of charactersitics and dedicated to making a difference. “

最后, 由罗雨辰、梁安迪、王羽姗、胡倩雯、颜彬轩、Destiny、Robert 、Zara同学带来了表演“惜别”。他们用音乐剧表演的方式来表达对于将要离别高中生活的不舍,每一个音符的跳动都代表了临近分别时的惜别之情。

At last, Smile Luo , Andy Liang, Elly Wang, Annie Hu, Frank Yan, Destiny Green, RJ, and Zara brings everyone the performence " So Long Farewell". They would like to express their sadness about leaving their high school life with a musical performance. Every beat of the note represents the bittersweet emotion of farewell as parting draws near.



Tears of separation add new waves to the river of memory; The blessings of parting have opened the curtain for another reunion. The silent dedication of youth, the trickling transmission of knowledge, the metabolism of thoughts, and shaping of the soul through guidance and influence are the special love that Wanyuan has given us.Four years passed in a blink of an eye, and at the moment of parting, our memories seemed to freeze at the moment of acquaintance. . Graduation is not an end, but another brand new beginning of life.Wishing all graduates a bright future!





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