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发布日期:2021-11-10 16:10:01



1.Geography: Its nature and perspectives 


2.Population and migration


3.Cultural patterns and processes


4.Political organization of space 


5.Agriculture,food production and rural land use


6.Industrialization and economic development


7.Cities and urban land use



1.Geography: Its nature and perspectives


特别注重利用地理信息解释spatial relationships and human-environment interaction.

(1) Geography的发展历史,注意代表性的人物

*Anaximander is the first person credited with making a map of the Mediterranean at that time.

*Eratosthenes: Performed a remarkably accurate computation of Earth’s circumference 99.5%.“father of geography”.

*EnvironmentalDeterminism: Physical environment dictates the social environment

*Possibilism: Humans have the ability to adjust to the environment


geographic information systems(GIS), satellite navigation systems (e.g., global positioning system -GPS), remote sensing, and online mapping and visualization


*Scale:The relationship to a feature’s size on a map to its actual size on earth.

Fractional Scale - numerical ratio1:24,000 

Written Scale - description in words “1inch equals 1 mile”

Graphic Scale- bar line showing distance

*Mapstypes: reference maps (physical and political maps) and thematic maps (choropleth, dot, graduated symbol, isoline, cartogram)

Reference Maps: Regular maps showing cities, boundaries, mountains, or roads

Thematic Maps: Maps high lighting a particular feature or a single variable such as temperature, city, size, or acreage in potatoes (Gives extra information)_population

Isoline Maps: Show lines that connect points of equal value. Isolines are on topographic maps

Choropleth Maps: Show the level of some variable within predefined regions, such as counties, states, or countries

Dot Maps: Use a dot to represent the occurrence of some phenomenon in order to depict variation in density in a given area.

Graduated symbol: size of circle conveys a number of occurrences of an event in an area

Cartogram: A type of thematic map that transforms space such that the political unit with the greatest value for some type of data is represented by the largest relative area

*失真Distortion: shape, distance, relative size, and direction

*Mercator projection墨卡托投影:A true conformal cylindrical map projection,方向正确,landmasses at the poles appear oversized.



Relative location相对:The position of a place relative to the places around it

Absolute location绝对:The exact position of an object or place, measured within the spatial coordinates of a grid system

*Place: Human Characteristics & Physical Characteristics

*Human-EnvironmentalInteraction: 适应环境、依赖环境、改变环境

*Movement:People: Goods; Ideas




*Relocation Diffusion: through physical movement of people from one place to another. Does not have to grow in numbers. -AIDS

*Expansion Diffusion: among people from one area to another in a snowballing process. Involves growing numbers. 

Hierarchical Diffusion: The spread of a feature or trend from one key person or node of authority or power to other people or places. - grunge music. 

Contagious Diffusion: The rapid, widespread diffusion of a feature or trend throughout a population. -influenza (flu).

Stimulus Diffusion: The spread of an underlying principle or thought process, even though a specific characteristic is rejected. - Apple computers/Martin Luther King Jr. (he is dead but his thought process still lives on).

(5)Distribution:three types-density, concentration, pattern

*Density: The frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area. 数量 

Arithmetic Density: The total number of people divided by the total land area  

Physiological Density: The total number of people divided by all arable land (farmland)

Agricultural Density: The total number of farmers (and family) divided by all arable land

*Concentration: The spread of something over a given area (clustered or dispersed)

*Pattern: The geometric or regular arrangement of something in a study area

(6)时区Time Zone

*Greenwich Mean Time-The time at the prime meridian本初子午线

*Internationa lDate Line-180 degrees from Prime Meridian-24 hours

*Tellingtime from longitude-every 15 degrees.From Prime Meridian going west loose 1hour/15 degrees-east gain 1 hour/15 degrees.

2.Population and migration



*Population distribution

四大人口密集区域:East Asia20%; South Asia20%; Southeast Asia最多; Western Europe

人口稀少区域:Dry Lands; Wet Lands; Cold lands; High lands

*Population density: arithmetic, physiological, and agricultural

Arithmetic density: The number of people living in a given unit area.

Physiologic density: A ratio of human population to the area of cropland, used in less developed countries dominated by subsistence agriculture.

*Population pyramids:



*Demographic factors that determine population growth and decline are fertility, mortality,and migration.

Fertility: TFR(total fertility rate)the average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years (15-49).

Mortality: 分为the infant mortality rate(IMR)and life expectancy.

A.IMR-the annual number of deaths of infants under one year of age, compared with total live births.

B.Life expectancy-the average number of years a newborn infant can expect to live at current mortality levels

*衡量人口增减的指数:Doubling time;Total fertility rate;Infant  mortality rate;Life expectancy


Crude birth rate (CBR)- The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society. 

Crude death rate (CDR)- total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.

Natural increase rate (NIR)-一年人口增长率. a country’s growth rate excludes migration

*Demographic Transition:4个阶段

Stage 1: Low Growth没有国家处于此阶段

Stage 2: High Growth

Stage 3: Moderate Growth

Stage 4: Low Growth 出现ZPG(零增长TFR=2.1)

Demographic Transition:4个阶段

*Epidemiologic Transition: Distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition.

*马尔萨斯理论 Malthusian theory1798《An Essay on the Principle of Population》:世界将灭亡由于over population, starvation, and disease.

*Neo-Malthusians: the amount of farmland is decreasing while the population is increasing



Push factor: when people are forced out of an area (Ex: Hurricane Katrina destroyed many peoples’ houses, so they were forced to move somewhere else.)

Pull factor: when people desire to move into a new location (Ex: Better job opening in a new area, a good place to retire. Usually promises a better situation than the present one.)

A.Economic Push and Pull Factors:

- Pull:People emigrate to places with better job opportunities. They will also emigrate because of better natural resources. Metal and coal deposits might attract miners. A brand new industry or store could attract technicians, scientists, engineers, or other workers.

- Push: When an industry goes bankrupt, workers will lose their jobs and might be forced to move to a different area because of a job opportunity.

B.Cultural Push and Pull Factors:

-Push:push factors are slavery and political instability. Millions of people were captured and shipped to many different countries as prisoners or slaves. (People called refugees are forced to migrate form their countries because of fear of persecution because of their race, nationality, religion, or political opinion.)

-Pull: people migrate for especially the lure of freedom.(People are attracted to democratic countries that encourage individual choice in education, career, and a place of residence.)

C.Environmental Push and Pull Factors:

-Pull: people are attracted to areas with warm climates, mountainsides, and seasides.

-Push: certain physical conditions cause people to move to different areas like too much or too little water in an area can force people to move. Also an area that storms prone can force people to migrate.

*国际国内移民International & Internal Migration

①International Migration(2种)- The permanent movement from one country to another.非洲到澳洲

A.Voluntary migration- implies that migrant has chosen to move for economic improvements.

B.Forced migration- the migrant has been compelled to move by cultural factors. 

(Economic push and pull factors usually induce voluntary migration. Whereas cultural factors usually compel forced migration)

②Internal Migration(2种)- Permanent movement within a particular country.-Georgia to California

A.Interregional migration movement from one region of a country to another.

Rust Belt:The northern industrial states of the United States, including Ohio,Michigan, and Pennsylvania, in which heavy industry was once the dominant economic activity. In the 1960s,1970s, and 1980s, these states lost much of their economic base to economically attractive regions of the United States and to countries where labor was cheaper, leaving old machinery to rust in the most northern climate(美国北部,重工业衰落失去经济基础)

Sun Belt :U.S. region, mostly comprised of southeastern and southwestern states,which has grown most dramatically since World War II

B.Intraregional migration-movement within on region

3.Culturalpatterns and processes




*定义:Culture is comprised of the shared practices, technologies, attitudes, and behaviors transmitted by a society

*特质:Cultural traits are individual elements of culture and include such things as food preferences, architecture,and land use.

*文化扩散:Acculturation, assimilation, and multiculturalism are shaped by the diffusion of culture

Acculturation:The adoption of cultural traits, such as language, by one group under the influence of another

Multicultural:Having to do with many cultures


*Popular Culture: Culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics.

起源:经济发达地区, especially in North America,

Western Europe, and Japan.urbanchangeableinfluenced by media.伴随扩散

*Folk Culture: Culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation from other groups.起源:often have anonymous hearths, originating from anonymous sources, at unknown dates, through unidentified originators.


Language patterns and distributions can be represented on maps, charts, and language trees

Lingua franca: An extremely simple language that combines aspects of two or more other, more complex languages usually used for quick and efficient communication.

10 most Spoken Languages in the World

10 most Spoken Languages in the World

*Religion:Universalizing Religion (expansion and relocation diffusion) & EthnicReligion (relocation diffusion)

Religious patterns and distributions can be represented on maps and charts

Universalizing Religion: A religion that attempts to appeal to all people, not just those living in a particular location: – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

Christianity: Origin Israel;2 billion adherents; Known as Christians; Mainly in Western Hemisphere and Europe; Foundation based on the Ten Commandments; Major branches- Catholics(50%). Protestants (25%), Eastern Orthodox (10%)

Islam: Origin Saudi Arabia;1.3billion adherents; Known as Muslims; Foundation based on the Five Pillars; Majorbranches- Sunnis (83%), Shiites (16%), Kurds (1%)

Buddhism: Origin India/Nepal;370 million adherents; Known as Buddhists; Mainly in China and SEAsia; Foundation based on the Four Noble Truths; Major branches- Mahayanists(56%), Theravadistis (38%), Tantrayanists (8%)

Ethnic Religion: A religion with a relatively concentrated spatial distribution whose principles are likely to be based on the physical characteristics of the particular location in which its adherents are concentrated-Hinduism and Judaism

Hinduism: Origin India/Pakistan;800 million adherents (3rd largest overall);97% live in India(80% of India’s pop.); Belief in several gods Brahma being the main one;Follow the Caste System; Belief in Karma and Reincarnation

Judaism: Origin Israel;14million adherents; Mainly clustered in Israel and the US; Also prevent in former USSR (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania); Have similar roots as Christianity and Islam


Ethnicity: Refers to a group of people who share a common identity

Race: A group of human beings distinguished by physical traits, blood types, genetic code patterns, or genetically inherited characteristics

美国种族分布AfricanAmerican-(13%) Southeast ; Hispanic American-(13%) Southwest ; Asian American-(4%) West ; American Indian (Native American)-(1%) Southwest and the Plains States   

4.Political organization of space



*Political entities include nations, states, nation-states, stateless nations,multi-national states, multistate nations, and autonomous regions

*五种国家形态State morphology

Compact State-Poland

Fragmented State- Malaysia

Elongated State- Chile

Prorupted State- Thailand

Perforated State-South Africasurrounds Lesotho

(2)空间政治模式:boundaries & governance

*Boundaries: Geometric boundaries、Physical boundaries、Ethnographic  or cultural boundaries

*Governance: unitary states (centralized government-UK) &federal states-US

*Political power 三个理论 heartland, rimland,and organic theories

Heartland theory: Hypothesis proposed by Halford Mackinder that held that any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain enough strength to eventually dominate the world

Rimland theory Nicholas Spykman’stheory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provide the base for world conquest

Organic theory :The view that states resemble biological organisms with life cycles that include stages of youth, maturity, and old age


*Supranationalism is expressed in the creation of multinational organizations (e.g., UN, NATO,EU, ASEAN, NAFTA)

*Some forces that may lead to devolution of states include physical geography, ethnic separatism, terrorism, economic and social problems, and irredentism

*Devolutionis expressed in the fragmentation of states into autonomous regions (e.g.,Nunavut, Native American reservations), subnational political–territorial units(e.g., Spain, Belgium, Canada), or Balkanization (e.g., former Yugoslavia, the Caucasus)

*Centrifugal forces: Forces that break up a state

*Centripetal forces: Forces that tend to unite a state

5.Agriculture,food production and rural land use


(1)Agricultural Hearths

*Fertile Crescent- historical region watered by the Nile, Jordan, Euphrates, and Tigris Rivers.

*Ethiopia(horn of Africa)-mainly hunters and gatherers.

*NileValley- along the banks of the Nile River in Egypt.

*China-the Great Yellow River (Huang He)

*Southeast Asia- Prior to agriculture, hunting and gathering sufficed to proved food in Southeast Asia.

*Mesoamerica-the most important Mesoamerican agriculture is maize


*1st:12,000yrs ago, Neolithic era;Fertile Crescent, China, North Africa, Southeast Asia,and Latin America ; Accompanied by a modest population explosion; Domestication- animals (about 40 species today) occurred after people became more sedentary

*2nd:1871-1914 Resulted from the Industrial Revolution- produced new technology that helped with the agricultural progress a lot (Ex. tractor, cotton gin);The development of agriculture led to widespread alteration of the natural environment

*3rd:1960to present ;Aka Green Revolution- benefiting LDC’s by introduction and production of fertilizers and pesticides into LDC’s ;Based on higher-yielding strains using genetic engineering

(3)主要农业区域形态Subsistence farming &Commercial farming

*Subsistence farming: Shifting Cultivation(slash and burnagriculture); Crop rotation; Pastoral Nomadism; Intensive Subsistence Agriculture; Intertillage

*Commercial farming:获得利润,利用基因工程,所有奶制品

(4)范杜能模型The Von Thunen Model:1826


The black dot represents a city 

1(white)- dairy and market gardening

2(green)- forest for fuel 

3(yellow)- grains and field crops

4(red)- ranching

Darkgreen=wilderness where agriculture is not profitable




*Agricultural innovations (e.g., biotechnology, genetically modified organisms, organic farming, aquaculture) 与环境、文化、健康之间的问题

*环境问题 sustainability, soil degradation, reduction in biodiversity, overgrazing, river and aquifer depletion, animal wastes, and extensive fertilizer and pesticide use

*女性角色的转变 food gathering, farming, managing agribusiness

6.Industrialization and economic development



The Industrial Revolution-Started in the north of the UK around 1750

(2)Alfred Weber’s model韦伯模型

describe the optimal location of a manufacturing establishment in relation to the costs of transport and labor, and the relative advantages of agglomeration or deglomeration.

(2)Alfred Weber’s model韦伯模型


*The northeastern portion of the United States and the southeastern portion of Canada

(New England, The Middle Atlantic, The Eastern Great Lakes, The Western Great Lakes, The South)

*Western Russia and Ukraine

*Central and Western Europe(GreatBritain, Germany, France, Ireland)

*East Asia, including China and Japan


*Economic Activities



Human Development Index (HDI)

Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)

Economic Data Indicators:Gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP) ; Economic Sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary); Expendable Income; Technology;Raw Materials

Demographic Statistics: Gender balance


1)Wallerstein’s WorldSystems Theory

2)The Core-Periphery Model 

3)Rostow’s Stages of Economic Growth:

5个阶段in the 1950’s

① The traditional society: the country has not yet started the process of development 

② The preconditions for takeoff: the country initiates innovative economic activities 

③ The take off: there is rapid growth in economic activities

④The drive to maturity: modern technology diffuses 

⑤ The age of mass consumption: the economy shifts to consumer goods

*发展目标 Millennium Development Goals

7.Citiesand urban land use




(2)城市等级Urban Hierarchies

*Hierarchy by size:Unincorporated areas、Hamlets、Villages、Towns、Cities、Metropolises

*Hierarchy by influence:world cities

(2)城市等级Urban Hierarchies


①The sail-wagon period-1790~1830

②The iron-horse period-1830~1870

③The steel-rail period-1870~1920

④The auto-air-amenity period-1920~1960


*Rank-size rule


*Christaller’s central place theory包含两个概念:

Threshold- the minimum market

Range- the maximum distance(the amount of distance a person is willing to drive to the threshold)  

*The gravity model


*Burgess concentric-zone model

*Hoyt sector model

*Harris–Ullman multiple-nuclei model:

*The galactic city model




注: 文章为往年所写,仅供参考。




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