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云南首所IB全龄段认证学校,青苗学校昆明校区获IB MYP授权!


发布日期:2022-12-30 12:16:26

青苗学校昆明校区IB MYP授权!
十二月,2022年的最后一个月,青苗学校昆明校区获IB MYP授权!学校成功获得国际文凭组织(IBO)对中学课程(MYP)的全面授权,正式成为全球认可的IB世界学校,是昆明市乃至云南省首所获得IB-MYP官方认证学校。


In December, In the last month of 2022, BIBS Kunming, Good news again!

The school has successfully won the IBO Full authorization of the secondary School Curriculum (MYP), Officially becoming a globally recognized IB World School, Kunming City even Yunnan Province, The first school to receive official IB MYP accreditation.

Six years of accumulation, BIBS Kunming,

PYP, MYP and DP are all officially certified by IBO. At this point, BIBS Kunming officially become Yunnan's first K- 12 IB World School!

学校是否被国际文凭组织(IBO)授权认证,将直接影响孩子的升学与发展。获得IB官方认证的学校,能顺利过渡到IB其他项目学习。通俗来讲,就是只有通过IB官方认证的学校,其学生的学业水平才会被世界IB学校所认可,并且孩子中学IB MYP毕业后可以继续参加项目式学习,让孩子升学无缝衔接。

Whether the school is accredited by the IBO will directly affect the children's education and development. Schools with official IB accreditation are able to transition smoothly to other IB programmes. Generally speaking, only schools that have passed the IB official accreditation will have their students' academic level recognized by IB schools around the world, and children can continue to participate in project-based learning after graduation from IB MYP, so that children's education can be seamless.

IB MYP是什么?

BIBS Kunming

IB MYP是国际文凭组织于1994年开设的课程,面向11-16岁的学生,旨在培养学生成为具有创造力、有批判性思维、善于反思的思考者,探索并找出各学科之间的联系,逐步认清自己在这个世界中的位置。鼓励学生在他们的学习与现实世界之间建立实际的联系,强调知识综合、国际文化和国际交流,起到了IB PYP和IB DP之间的过渡作用。

IB MYP is a programme launched by the International Baccalaureate Organization in 1994 for students aged 11 to 16. It aims to develop students into creative, critical and reflective thinkers who explore and identify the connections between different disciplines and gradually understand their place in the world. Students are encouraged to make practical connections between their studies and the real world, and the emphasis on knowledge synthesis, international culture and international exchange acts as a transition between IB PYP and IB DP.

IB MYP的优势是?

BIBS Kunming

IB MYP没有固定的教材,是在国家教育课程基础之上,融合了先进的教学理念和方法。青苗学校昆明校区MYP课程以人为中心,融合国家教育课程,课程覆盖环境探索、学习方法、社区服务、人类创造、健康与社会教育五大领域,设置习得语言(第二语言)、语言与文学(第一语言)、个人和社会、科学、数学、艺术、体育和健康教育、设计等八大学科。

IB MYP is based on the national education curriculum and integrates advanced teaching concepts and methods. The MYP curriculum of BIBS Kunming is people-oriented and integrates the national education curriculum. The curriculum covers five fields: environmental exploration, learning methods, community service, human creation, health and social education, and has eight disciplines: acquired language (second language), Language and literature (first language), personal and social, science, mathematics, art, physical education and health education, and design.





1. Double mother tongue cultivation:

It not only attaches importance to the study of mother tongue Chinese, but also integrates traditional English teaching with subject knowledge teaching to cultivate students' ability to solve and think problems in English. Every subject is taught bilingually (except Chinese), with English accounting for more than 90% of the teaching.

2. Change from passive to active:

IB provides students with the opportunity to receive advanced international education and to adapt to the university education system faster and better. If you can maintain excellent performance, you can gather momentum for growth.







3. Free credits and provincial tuition:

The IB program can not only help students to increase the admission rate of top universities, but also if students get high scores in the IB advanced level courses, they can be exempted from the courses, advance grades, and even apply for scholarships, thus saving the high cost of studying abroad.

4. High recognition:

The IB program is widely recognized by all major universities in the world. Students with IB certificates can directly apply to thousands of universities in more than 120 countries, which provides a wide range of countries to study in and maximizes the impact of changes in visa policies.

5. Strong competitiveness:

IB graduates have a clear advantage in applying to the world's top universities. The world's top universities, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cambridge, and Oxford, regard the IB as the most valuable high school diploma and give priority to students who pass the IB program.


Receiving this certification at the end of 2022 is undoubtedly the best New Year gift for every member of the BIBS Kunming Learning Community. I would like to thank every teacher, classmate and parent for their contribution to BIBS Kunming Learning Community in 2022. In 2023, we are looking forward to students get the Offer of famous schools.





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