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万源城协和双语学校优秀学生名单:方鸣洋Versatile Xiehe


发布日期:2022-11-14 10:50:29

万源学子绝不简单,万源城协和双语学校优秀学生名单方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe。


Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller, and I believe they would finally meet up.” Sticking to the value that “unity in diversity, innovation through collaboration”, XieHe is always dedicated to cultivate world citizenship with a great open vision, where east meets west. In Wanyuan, lives are enriched with colorful and versatile elements, which are huge enrichment to the academic achievements. 


Mingyang Fang

Grade 11 student

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe


澳洲袋鼠数学思维挑战赛   银奖 

Australian Kangaroo Mathematical Thinking Challenge    Silver Award

BPHO英国物理思维挑战赛   铜奖 *2

BPHO UK Physics Thinking Challenge

Bronze Award*2

美国高中物理碗竞赛   优胜奖

Physical Bowl       Winning Prize

汇丰银行SKT沙龙投资赛      金奖(冠军)2

HSBC SKT Salon Investment Competition              Gold Prize

Micro Biz 商赛  最佳团队奖+最佳CEO奖+最佳独角兽奖

Micro Biz Competition   Best Team Award+ Best CEO Award+ Best Unicorn Award

微软人工智能大数据夏令营    最佳个人奖

Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Big Data Summer Camp       Best Individual Award

英国数学思维挑战赛   铜奖 

British Mathematical Thinking Challenge    Bronze Award



My experience at SUIS WY

大家好,我叫方鸣洋,来自协和万源高中部十一年级。我选择协和万源的原因有很多。首先,这里的教师和同学都非常优秀,我能够跟高水平的老师学习到很多新知识,跟品学兼优的同学互相切磋专业技能,讨论课程内容,进行一系列团队小组协作。其次,我热爱挑战,这学期我选择了五门AP课程,包括AP微观经济学、AP物理 C、AP电磁学、AP数学统计和AP微积分等。这些AP课程对高中生来说有一定的难度,但与我一直追求挑战的个性相契合。最后,协和沉浸式、全英文的授课环境让我可以提前体验国外的学习模式,我的英语能力能够突飞猛进也得益于这样的学习环境。

Hi, I am Mingyang Fang, from Grade 11 in SUIS WY. There are many reasons why I chose this school. Firstly, the teachers and classmates here are good. I can learn a lot of new knowledge from high-level teachers, exchange professional knowledge with classmates who are excellent in both character and learning, discuss course content, and conduct a series of teamwork. Secondly, I love challenges. I chose five AP courses this semester, including AP Micro Economics, AP physics C, AP Electromagnetism, AP Mathematics Statistics and AP Calculus. These AP courses are difficult for high school students, and I have been pursuing them. The challenge fits the personality. Finally, learning environment in English allows me to experience the study life abroad in advance, and my English ability can be improved by leaps and bounds thanks to this learning environment.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe

Eager for Knowledge



I pursue perfection. I realized that a high GPA in high school is a MUST for applying to a good university. I will ask the teacher or talk with my classmates after class whenever there is content I don’t understand quiet well in order to get higher marks in the exam. Math and Science are relatively easy for me, but Liberal art is more challenging. I will spend more time reciting knowledge points after class. To memorize more words and increase my vocabulary, I woke up at 6 o'clock every day and reciting for an hour. Now my vocabulary has reached 20,000, and the challenge of reading in the past is no longer difficult for me.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe




I enjoy the challenge. In the 9th grade, I completed all the physics knowledge in high school, so I can try to get a perfect score on the physics C test. Since I have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics, the AP courses I chose for Mathematics Statistics and Calculus are not too difficult for me. SUIS's multi-course setting allows me to choose the courses I like. In grade 11, I have the confidence to take 5 AP courses at the same time, which allows me to find my favorite major in advance of my studies.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe




I apply what I have learned. In my spare time, I participated in various mathematics, physics and financial competitions. Last summer, I participated in a Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis Competition. I stood out among hundreds of people and won the first place in the competition. Our group drew the topic of red wine and analyzed it with data. When the team members were about to give up in the face of almost impossible tasks, I persevered. I searched for various information on the Internet, conducted data analysis, and achieved satisfactory results. I also participated in Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence Big Data Summer Camp, won the best individual award and received a letter of recommendation form Microsoft.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe




I love innovation. I started learning piano since I was little, and was able to play piano pieces proficiently in the third grade. Later, I fell in love with pop music and music production. Fortunately, SUIS WY provides us with a variety of opportunities, we can join or create a club. I like pop music and found like-minded friends here, and we created an Arrangement Club together. We create some modern music, such as DJing and Rap, and also perform in and outside the school to expand the influence of the club. In order to find inspiration to make original modern music, I practice beat-matching on weekends, talk to seniors, and learn from each other. In addition to the Arranger Club, I also founded the Calculus Club, the Environmental Club and the Metaverse Club. The Calculus Club was established with the support of WY’s teachers. The purpose is to let students who like calculus like me have a better understanding of calculus. the Environmental Club conducts a series of public welfare activities, such as raising funds and donating to children in need in poverty-stricken mountainous areas, and buying books for them. I think it is a meaningful thing to help more children get access to better educational resources. The Metaverse Club is currently a large-scale and distinctive society, where everyone can be the protagonist and can freely express themselves.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe


Finally, I want to thank SUIS WY for providing me with excellent opportunities. Here, the teachers taught me how to bravely pursue my dreams, work hard to get out of my comfort zone, and become a better version of myself. I had many wonderful experiences as a teenager, and I believe that my future will have infinite possibilities.

万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe万源学子绝不简单 | 我的人生无限可能——方鸣洋 Versatile Xiehe





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