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发布日期:2022-12-06 11:29:02


Learning is far beyond classroom teaching and is intrinsic to our lives. The series of “Versatile XieHe” reports aim to help discover a diverse life in school education from different perspectives. “Whilst Mr. East and Ms. West move one step towards to each other, the gap between the two will be getting ever smaller, and I believe they would finally meet up.” Sticking to the value that “unity in diversity, innovation through collaboration”, XieHe is always dedicated to cultivate world citizenship with a great open vision, where east meets west. In Wanyuan, lives are enriched with colorful and versatile elements, which are huge enrichment to the academic achievements. 


Lilly Li

Grade 11 student



My experience at SUIS WY


Hello, my name is Lilly Li, from Grade 11 in SUIS WY. I am glad to share my experience with you here. I chose SUIS WY because the curriculum here is American common core curriculum puls AP courses, which means we can choose the courses we like. AP courses allow me to earn university course credits in advance and I have a better chance applying to my dream schools. It also helps me adapt to the teaching content in the school faster when I leave for college. The teachers here not only teach me subject knowledge but also guide and enlighten me in life and study. When I encounter something unsatisfactory, the teachers will analyze the problem for me and propose effective solutions to the problem.

Small habits, Huge Changes




When I was younger, I made a habit of going to the library as soon as school is over until I finished my homework. By doing so, I achieved self-discipline in my studies. Even when I grew older and got more homework, I still can meet the deadlines of all my subject assignments easily, and always get good grades.

I have several time management tips. Firstly, I would turn off my cellphone so I wouldn’t get disturbed it and could concentrate on my own study.Second, I will prioritize my learning tasks rationally, do the most urgent and important tasks first. Reasonable planning will always allow me to complete the work with the highest quality within the limited time.

Small Change, Big Difference



Competition could be everywhere in life. We always strive to be No. 1 and not to be left behind. Sometimes, our opponents are not others, but ourselves. When I was a kid, I was an introvert person, all my teachers and friends comment me as a quiet and well-behaved girl. After coming to Wanyuan, the school's ECAs allow me to participate in different extracurricular activities freely, including sports, music, arts and different academic comptitons. Since almost all the teachers in our school are foreign teachers, I came up with an idea of creating a Chinese-teaching club to help the teachers improve their Chinese speaking abiliy and make their life in China easiler. We called it: Wei Xue CHAT Club. The name came from an ancient Chinese poem "Wei Xue". The poem says as long as you insist on doing it, there will be no more difficult things in the world. Our club members will design Chinese lesson plans to provide teaching materials for foreign students and teachers to learn Chinese. Currently our club has more than 30 members, they are divided into the writing department and the teaching department. Since the club was established, more than 30 teachers joined the club to learn Chinese. It shortens the distance between students and teachers while helping foreign teachers to learn Chinese. Students who participate in the club can also get community service time. CHAT Club has gradually become one of the most popular clubs in SUIS WY. As to me, I become an outgoing person who is able to chat with new friends, and one of the most active students in the class.


By doing a good job in time management, I have broken through my playful self; I have broken through my introverted self, who use to be quiet. By starting a learning club and I became a club manager that is good at communication. There is a saying: "Do you know what is the most wonderful thing about the 100-meter race? After the gunshots, there are only you and the finish line in the world." The biggest obstacle in life is yourself, it is easy to stay in the comfort zone, and those who insist on breaking through themselves will see more scenery. I am honored to be a part of the breakthrough team, and you can join our team and become a better version of yourself.

Lilly in Teacher's Eyes

Lilly 给我的第一印象是文静中带着力量。她创办的为学社团,是学校最受欢迎的社团之一;学校的Buddy Program,她积极主动参与,分享各种学习心得。招生官来访她积极互动,一气呵成通讯稿……每一次给她布置任务,都会很放心。她就像个小太阳一样,很温暖,很阳光。希望一次次小小的经历能让她积攒更多的能量,希望万源力量能让她开出更美的花。

The first impression of Lilly to me is quiet with power. The CHAT club she founded is one of the most popular clubs in the school,she actively participated in Buddy Program with various learning experiences sharing,she actively interacted when admission office visited with high quality newsletter after meeting, etc. She can completer every task with the feeling of warm and sunny. I hope she could  accumulate more energy with these tiny experiences  and bloom more beautiful with Wanyuan power. 






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