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ISA Science City爱莎科学城

发布日期:2022-12-13 16:34:18


Since the 1980s, the Reggio Emilio Early Childhood Education system has been a source of inspiration for many early childhood educators, with its philosophy of seeing everything through the eyes of the child, encouraging children to reach their full potential and emphasising that the teacher should be the guide and inspiration for children's learning.


The IB PYP takes a non-traditional approach to traditional subjects, guiding children through units of inquiry that allow subject knowledge to be taught in an interconnected and real-world context, allowing children to learn not only about the subject itself, but also to develop a deeper understanding of the concepts, skills and motivation for action.

而IB PYP国际文凭幼小项目则以非传统的方式教授传统科目,引导孩子们通过探究单元进行学习,使得学科知识可以在相互联系和现实世界的背景下进行传授,让孩子们不仅学习到知识本身,同时深入理解知识概念、发展其各项学习技能,培养行动内驱力。

Both the Reggio Emilio concept and IB are education systems have been growing in popularity in China over the last decade, and both have similar concepts of encouraging children to unleash their natural talents and gain knowledge through exploration of the world. So, how will the combination of the two produce a 1+1>2 educational effect?


Join us this Wednesday (19:00-20:00) for our EY Virtual Open Day with Ms. Connie, the Early Years Principal, to find out how the school combines the Italian Reggio Emilio method with the IB philosophy and encourages learning by creating an imaginative environment for the Early Years children.

<a href=https://school.net/school/361.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校</a>幼儿园线上开放日邀请

Event Details 活动详情

Date & Time 直播日期与时间 

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

2022年12月14日(周三)19:00 - 20:00

Registraton 报名及观看方式 

Scan the Mini-program Code of the poster


Our Admissions staff will contact you to send you a link to the live stream (you can also watch the replay video if you miss it)

招生顾问将与您联系,向您发送直播链接 (如错过直播,也可收看回放视频)

About Speakers 关于主讲人

Connie Chan

Early Years Principal



ISA Science City’s Early Years Principal, Connie, is one of its founding members. Having worked in the field of early childhood education for more than 30 years, she is an expert in the field. As well as her native Canada, Connie has worked in international schools in China Hong Kong and southeast Asia, including Singapore.


Before joining ISASC, Connie spent 14 years working as an Early Years Coordinator at an IB World School in Guangzhou. During her tenure there, she played a key role in the IB accreditation process. 

加入爱莎科学城之前,她在广州一所获得国际文凭课程三个项目(IB PYP, IB MYP, IB DP)官方认证的IB学校担任了长达14年的幼儿园领导职务,并为该校的IB资格认证作出了非凡的贡献。

Connie graduated with an honours degree in Bachelor of Applied Science in Child Studies, concentrating on Early Childhood Education from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. She is listed in the public registry of the College of Early Childhood Educators in Canada as a certified early childhood educator. 


To upgrade her skills in the Primary Years Programme, Connie attends IB workshops. A true advocate of Reggio Emelia’s world-renowned approach to early childhood, she believes in holistic development and child-centric philosophies. As a founding principal at ISA Science City, she is always eager to welcome parents to visit our Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC).

为更好地对国际文凭幼小项目(IB PYP)进行深刻研究,即使身居高职的Connie还一直坚持参加IB学习与培训,以提升她对小学阶段教学的理解,并深入研究和支持全人教育、以儿童为中心的早期儿童哲学理念,以及提倡世界著名的瑞吉欧教育法。Connie将自己的一生都奉献给了幼儿教育领域,她很高兴能成为爱莎科学城首任幼儿园校长开展全新的旅程。

ISASC Early Years 爱莎科学城幼儿园

The separate kindergarten building provides plenty of personalised space for children, including classrooms, library, indoor and outdoor creative and interactive areas and a small auditorium. The flexible and colourful layout of the classrooms and the multi-functional facilities on each floor of the building, which are fully equipped with outdoor and semi-outdoor spaces and facilities according to the nature and needs of the children, ensure that the children have at least 2 hours of outdoor activities every day, regardless of the weather, to effectively exercise and improve their flexibility, balance and motor skills. In addition, the classrooms are illuminated with full LED, high colour rendering lamps to protect students' developing eyesight.


The Early Years Library at ISA Science City offers a plethora of carefully selected quality literature sourced worldwide that caters to a broad spectrum of interests and literacy levels.  The environment is aesthetically designed with clearly defined spaces and accessible materials for young children to explore independently. The Early Years Library was set up and decorated with the natural inclination of IB learners to explore at the Early Years level, and the welcoming teaching space and reading environment are conducive to fostering children's interest in reading. We expect that more students will fall in love with the library and reading, as well as develop excellent reading habits and an exploratory spirit.


文章转载自:【ISA Science City爱莎科学城】




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