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ISA Liwan 爱莎荔湾

发布日期:2022-12-22 15:50:50

Good news is pouring into ISA Campuses. Congratulations to our G12 students from ISA Wenhua GZFLS IB Programme, ISA Science City International School and ISA Wuhan School for receiving offers from top universities worldwide!


As of November this year, 22 ISA students out of 34 G12 students have sent their applications to top universities in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong (China), with interview invitations from 9 world's top universities, 54 offer letters being received and an accumulated more than $300,000 in scholarship being awarded. The offer letters have been received from a number of top global universities and colleges, including from among prestigious universities with profound history, including the top 10 art colleges in the US, the top 30 universities in the UK and universities from Go8 in Australia.


Our students have been admitted to a wide variety of interesting degree programmes, including Business Management, Supply Chain Management, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Data Analysis, Psychology, Interactive Design, Illustrative Design, and Communication and Technology.  Every student is unique. In ISA, we celebrate our differences. We provide students with support from experienced teaching faculty and a university guidance team to help them navigate the university application process. Accordingly students receive a specially tailored and personalised development plan, as well as help and support with their co-curricula and daily activities. 


In ISA, students are encouraged to explore their passion and develop comprehensively. Therefore, over 60 kinds of CCA covering Sports, Arts, STEAM, Academics, Finance, and Languages and Competitions are provided for our students to dig into their interests, show their talents and gain more credits for their university application. 


We are proud that our ISA students have made wise decisions regarding their university applications. They have been influenced by the holistic education philosophy, diverse culture, and inquiry spirit of IB. These students, are the founding members of ISA. Times have been challenging, as they studied through the pandemic. However, our students kept a positive mindset and fully accomplished their duties. Now they can reap their reward, as they are admitted to top universities worldwide.


We are delighted for all the students who have received university offers and we would like to congratulate them again! As we move forward, we look forward to more good news from across our education community.



About ISA Liwan University Pathways


Good news of ISA EA/ED to global universities are not only a milestone on the road of nurturing leading talents and pioneers for the future, but also a brand new departure. Guided by the mission of ISA International Education Group, ISA Liwan adopts the idea of "goal-oriented" in setting courses:


Early Years 幼儿园

From the Early Years stage, we provide students with IB framework and UK National Curriculum Standards, integrated inquiry and academic English language immersion environment, so that children can become confident and independent bilingual learners in fun classes.


Primary School & Middle School 


From Primary School to Middle School, we continue to take the IB framework as the curriculum teaching method, integrate into the world's high-quality curriculum standards such as Singapore Math Standards, Cambridge Pathway, etc., and meet the needs of personalized learning and students’ learning strategy through differentiated teaching. In addition, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and other optional courses, as well as more than 60 co-curriculum activities, which can let children to more holistic development and be prepared for high school.


High School (International Pathways) 


At the High School level, IGCSE courses are offered in grades 9-10 and integrated with the IB curriculum concept. In grades 11-12, IBDP, A Level, art and AP elective courses are offered. A strong team in the College Counselling Centre is also equipped to provide students with a four-year college counselling course. We regard each student as an independent individual, respect the differences, and customize the most suitable education program for each student, helping students to enter their ideal university.

到了高中阶段,学校在9-10年级为学生开设融入IB课程理念的IGCSE融合课程,在11-12年级为学生开设IBDP、A Level、艺术以及AP选修课程等,并配置强大的升学指导团队为学生提供四年全流程升学指导课程。我们尊重差异,为每一位学生量身定制最适合的教育方案,助力学生升入理想大学。

In addition to the international pathway, ISA Liwan offers students a variety of national pathways starting from middle school:


CNC Secondary Department 国内中学部


JEE Centre 港澳台联考中心


At ISA Liwan, we provide students with a diversified curriculum system and multiple pathways, which not only offers students with one-stop access to top universities in the world and China, but also makes them fully prepared for their future study and life.


文章转载自:【ISA Liwan 爱莎荔湾】




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