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广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校小学校长寄语: 为孩子每一步成就而感到幸福

ISA Science City爱莎科学城

发布日期:2023-01-21 14:49:32

<a href=https://school.net/school/361.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校</a>小学校长

It is wonderful to be here in China and to be working for ISA. I have been to China a number of times but the opportunity to live and work here has been in my mind for many years. I am looking forward to meeting all the children and parents, and other family members and friends who play a big part in your children’s upbringing and education. I believe that family is at the heart of all education. I know from experience raising my own children that education extends beyond the school gate. 


Being a teacher and a school leader in many ways is being like a parent; we care for each individual child, we watch them grow and develop, we design strategies for them to learn to the best of their ability, and we take pride in their achievements. ISA is renowned for the care offered to all children, and for providing them with a balanced and holistic education. 


For the forthcoming year, the focus will also be on our learning standards and outcomes and helping each child to improve to the best of their ability. We will also focus on each child’s interests and wellbeing, and of course on ensuring that our communication with you is frequent and personal. 


It is my aim to quickly get to know each child by name and learn about their personalities, their interests and their learning styles. It is important for me to discover what motivates them, and what makes them happy. When possible, we will have events to celebrate your children’s learning and achievements, as well as social events to further develop relationships within our school community. 


Learning is a journey. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s challenging, and sometimes it’s frustrating, but seeing children reach their goals is very exciting and makes the profession of teaching a real joy. Learning also involves effort, persistence, a positive mindset, and resilience. The challenge is for teachers and parents to get the balance right. 


I have already met some children and teachers online while in quarantine last week. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about their interests and talents. I shared my love of reading, different sports and bushwalking, and my appreciation of music and other cultural activities. I also love setting myself challenges and learning new skills. I even had the courage to demonstrate my newly learnt skill of ‘juggling’ with 3 balls (which I practiced during quarantine).

上周,我在隔离期间已经通过视频连线的方式,见到了一些孩子与老师,在通话过程中,听到孩子们介绍自己的兴趣爱好与擅长的领域,我感到非常开心。当然,我也向孩子们分享了我对于阅读、运动和徒步等爱好的热情,以及为自己设置挑战性目标、学习新技能的乐趣。我甚至有勇气向孩子们展示一段我在隔离期间练习的杂耍表演 (两只手连续抛三个球并确保其不掉落地面),这也是挑战与尝试的乐趣所在!

I sincerely look forward to meeting everyone in the forthcoming weeks. 


Louise McGuire

Primary School Principal



Louise Mcguire

Primary Principal



Louise brings more than 30 years’ educational experience to the position of Head of Primary at ISA Science City. She has completed a Master of Education in Leadership and Management, a Bachelor of Education, and a Diploma in Teaching. She has been a Head of Primary in two leading Australian private schools, held executive positions for the Independent Primary School Heads of Australia and been a mentor for aspiring school leaders. 


Louise is steeped in Inquiry Learning, completed IBPYP workshops, and Reggio Emelia training in Italy, and is strongly focused on academic performance, cocurricular endeavours, and the enhancement of student wellbeing. She believes in a balanced curriculum that focuses on the ‘whole child’, helping each unique child to thrive and reach his or her potential. 

Louise精通探究式教学,定期参与IB PYP研讨会,并在意大利接受了纯正的瑞吉欧教学培训。她非常重视学生在学术成绩、拓展能力以及身心健康等方面的全面发展,认为均衡的课程体系能够实现全人教育,帮助每一个孩子发挥潜力,成就独一无二的自己。

Louise has been involved in developing programs for international students and travelled abroad on numerous occasions to connect with the parents of students involved. 


文章转载自:【ISA Science City爱莎科学城】




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