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发布日期:2023-04-17 11:36:13




Mary X.(10年级)







Bella Y.(10年级)









Sean X.(11年级)





Han F.(12年级)










德闳学生奖为致敬容闳先生,传承百年容闳精神,针对高中学段,上海德闳设立“德闳学生奖”。获得德闳学生奖的学生不仅需才学出众、品行端正,更要具备突出的协作精神与领导力。 同时,学校还为获奖学生准备了个性化的升学指导支持,助力其申请适配学府,成就更好的自我。

IB Programme At Dehong Shanghai: How It Helps Students’ Comprehensive Development And The Pathway To Their Further Education

How to better adapt to studies in an IB Programme and apply for best-fit universities? It is a concern of many Dehong students and parents. To this end, we plan to carry out a series of workshops: “IB In Conversation with…” to hear perspectives and experiences from.9ur students, teachers and parents. In workshop #1, we invited our high school students Mary X., Bella Y., and Sean X., the parent of Bella Y., the parent of Han F. and Ms. Cai Hong (University and Careers Counselor) with the host Ms. Rebecca Curtin (Deputy Head of Secondary School & IB Coordinator) to share learning experiences from our high school, and help students and families understand the pathways to IB and further education.

Mary X.(G10)‍

Breaking the pattern of thinking and shaping a multi-dimensional life

Mary came to Dehong in Grade 6. She had studied in a public school before joining Dehong. She believes that the biggest gain here is the change in her pattern of thinking and character. In the past, there was an established pattern of thinking in her mind, but now she is more inclined to use divergent thinking and think outside the box. She believes that her character is more mature than before, and she has learned to manage her emotions and become more daring to express her voice.

What attracts Mary is that Dehong Shanghai offers holistic education and with IB results, she can apply for universities all over the world. She thinks that by studying and learning at Dehong Shanghai, her academic knowledge and transferable skills will be improved, which will be beneficial to both her future studies at university and her future life.

Ms. Hong CaiUniversity and Career Counsellor

"The IB Programme at Dehong Shanghai is a journey of discovery in which many unknowns are waiting to be explored by students, requiring them to follow a series of teaching methods guided by teachers to discover themselves step by step, so we want students to be well-rounded learners every single day here."

Mary found that our IB Programme will help her present a multi-dimensional self and a full character in the her university applications, showing her strengths to her dream university from a multi-dimensional perspective and increasing her application success rate.

Bella Y. (G10)

From D to A in all subjects and enjoying her life in the midst of a busy schedule

Bella found that the IB Programme at Dehong Shanghai is a good fit for her as there are opportunities to develop in all areas including studies in language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics and the arts, which made her academic life more fulfilling. Her experience is that before entering Grade 10, it is important to develop good critical thinking and time management skills, as well as to participate in more activities to explore personal interests. 

Bella has discovered what she was really interested in and passionate about, as well as the drive to continuously improve her maturity of mind. Now she finds that she can do a lot of things besides studying, and she can even inspire and impact others; she has also become braver and has the courage to try new things.

Bella’s Mother

“I have seen Bella grow up, from a shy girl to a now confident and independent learner. Now, I am playing the role of companion and supporter, offering help and support for her to continue to grow and further improve.”

Bella’s mother understands parents’ anxiety for children’s education. She believes it shall no longer be an anxiety if her child is placed in the IB Progamme at Dehong Shanghai, which has brought her child positive changes.

Ms Hong CaiUniversity and Career Counsellor

“The relationship between Bella and her mom has shown me the ideal family relationship for this progression process, which is to build a virtuous circle between the three elements of the child's self-drive, positive values, and parental trust.”

Sean X.(G11)

Understanding the balance, making decisions, and becoming self-determined

Sean believes that the self-reflection skills he has developed in learning activities has helped him to adapt to high school life and take the initiative to manage his studies.

Ms Hong CaiUniversity and Career Counsellor

“The biggest difference between the IB Programme at Dehong Shanghai and other schools is that Dehong students are more independent thinkers, actively inquiring, consciously developing their internal drive, and the IB Programme at Dehong Shanghai helps students make their own critical decisions at every point.”

As a holistic learner, one of the most significant aspects of the IB Programme has been the way Sean has been taught to be strong self-determined, to be responsible for himself while taking into account the opinions of others.

Sean believes that progression to higher education requires support from both academic and non-academic programmes, and that academic studying and extra-curricular activities are mutually reinforcing.

Han F.(G12)‍

Finding Niche and entering the best-fit university

While choosing middle school for his child, Han's father considered the future study and further education, knowing that IB Programme at Dehong Shanghai have a balance between arts and science. He believed that the self-management, time-management, and social skills of Han will improve in an IB learning environment at Dehong, so ultimately chose Dehong Shanghai.

Seeing the whole process of study as long term preparation for further study, Han’s father believes that what parents can provide for their children is support and guidance for students’ interests and exploration. Han's father is also pleased that his child has found his own niche and is brave enough to study abroad.

“The most important thing parents should do now is to give their children as many opportunities as possible to explore, guide them to have fun on their own, and encourage them to take the initiative to learn.”

We see the IB programme at Dehong Shanghai could bring challenges and help develop our students at the same time. We hope that with these IB workshops, we can provide students and parents with the opportunity to understand our IB programme and students’ progression, to reflect on and clarify the direction of their own child’s further study, and to build a solid foundation for their child’s future.





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