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发布日期:2023-06-15 11:36:59


Congratulations to our students for winning several awards at the "2023 NEC Global Finalists"!


全球第21名 全国第16名

Qualifying Test team score ranks 21st internationally. Overall team score ranks 16th nationally.

此次,参加全球站的4位同学分别是来自:10年级的Alex、Horace、Ethan ,十一年级的Jason。

The four students who participated in the Global Competition were Alex, Horace and Ethan from Grade 10 and Jason from Grade11.


Among them, our student Alex ranked 19th globally in the International Economics and Current Affairs section and Horace ranked 11th globally in the Macroeconomics test score, congratulations to them!


We are so proud of you! Also, thanks to teacher Ms. Emily!


赵思昊 Alex

Looking back, we’ve gone a long way on our NEC journey, but I still remember the excitement of making it into the global finals like it was just yesterday though. In the end, even though we didn’t get any “awards”, what we got out of this competition was greater and more valuable than any award or price tag could possibly contain. I’m grateful to all the teachers and the school for all of the support and hard work. Especially my teammates, Horace, Ethan, and Jason, you are truly gifts, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without each other. This is going to be the last time I attend the competition with you, and I’m glad that you made it one that will always leave a mark on me for the rest of my life. Looking forward to seeing you on the international stage next year! 

董鸿煦 Horace

I'm Horace Dong, a student in 10A class at Living Word Shanghai. I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to participate in the National Economic Competition, both globally and nationally in China. 

I would like to express my gratitude to all my teachers, classmates, and family for their support and encouragement, which gave me the courage to challenge myself and pursue higher goals. I consider these honors as closely linked to your support and accompaniment. I will treat these honors humbly and see them as the motivation for my future efforts, and I believe I can do better in my future study and life.

廖奕宸 Ethan

I'm very honored to participate in the National Economic Challenge international final. I was amazed when I first saw the promotion email, but we thought that was not enough. Me and my teammates fought hard in the international final and got quite a good position in all of the international teams. We practiced a lot and had countless hours spent in meeting during the preparation phrase, and at the end, it all paid off. I definitely improved critical thinking skill and enhanced my logic on analyzing economic situations by participating in NEC. It's been a month full of challenge and fun, I will never forget the excitment when meeting competitors from all over the globe. Lastly I want to give huge thanks to my teammates for the indispensable collaboration, and my teacher for the flawless education, and myself for the hard work. 

董轩 Jason

I am Jason Dong, a student from Class 11C of LWS. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in NEC competitions around the world and in China. In this competition, our team got a very good result.

I would like to thank my teammates for their support, their encouragement gives me more motivation to pursue higher goals. This honor is inseparable from their support and companionship. I'm very grateful to my teammates.

National Economics Challenge

National Economics Challenge

全美经济学学术活动(National Economics Challenge,简称NEC)是美国最具影响力的高中生经济学竞赛,由美国经济教育学会(Council for Economic Education)举办。每年有超过20000名高中学生参加该竞赛,超过20%的美国决赛选手被哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福等藤校录取。NEC在2016年引入中国后,已覆盖到20多个省份和地区、300余所学校,数千名财商学子从中受益。






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