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北京乐成国际学校校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖

发布日期:2021-10-19 12:38:23

<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖


INSPIRING STUDENTS features stories about our exceptional BCIS Warriors who have empowered others in the school and community. Their actions have positively impacted the BCIS community and the world. Join us in congratulating our inspirational students as they continue to make change.

When Anna, a Grade 11 BCIS Warrior, was on the subway for her daily commute to class, she noticed that something important was missing. "There are no sanitary napkin vendors in the subway stations, and the stations are pretty far away from shopping malls. If people spend so much time on public transportation, they need access to such a necessary material." It was this particular problem that inspired Anna to pursue action in the form of her MYP Personal Project for school. Anna used her skills to make an impactful change for women in the world, and her motivation was recognized by the International Baccalaureate (IB) with the award of US$5000 in the form of the Dr. Siva Kumari MYP Student Innovators Grant. 

Anna's project was one of only 27 projects from the entire world that qualified for the Student Innovators Grant. In fact, she had applied for the grant the previous year with another of her projects but was not successful. After some reflection, she felt empowered to change her topic to focus on a broader issue that could help even more people. She was able to combine her passion for gender studies with a practical approach to helping solve a problem for the women of her city. This amalgamation of her personal interests and practical solutions allowed her project to truly shine and stand out from the pile of other applications for the Dr. Siva Kumari award. 


<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖


<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖  


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<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖  


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<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖

At the heart of Anna’s project is her desire to create positive change. "I'm so passionate about being a changemaker," she says. Anna's award-winning project will connect companies that make sanitary napkins with NGOs and set up vending machines to make the products available to women who use Beijing's public transportation. These vending machines will be placed in subway stations and other crowded areas and all proceeds from their sales will be donated to charities working for gender equality. In this way, the project creates a positive cycle that will continue to help women in the community and beyond. 

Anna initially almost missed the email announcing that she was a finalist for the Student Innovator Grant; however, when she realized that she had won the award, she was shocked and overjoyed. The difficulties she faced the previous year with her application made this year's award so much more meaningful. She believes that it was both the large impact her project will have, combined with her own motivation to address such issues that helped her win the grant from the IB. In addition to the money that she received to help her carry out her project, she also got to meet with advisors from the IB and other finalists from around the world, who helped give her feedback and even more ideas for her work. 

<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖 <a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖

The Dr. Siva Kumari Grant is a yearly award given to students at IB schools around the world who wish to create an initiative with a large social impact. Winning this award was a high honor for Anna and demonstrates her incredible work at BCIS and in the larger community. This project is not the only project she has undertaken in her time at our school. In fact, she also helped establish the group "Girl Up", that works to provide sanitary products and education on gender issues for girls at BCIS. Anna describes how she felt collaborating with her classmates to set up the group, stating "I was surprised because I never thought that I could make this much progress, and meet so many people who are also so passionate about gender issues." Through this collaboration, Anna and her classmates were able to further research issues faced by many women and come up with solutions to address these issues. 

The valuable experiences Anna gained both from activities as well as in her classes at BCIS helped her win the prestigious grant from the IB. In addition to starting "Girl Up", she also learned valuable skills such as project management during her middle and high school studies here at BCIS. Anna thanks her teachers and advisors for the fantastic support they have provided throughout her academic journey. Our advisors and teachers impart key values to students, such as the resilience Anna demonstrated in submitting a second application for the grant that was ultimately successful. She explains how she didn't give up, saying, "I applied when I was in Grade 9, and I didn't get in. In Grade 10, I wanted to try the whole process again, even though I had been denied. I felt like I could come up with something that was more related to society, not something just related to me as an individual, but connected to other people." Her dedication to help others shows that Anna truly has the BCIS Warrior Spirit.  

<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖 <a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖

Anna's award-winning project perfectly demonstrates the BCIS mission of "challenging and empowering students to be compassionate and inspired people, who act for the good of all and the sustainable development of the world." The whole school is excited for her personal success, and the community can benefit from her efforts! Looking ahead, Anna will continue to be involved in helping empower the students at our school and helping the women in our community. For her own studies, she would like to pursue gender studies, so she can find more opportunities to help make the world a better place. We extend our warm congratulations to Anna for her outstanding achievement, and thanks her for her work in our school and greater community! 

<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖


—— Anna BCIS G11


每年,国际文凭组织都会向全球各大IB世界学校 9 年级和 10 年级的学生发起MYP创新奖,并为入围决赛者提供诸如行业专家、顶尖导师辅导和资金支持等机会,促使他们成为具有社会意识的领导者,创新者和企业家,并对社区产生影响。这个奖项的全球决赛入围项目基本不超过30个,而今年,乐成11年级的Anna从全球IB世界学校中脱颖而出,凭借女性互助项目“公共区域女性互助卫生巾盒”获得2021年MYP创新奖,并成为了2021年中国大陆区唯一一个获得该奖的学生。





<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖


<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖  


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身为女性,所以更能理解女性。也因为理解,才让Anna富有同理心并且付之于行动。“Girl Up”是Anna和同学们利用课余时间创立的课外活动组织,他们从学校做起,在学校的女士卫生间提供环保卫生巾互助盒。 

<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖 <a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖


“我会用项目奖励资助那些没有机会获得这些知识或物品的女孩们。” Anna未来计划把奖金用在性教育上,比如一些国内的非盈利组织和她自己创建的相关项目。 



“作为一所IB世界学校,乐成从PYP, MYP, 一直到IBDP项目,以终为始,一以贯之。”乐成IBDP协调员David老师认为,“乐成的特别之处在于,只要我们的学生想要选择IBDP课程,不论他们的成绩如何,我们就会全力支持。” 


<a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖 <a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖



  <a href=https://school.net/school/203.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>北京乐成国际学校</a>校园创变者收获IB MYP创新奖

创建于2019年的IB MYP创新奖希望激励和培养学生成为成为具有社会意识的领导者,创新者和企业家,并对社区产生影响。入围决赛的学生们将有机会获得: 

· 与来自全世界30所IB世界学校的创新伙伴网络进行合作

· 获得行业专家和顶尖导师辅导的机会

· 获得资金助力项目

Beijing City International School


T   +8610 8771 7171

W  www.bcis.cn 

No. 77 Baiziwan Nan Er Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, PR China 


An IB World School Accredited by CIS & WASC





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