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发布日期:2021-10-28 14:49:55

Authors: Kindall Tyson, M.Ed., LPC, NCC & Tessa Van Der Meiden


When we speak about wellbeing or mental health at Dulwich College Beijing (DCB), what exactly do we mean? 

Throughout our lives, many of us learn how to take care of our physical health. We are told to eat balanced meals, moderate unhealthy food, exercise regularly, get some fresh air, and stay warm in winter. If we don’t, then we feel unhealthy, fall ill, are more likely to catch a virus, or increase our risk of diseases. Additionally, like our physical health, we need to be as mindful of taking care of our mental health. Research shows that when we take care of our mental health, we are better able to cope with stressful situations, work productively, and realize our full potential. 


While we can continue to devote time expounding on the equitable importance of our mental health to our physical health, it’s also imperative that we recognize the role that stigma has played in the reduced awareness and acceptance of mental health and the vital role it plays in our overall wellbeing. Fred Rogers stated, “Anything that is human is mentionable, and anything that is more mentionable is more manageable. When we talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” Stigma thrives in silence, and one way to combat stigma is to have open, honest, empathetic, non-judgmental conversations about our various mental health journeys-proving that we share common experiences, proving that creating supportive communities aids to dismantle the stigma associated with mental illness, and proving that speaking up about our thoughts, feelings, and experiences-being vulnerable-is a strength. World Mental Health Day champions these efforts. At DCB, we seek to normalize sharing our authentic experiences in a safe, supportive, and collaborative school community. At DCB, we seek to normalize that collective strength is found in sharing. 

There are numerous, practical ways we can take care of our mental health. Asking for help when you need it, getting enough sleep, connecting with people you trust, engaging in positive self-talk, staying physically active, and eating healthily are all ways to boost your mental health. Sometimes a student might struggle with their mental health due to biological factors (e.g., genes or brain chemistry), life experiences (e.g., traumatic events, abuse, difficult family or financial situations, a global pandemic) or have a family history of mental health difficulties. They might notice this in their mood, having no energy, sleeping too much or too little, feeling anxious, feeling helpless or hopeless, engaging in self-harming behaviours, inability to perform daily tasks or having thoughts of suicide. It is very normal for everyone to struggle with their mental health sometimes. It is important to realize that there is always help available.


This year at DCB, one of the pillars is Wellbeing. Given the constant background stress of the global pandemic, uncertain restrictions and on-and-off online school, the need to focus on wellbeing has only been heightened. Fortunately, students have access to a wide support system of tutors, teachers, Heads of Year, and staff members at DCB. As part of our wellbeing model, they are also taught how they can take care of their physical and mental health in their monthly Life Skills lessons. 

If a student wishes to seek additional support in school, they also have access to the counselling service where they can talk to a professional about how they can boost their mental health. Besides supporting them at home, encourage your children to utilize the numerous resources that are available to them. 

Sunday 10 October was World Mental Health Awareness Day. Let’s not just reserve the conversation for one day, but rather embed it into our daily conversations, influencing the way we raise our young people. Doing so will better prepare them for all the opportunities and challenges the world has to offer. From this day on, let’s give ourselves the gift of prioritizing our mental health; we deserve it. 



Kindall Tyson, M.Ed., LPC, NCC & Tessa Van Der Meiden





虽然我们可以花很多时间阐述心理健康和身体健康的同等重要性,但我们也要意识到在心理健康的认知和接受方面,耻辱感起到的负面作用,进而对整体的身心健康产生了负面影响。美国著名儿童节目制作人Fred Rogers说:“任何人性的东西都是可以说出来的,任何更容易说出来的东西都是更好管理的。当我们能说出自己的感受时,就会不那么压抑、不那么烦躁、也不那么恐惧。”沉默是耻辱感的沃土,与耻辱感作斗争的一种方法是公开、诚实、有同理心、不带偏见的谈论我们各种心理健康历程,证明我们有着共同的类似的经历,证明创建支持性社区有助于消除与心理疾病相关的耻辱感,并证明说出我们的想法、感受和经历,展示我们的脆弱是一种颇有力量的行为。这也是世界心理健康日所支持的。在北京德威,我们寻求在一个安全的、支持性的和协作的学校社区中正常化分享我们的真实体验。在北京德威,我们寻求正常化分享的集体力量。










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