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发布日期:2021-12-02 17:29:14


Stimulate the inner strength for growth

G12,Class 1,Hank Yang杨俊浩

Parents seem like a piece of the sheltered firmament that brightens our confusion on the road of life, a magnificent tree that protects our growth. The selfless dedication of their own life let the child in the development of safety protection. They feel gratified for the development of their children, for their pay without regret, even though their pay is not any return. Because of their love, we through layers of obstacles. Children are springing up like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, but also as uneven as weeds.

How many frosts and scorching sun, days and nights selfless parents spend caring for us?

Probably most children hate their parents due to some reasons such as limiting their entertainment time or intervening in their own decisions. However, it is not the truth as their image.

I was addicted to playing games, especially ones on mobile phones, and fed up with studying when I was in junior high school, which led my academic performance to be lower increasingly. At the same time, whenever my father came home and found me playing games, he would think I had been playing too long and give me a scolding. Under that circumstance, all people surrounding me included my parents, suspected that the main murderer of wasting my time studying. Therefore, my father had to make a decision that confiscated my phone and believe the guess that my studying would be better as long as I was left with those devices which may distract me.

However, I was unwilling to try to find out where my father had hidden my phone. Luckily, I found it quickly so that I could sneak it out for a little while every time they went out. Indeed, each time I did not have my phone, I would study hard to get it back. After I made some progress in my grades, my father would hand the phone back to me. During my three years in junior high school ,, I constantly repeat the process of losing and getting my phone back. During this period, I often quarrel with my father because of this matter.

Until one time, I walked by my parents' room and overheard them talking about me. Puzzled, my mother asked my father why he kept my phone in such a prominent place, even in the same position. Nonetheless, my father was quite to indicate his purpose that he only wanted to cultivate my self-awareness. No matter what I do, he won't hinder me. On the contrary, he hoped to correct and improve himself through my reflection.

To sum up, he didn't want to force me to do something that would duplicate the tragedy of other people's failed education. After that, I lay quietly in bed thinking about the topic and recalling the pictures corresponding to dad’s saying. I suddenly realized how much my father wanted me to succeed. I lose control of laughing at my ignorance and capriciousness and am determined to study hard and repay them with my actions in the future rather than being useless like an armchair soldier. Therefore, I realized my parents' good intentions

Thank for my parents’ education. Because of you, ignorant children understand the truth of life, and good habits have made our life. 

G11,Class 1,Bob陈泓博

Thanksgiving is a holiday in the U.S. observed on the fourth Thursday in November every year. The day is usually marked by gatherings of families and friends who share a meal together. In practice, Thanksgiving is more than just a meal, as you can literally see, but an expression of thanks to others. As a matter of fact, we ought to be grateful to others since it can entertain others as well as entertain us.

First off, I want to thank my family members since they have invested considerable time and energy in me. For instance, my grandpa takes me to and from school every day. He waits for me at home every morning and at school gate when my classes are over. He always arrives so early that he has to wait a long time, but he doesn’t complain. As the weather gets colder, I asked my mom to take me home from school. She immediately agreed, and sometimes she would bring some little snacks with her so that I won’t be so hungry. Sometimes I have squabbles with my parents, but they never mind; sometimes I share my ideas with them and they would listen to me. Such tiny things in my daily life encompass their infinite love for me.

In addition, I want to thank my teachers since they have taught me various things. For instance, Lizzy, who is my class teacher, always encourages and stimulates me to take part in school activities in order to increase my experience, which would be helpful in my future. She also talked with me several times to correct my shortcomings, as they might cause harm to my future. Although sometimes I still go my own way, she never gets angry with me and still patiently advises me. Marco, who is my physics teacher, also have taught me a wide array of things. In fact, I think that Marco is an interesting teacher since he always has a mysterious sense of humor. He is always fun to talk to, in and out of class. Sometimes I would ask him a question that I didn't understand, maybe because of the language barrier, neither he nor I could understand each other, but he still took the trouble to give me the answer, which made me feel very moved.

What’s more, I want to thank my classmates since they have helped me a lot. Marc, who is my best friend, is also an interesting person (at least from my point of view). The way he talks makes me think he's interesting. Sometimes I would ask him questions, and his answers would surprise me. Besides, he is really good at English since he has an enormous vocabulary. We make fun of each other sometimes, but he is also a real source of joy to me. However, most of the time, we help each other and make progress together.

We should always be grateful since you can't take anyone's kindness for granted. That's what Thanksgiving is all about.

G11,Class 1,Ally顾瑞容









  点评二等奖 杨俊浩同学讲述了自己和父亲之间发生的故事。父母永远是港湾,在背后默默的支持我们前行,文章深刻的表达了杨俊浩同学对于自己行为的反思,对于父亲的感恩,以及对于自己未来的指引。文章用词精炼,语句流畅,情感真切。 陈泓博同学在他的感恩书信中敞开心扉,用心感受了身边的人们对自己的爱。他描述了一件件生动的小事,感谢了家人对自己的关怀和包容;感谢了老师们对自己的鼓励和耐心;感谢了同学们给自己的帮助和快乐。行文流畅、结构工整、用语凝练。 顾瑞容同学在文中娓娓道来了她和她的数学老师的故事,深切表达了对这位老师的爱与感激。同时也表达了自己对文高的热爱,立志要回到这里成为一名老师。情真意切,感人肺腑。





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