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发布日期:2021-07-23 11:48:29










喜获佳绩的同时海嘉IB课程主任Mr. Matt Lawson也通过来信为我们一一解读海嘉学子的优势到底在哪里?



海嘉继续在拓展论文(EE)领域取得长足进步。25%的考生获得了A级,62%的考生获得了B级。再次将这些数据与2020年5月的全球数据进行比较,11%的全球考生取得了A级,34%的全球考生取得了B级。海嘉表现最优的拓展论文(EE)课程涉及以下学科:生物、中文A、中文B、化学和计算机科学。我要特别感谢我们的EE协调员Christopher Bolduc先生,感谢他为确保学生在这一关键领域取得成功所做的努力。





Mr. Matt Lawson


The May 2021 exam session proved to be a triumph of achievement for BIBA students, with a plethora of impressive results that highlight the thriving nature of the IB Diploma Program at our school.

BIBA’s diploma candidates attained a 100% diploma pass rate and the average BIBA total diploma score was 38 points. In addition, 80% of BIBA’s graduates successfully attained a bilingual diploma.

In addition, 80% of BIBA’s graduates successfully attained a bilingual diploma. However, by narrowing in on some of the more specific achievements of the examination session the full import of student achievement will become manifest.

As with previous examination sessions, BIBA students excelled in the Core components of the program. With respect to Theory of Knowledge course (TOK), 43% of diploma candidates attained a grade of an A, with 80% attaining grades of at least a B. To put this into perspective, in the May 2020 exam session, only 7% of global candidates achieved grades of an A, with 34% attaining grades of at least a B.

BIBA continues to make strides with the Extended Essay (EE), with 25% of diploma candidates attaining a grade of an A and 62% attaining grades of at least a B. Once again comparing these figures to May 2020 global data, 11% of candidates achieved grades of an A, with 34% attaining grades of at least a B. BIBA’s top-achieving EEs involved a wide range of subjects, including: Biology, Chinese A, Chemistry, Chinese B, and Computer Science. I would like to extend a special thanks to our EE Coordinator, Mr. Christopher Bolduc, for his conscientious and diligent efforts in ensuring student success in this key aspect of the program.

Although all subjects displayed impressive performance, the following subjects warrant an honorable mention in recognition of the fact that 75% or more of students achieved grades of at least a 6 this exam session: Korean A, Chinese B, English B, Geography, Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (AA), Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, and Visual Arts.

An additional novelty that is crucial to emphasize about BIBA’s performance this examination session is the staggering fact that 40% of our diploma candidates attained 40 or more points, 80% attaining at least 35 points. According to May 2020 global data, only 13% of candidates worldwide attained 40 points, with only 40% attaining at least 35 points. In both measurements, BIBA’s 2021 cohort has attained a high degree of distinction.

On a final note, it excites me to report that two BIBA graduates attained perfect diploma scores of 45 points, a monumental feat that was achieved by less than 1% of global candidates in the May 2020 session.

It is no surprise that these exceptional results could not have been achieved without the dedication, professionalism, and warm-heartedness of BIBA’s Diploma Program teachers. I feel privileged to work with such a selfless group of international educators and look forward to continuing to working alongside you all to fulfill BIBA’s strong commitment to creating bilingual, empathetic, globally-minded future leaders who maintain a firm grounding in both Eastern and Western culture.

Congratulations to BIBA’s 2021 IBDP cohort!

Mr. Matt Lawson

IBDP Coordinator

IB放榜,北京<a href=https://school.net/school/196.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>海嘉国际双语学校</a>学术再创新高

同时,海嘉联合校长Sharyn Baddeley 也希望通过来信寄语嘉人们:








特别祝贺我校的NiuNiu Jin和Anna Hyun两位同学,他们取得了IBDP满分45分的好成绩,这在IB考试中相当难得。在此,祝贺每一位同学,考入理想的大学,勇敢自信地踏上追梦的征程!亦祝大家假期愉快,期待开学再见!

Sharyn Baddeley



At BIBA, we are proud providers of holistic, well-rounded education, we celebrate our students’ achievement in all areas alongside academia. This includes reaching a personal best in academics or sport, to presenting at assembly for the first time, accomplishments in music and the creative arts, excellence in leadership, contributions to community service, to completing the Duke of Edinburgh adventurous journey, all success – group or individual – is recognised and congratulated. Each year we also look forward to celebrating the final results of our graduating class. Receiving these results mark the beginning of a new and exciting chapter for our students; the whole community joins together to celebrate the hard work demonstrated by our students and our teachers.

We’re incredibly proud of our class of 2021. Our students supported one another during a year when their challenges were more than usual. They learned how open communication and strong relationships with each other and their teachers is integral to everyone’s success.

We owe a huge thank you to our entire teaching team that has worked with some of our students for many years preparing them for their final high school year. At BIBA our philosophy is not primarily about grades, but about the overall development of each child and the individual approach to each character. Our focus is on motivating each student to learn independently and to continue learning throughout their lives. At BIBA, around 1700 students from 26 different nations are united by an intercultural spirit and guided by the motto “Respect, Relationships, Rigour and Responsibility”.

We provide our students with the intellectual, social, emotional, and most importantly, with the critical perspectives they will need as adults in a global, technological world. They will be equipped to solve the challenges of the future and make the world a better place.

Class of 2021

With a 100% pass rate for the Diploma Program all students have shown remarkable resilience and commitment to their education, particularly given the challenging 2020-2021 learning environment.

These results reinforce the merit of our learning programs, and the dedication of our teachers who support each student to achieve their own personal highest. 

The attributes of the IB Learner Profile – including the importance of thinking critically and being successful ‘risk takers’ in the way they approach unfamiliar situations with courage, resilience and determination in their work – has been particularly relevant throughout the year and have epitomised the skills that our students have demonstrated as they successfully managed the challenges of the year. We are incredibly proud of our IB Class of 2021 to achieve such impressive results, in the face of such diversity is a testament to the calibre of these students and the quality of teachers at BIBA.

The IB Diploma is globally recognised by Universities and Colleges, known for its well-rounded curriculum, students must undertake a subject each from science, mathematics, language and social sciences alongside an extended research essay plus critical thinking and social service components.

A Special congratulations to our Duces (Dux of School) NiuNiu Jin and Anna Hyun who both achieved perfect scores of 45 which is the highest possible score in the IB.

Congratulations to each student not only for their academic achievement but for their resilience, courage and personal triumphs. We wish them all the best as they prepare to join many of the finest universities around the world.

Summary of results:

BIBA students achieved 100% pass rate – compared to the global average of 88.96%

Two students achieved a perfect score of 45

Average BIBA Diploma Score – 38

80% BIBA students achieved a Bilingual Diploma

40% of BIBA students scored 40 points and above

80% of BIBA students scored at least 35 points

Sharyn Baddeley

MSHS Principal/C-Head of School






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