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发布日期:2021-12-08 12:33:53


Mountain Day is an annual fall tradition that dates back to the founding of MacDuffie in 1890. On this day, students and the teachers from each House, work together to complete various activities, realize the value of community, achieve excellence with orderly competition deeply rooted in the heart, hold respect for nature, and practice the core values of MacDuffie. 

/集体 & 卓越/     Community & Excellence MACDUFFIE SCHOOL


This Mountain Day continued the tradition of the past, dividing the teachers and students into four Houses, named after the core values of MacDuffie: The Community House, the Integrity House, the Respect House, and the Excellence House. Each House was equipped with brightly colored flags and uniforms, and was ready to go under the organization of each dean.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动


The first stop of this Mountain Day is Sheshan Mountain in Shanghai. Although the mountain is not high in altitude, it allowed students and teachers of the whole school to climb to the top quickly, which was still a test of everyone's ability to work together and strive for excellence.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动


The race for speed began at the foot of the mountain! The school paid more attention to the safety of students and teamwork spirit while competing for speed. In this process, each House not only aimed to reach the top, but also presented the help and care for other teammates.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动

/尊重/     Respect MACDUFFIE SCHOOL


With the joint efforts of teachers and students, we arrived at the top of the mountain after dozens of minutes. Overlooking the scenery below, the students felt the joy of victory of "At the top of the mountain, I am the peak", and also praised the charm of the autumn season. They sincerely gave out their respect and love for nature in the appreciation.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动

/领导力 & 创造力/     Leadership & Creativity MACDUFFIE SCHOOL


After a rest, we headed for the second stop - Guangfulin Cultural Relics Park. As a supplement to mountaineering, the school hoped that students would not only learn to respect nature, but also to respect history and humanity, and expand their knowledge and horizon. The school has also carefully designed and arranged punching points throughout the park. Houses completed group tasks and take pictures in front of each landmark landscape. The House that clocked in the earliest would get a wristband, and the student who accumulated the most wristbands would get a chance to have lunch with the principal.

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动


The activity fully aroused the enthusiasm of the students in all Houses. Under the guidance of deans, teachers and students actively looked for the optimal route for punching and cooperated closely. Some students undertook the duties of assisting the House Dean to organize and manage students, digging their own leadership; some classmates activate their creativity in front of the clocking points, thinking about how to better complete various tasks. The advantages of each student slowly came out, and it was a good chance to let the students know themselves better. 

<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>登山日活动


The Mountain Day lasted for only one day, but the harvest is endless. A happy and colorful day, not only let the teachers and students relax, but also empowered them with the sense of achievement brought by community and cooperation, and felt the exquisite natural and cultural landscape. Let's look forward to the Mountain Day the next autumn!





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