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走进上海协和双语高级中学中文课程 美好教育在这里相遇


发布日期:2021-07-23 15:20:24

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当孩子踏入SUIS JKGB的那天起,他们仿佛就进入了中西文化相互碰撞、相互交融的多彩世界。选择了融合课程的家长们是不是会有一丝担忧——与全中文的学习环境相比,双语环境是否会使孩子在母语学习上处于劣势?“鱼”和“熊掌”到底能不能兼得?

今天,我们将带领大家走进SUIS JKGB的中文课程,通过中文组老师们的真实课堂,了解融合学子是如何通过探索与实践来发展中文能力的。

When students begin to enter SUIS JKGB, they are very much stepping into a glorious intermediate zone where they may encounter both the conflict and integration of Chinese and Western cultures. Parents may often worry whether a bilingual environment, compared with public schools’ Chinese-only environment, may disadvantage children in their learning of Chinese.  

Today, we’d like to introduce to you an overview of how we deliver Chinese Curriculum at SUIS JKGB to help you gain insight into how our students develop their learning skills of Chinese through practice and exploration.  

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Chinese Curriculum at SUIS JKGB


Part 01中文学科教学理念

在SUIS JKGB,“融合中西,和谐发展”是我们一直以来践行的教育理念。为了适应现代社会和智能化发展的新要求,我们中文学科的课堂教学力求以学生为中心,开展探究式学习、实用性学习和项目化学习。我们注重教给学生方法,注重学生能力的培养,注重学生素养的提高,以期把国家课程要求与融合课程构架和育人目标的实际有机地统一起来。
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At SUIS JKGB, "East meets West" has been our educational philosophy. In order to adapt to the new requirements of modern society and intelligent development, our classroom teaching of Chinese-led subject strives to be student-centered and carries out inquiry learning, practical learning and project-based learning. We pay attention to teaching methods, to the inspire of students' abilities, and to the improvement of students' key competences. We are trying our best in order to integrate the national curriculum requirements with the curriculum and educational objectives of SUIS JKGB.


Part 02语文教学

Lisa LI////Grade 6///《两小儿辩日》
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李老师基于“探索未知”单元,围绕“科学发现的机遇,总是等着好奇而又爱思考的人” 主题展开教学,旨在引导学生思考影响人类认识世界、探索世界的因素,分析思维方式与认知和行动的联系及感受,以及印证观点的主要方法。老师在学生总结归纳《两小儿辩日》主要内容及各自观点的基础上,通过不断抛出问题,激发学生对影响个体对世界认知的因素的思索和探究,反思自我的认知方法和过程,并讨论如何让其更科学。课上,李老师还通过自我反思、小组讨论、班级匿名展示等不同的活动方式使同学们更自主地参与其中,锻炼了大家的批判性思考和反思、迁移技能。

Based on the unit of "Exploring the Unknown", Ms. Li aimed to guide students to think about the factors that affected people’s understanding and exploration of the world, and analyzed the ways of thinking and action. By asking students to summarize the main idea of the context "The argument about the Sun" and to share their points of view, Ms. Li ignited students’ thinking about what were the factors that affected the individual's cognition of the world, and reflecting on the methods and processes of self-cognition by constantly raising deeper questions. Apart from that, she also encouraged students to participate more actively through different activities such as self-reflection, group discussion, and anonymous display in the class, which trained students’ critical thinking, reflection, and transfer skills.

而周老师则通过“两小儿”课堂“辩日” 来进行教学。学生们被分为两组,角色扮演文中的两小儿。从课文朗读到全文翻译,再到两小儿的观点分析,班级同学紧扣课堂任务,积极融入两小儿的角色。课堂讨论时,小组同学之间积极交流和发表观点,同时认真地做笔记。回答时,同学们踊跃举手,尽全力为小组夺分。全班“辩斗”氛围浓厚,轻松愉悦,在玩中学。

In another class, Ms Zhou held "An Argument about the Sun". The class was divided into two groups to act the “Two Children “in the text. Students started with text reading and full text translation. Then, they analyzed the “Two Children’s” points of view. Students were closely linked to the classroom tasks and actively integrated into the “Two Children’s” roles. During the discussion, the group members communicated passionately and took notes carefully. They raised hands enthusiastically to answer questions to win points for the group. 


Jane YU ////Grade 7///《陋室铭》
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Ms. Yu stimulated students' interest in learning through the "the name of famous writer’s study room or house", "famous person’s motto", and Audio reading. To develop students’ understanding about the classical texts, Ms. Jane Yu guided students to work in groups, discuss and share the meaning of the key words, the use of special sentence patterns, the use of rhetorical devices. In the follow-up appreciating of the text, Ms Jane Yu used the “task-based learning” strategy, encouraged students to work in group for further discussions. Eg. "why the humble house is not humble?" After class, the students practiced the writing strategy of expressing their aspirations from objects and completed the imitation writing.

仿写作品《梅花铭》 陈奕璇 Yuki 7LW



仿写作品《陋室铭》 杭忆 Markus 7LW




Ariel WEI ////Grade 7///《卖油翁》
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Ms. Wei's topic in this class was 'Oil Peddler'. The main teaching purpose was to guide students to understand the text in depth and analyse the character. She had a clear teaching idea and was good at heuristic teaching. The entire teaching was natural, well-organized and methodical. Students were offered enough space to learn and share their ideas.

Tina WU ////Grade 8///《石壕吏》
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"Shi Hao Li" is a long narrative poem written by Du Fu in the Tang Dynasty. Firstly, Ms. Wu asked students to read the poem aloud in order that they could realize the characteristics of the ancient poetry and rhyme during the repeated reading. Secondly, in the process of teaching the content of the poem, Ms. Wu focused on students’ oral expression to help them have a better understanding of the poem and the characters. Finally, to help students understand the author's emotion, Ms. Wu designed the ‘storyteller’ activity to help them be further familiar with the text and feel the author's emotion. At the same time, this unique form mobilized student's enthusiasm, initiative, improved the participation, and enlivened learning atmosphere.



Lina LI ////Grade 8///《卖炭翁》
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How can we get rid of the stereotype and become "interesting" in classical Chinese learning? This is a question that Ms. Li has been thinking about in Chinese teaching for many years. Through the continuous exploration and attempt in teaching, the answer is that we need to fully consider the learning situation, actively motivate students, make every link of classroom teaching natural, vivid and interesting, and let students fully accumulate and enrich their activities in the classroom. In this lesson, the teacher pays attention to improve students' critical thinking, no longer focuses on translation and explanation only. She tries to stimulates students' internal drive, and cultivates students' ability of perception and evaluation. At the same time, educational drama is introduced to make students deeply understand, dance with the text and resonate with the author.


Part 03数学及人文教学


AnAn ZHAO ////Grade 6///中文数学
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Ms. Zhao led out the linear inequality system in one variable, through the exploration of practical problems, When teaching, she asked students to review and discuss to help them understand the keywords: "inequality", " linear inequality in one variable ", and "grouping", and then directed students to explore the structure and characteristics of the inequality system. When teaching how to solve the system of inequalities, she asked the students to summarize the concept of " linear inequality system in one variable " by themselves.  Finally, students worked together with Ms. zhao and work out the way to solve the maths exercises. In the process of exploration students' learning enthusiasm was improved, and in the process of doing exercises their confidence on mathematics was enhanced.
Nora GUO ////Grade 6///中文地理
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he topic of the class was ‘World Population’. Based on the data of the seventh census of China in 2020, the class pointed out the theme in the form of current news. According to the teaching objectives of this lesson, students were divided into groups to explore. In the teaching process, Ms. Guo paid attention to group evaluation so that students could have a strong sense of participation, and their thinking and life were constantly connected. During the class, they had a deeper understanding of the temporal and spatial changes of population distribution and population problem. And finally they could form geographical comprehensive thinking during this period.





Jason GAO ////Grade 7///中文历史

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In the class of "Science, Technology, Architecture and Literature of the Ming Dynasty", Mr. Gao started with the life experiences of Xu Guangqi and Li Shizhen. The material selection was very careful. Mr. Gao showed two wonderful video clips of the War of Jingnan and the aerial shot of the Forbidden City. Through the two interactive activities, including group exploration and side debate, students' ability of knowledge integration and critical thinking.



Jessica CAO////Grade 8///道德与法治
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The class of "The Basic political system" was an attempt to explore students' autonomous learning. According to the textbook content, that is, the three basic political system of the constitution, students were divided into three groups to explore before the class. In class, the students learned and shared the results of the inquiry. Three groups of students respectively showed the relevant information they found before class, relevant interviews and field visits. Mr. Cao was in charge of guidance and knowledge connection in class, and tried to give the initiative of learning to the students. Through the inquiry learning of this lesson, students could further understand the basic methods used in inquiry learning, and their innovative thinking and ability of expression were improved.

Student Presentation


在SUIS JKGB,我们的中文教研组将现代化的教学方法与差异化教学相结合,满足所有融合学子的学习需求。


The essence of education in public schools and in private schools is the same – to help students grow into a better self. 

The Chinese curriculum at SUIS JKGB adheres to its own characteristics.

We strive to make every student love the Chinese language and to cultivate their cultural confidence.


文章转载自:【 上海协和双语高级中学(古北)官方微信】




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