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发布日期:2022-01-23 09:41:12




Reading and writing plays an important role in the American high school syllabus. Professional research shows that boys in grade 11 read an average of 250,000 English words a year, while girls read 330,000. Abundant reading in and out of classes not only enriches the vocabulary of American middle school students, but also enriches their perspective on solving problems. This is a good preparation for independent research at university level.


American universities often set up reading related essay questions to examine students' interest in reading and their attitude towards life. In many cases, schools will go further and ask students to talk about their own inspirations and comments on the ideas in the book. Students' intellectual curiosity and academic interest can be best tested by listing the books they have read in the past year. Asking the student to choose one of the many books to unfold can show his personality and taste. Given the crucial role these factors plays in the application, applicants should not be too casual in their responses to these essay questions.


In order to arouse students' lifelong reading awareness and improve their reading ability in winter vacation, Shanghai MacDuffie School has compiled the following list of reading for students in four subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

[ 1.数学阅读书籍推荐 ]  

Recommended Math Reading List


<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>寒假读书推荐书单

Recommended Math

What is Mathematics?


作者:Richard Courant

在书中,作者贯穿了哥廷根学派数学统一性的思想,对基础数学的四大基本分科:代数学、几何学、分析学与拓扑学作了精辟的概述,反映它们相互渗透的趋势。此书还用较大的篇幅阐述了与应用数学密切相关的微积分。由于作者十分强调数学的应用以及它与其他领域的联系, 因此使读者的范围大大扩展:无论是初学者还是专家;无论是学生还是教师,都能从中得到教益与启迪。

In the book, the author runs through the thought of mathematical unity of Gottingen school, and gives an excellent overview of the four basic branches of basic mathematics: algebra, geometry, analysis and topology, reflecting the tendency of their mutual infiltration. The book also elaborates the calculus, which is closely related to applied mathematics. Because the author emphasizes the application of mathematics and its connection with other fields very much, the scope of readers is greatly expanded: both beginners and experts; Both students and teachers can learn from it.

Recommended Math

The Code Book


作者:Simon Singh


Douban score 9.0. It starts with the guillotine of Queen Mary attributed to the decryption of the cipher letter, and describes the history and process of the development of cryptography with many interesting stories. The Caesar code, the Ancient Egyptian code, the Enigma Machine and the defeat of the Nazis... All the way to the next generation of revolutionary quantum cryptography. This book is more like a page-turner than a book on cryptography.

Recommended Math

A History of Mathematics


作者:Carl B. Boyer


This book condenses thousands of years of mathematical development into this chronicle. From the Greeks to Godel, mathematics has flourished, with celebrities and the ebb and flow of ideas visible everywhere. And, although tracing the development of Mathematics in Europe, the author does not ignore the contributions of Chinese, Indian and Arab civilizations. It's both academic and readable.

[ 2.物理阅读书籍推荐 ]  

Recommended Physics Reading List


<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>寒假读书推荐书单

Recommended Physics




This book is about the story of quantum theory. Quantum theory is an extremely wonderful theory: in physical terms, it has aroused the most intense controversy and attention among scientists; In practical terms, it has brought unparalleled change and progress to our society. And few histories of science have been more thoroughly studied than the creation of quantum theory. Yet its basic ideas and assumptions have mysteriously failed to penetrate the popular consciousness, which undoubtedly adds to its aura of mystery.

Recommended Physics

The New World of Mr. Tompkins


作者:George Gamow


This book is a popular science work under the pen of gamow, a science prodigy, and is also one of the world's most popular physics works. Gamow gave full play to his strange imagination, from the point of view of physics, he spent a long time to imagine the wonderful world, through the book presented to the reader. In this book, the author imagines an ordinary clerk named Tompkins, the main character of the book, who knows nothing about science, but captures a lot of physics knowledge, especially about relativity and quantum theory, through scientific lectures and magical sleepwalking in physics wonderland. The author uses a series of interesting stories to visualize abstract physical concepts and laws, and elaborates profound abstract physical principles in popular language. The book has not only received widespread attention from the scientific community, but also attracted countless ordinary readers and science lovers.

[ 3.化学阅读书籍推荐 ]  

Recommended Chemistry Reading List


<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>寒假读书推荐书单

Recommended Chemistry

Oxygen: The molecule that made the world


作者:Nick Lane


The book takes the reader on a magical journey that is as gripping as a thriller and reveals many unexpected things. Oxygen stimulated the evolution of life and death, and this book reveals how oxygen underpinned the origins of biological complexity, the birth of photosynthesis, the sudden evolution of animals, the need for sex and more. This classic book may redefine the way we think about the world.

Recommended Chemistry

Atkins' Molecules


作者:Peter Atkins


The author is a research fellow and professor of physical chemistry at Lincoln College, Oxford. The book has been called "the most beautiful chemistry book ever written". The authors reveal the molecules associated with fabrics, drugs, plastics, explosives, detergents, perfumes and more in our daily lives. The book looks at the world around us from an atomic and molecular point of view, revealing many unexpected connections.

[ 4.生物阅读书籍推荐 ]  

Recommeded Biology Reading List


<a href=https://school.net/school/141.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海美达菲学校</a>寒假读书推荐书单

Recommeded Biology

The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature


作者:Matt Ridley


A pretty good popular science book that, while the author claims to be boring, is actually very interesting and suitable for anyone interested in biology. As the title suggests, the book is all about ideas and perspectives on evolution and its impact on humanity. Each chapter is very readable, and the language is very humorous, absolute biology reading first choice.

Recommeded Biology

The Selfish Gene


作者:Richard Dawkins


Douban's TOP1 biology popular science book, this is a book about the game phenomenon in various ecosystems. Dawkins is not concerned with the laws of genetics, evolution, eugenics or the past and future of communities; It's about how our genes use individuals like us to play their own game.

“身体和灵魂,总有一个要在路上。” 虽然特殊时期无法外出旅行,但是我们可以读万卷书,可以与书中的世界来一次美好的相遇。手中有书,心中有爱,每一本不同类型的书,都能让人收获,无论是思考还是思维。读书不能改变人生的长度,但可以拓展人生的高度,在书的思维里提升自我。

"Either body or soul is on the way." Although we can't travel during the epedemic period, we can read thousands of books and have a wonderful encounter with the world in books. Book in hand, love in heart, each different type of book, can make people harvest, whether thinking or thinking patterns. Reading can not change the length of life, but can expand the height of life, and improve themselves.


Hope every student in Shanghai MacDuffie love reading, read more books and read quality books.



Open Day正在预约中,欢迎来美达菲追梦!



Open Day is booking, welcome to MacDuffie!

Scan the QR code in the picture below and register ASAP!

January 8, 2022, be there or be square!





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