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发布日期:2022-01-29 15:22:58

<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


Mr. Min Yu

Translated by Ms. Jessie Wu

Chinese New Year is China’s most important festival. To celebrate this grand occasion, the school has purchased many beautiful decorations to make the campus colorful and bring the teachers and students a strong festival atmosphere of Chinese New Year.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

Red is the theme color of Chinese New Year, and the upcoming year is the Year of the Tiger. Inside the campus, handsome and lovely little tigers can be found everywhere, greeting people with "teeth and claws". The four big lanterns hanging under the front gate and the Fortune Tree laden with red envelopes were in great harmony. In the lobby, gold, silver, red, and purple balloons were floating in the air or hanging on the wall, adding color and a touch of romance to the space. Auspicious clouds, fireworks, and flowers as well as the tiger totem with BASIS's characteristics form the backdrop of the Chinese New Year celebration, attracting a large number of students and teachers to take photos.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

Among all the CNY decorations, the most heart-warming one is without doubt the Chinese New Year Wish Wall, where students and teachers write their wishes on colorful sticky notes. As the Year of Tiger is approaching, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


GP2 Awards Ceremony

<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


Ms. Xinni Zhang

On Friday, January 14th, BASIS International School Guangzhou held the GP2 Awards Ceremony to celebrate both the academic and personal success of our students.


In addition to 90s Club and Honor Roll, we also have Distinguished Honor Roll (for top 5% students in Grade 5 and up with the highest cumulative grade point average for GP1 and GP2) and Most Improved (for top 5% of students in terms of total percentage improvement from GP1 to GP2). The school also awarded students for their growth in socio-emotional development, including Caring, Courage, Integrity, Inclusiveness, Respect, Responsibility.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

Primary School students were eager to see who the Recess Renegade element group was for GP1, while our Middle School students were excited when the boarding team awarded The Best Boarders. Our audience also enjoyed the beautiful Auld Lang Syne performed by our amazing 1st graders.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

ECE students had their second dinosaur-themed awards ceremony. Our students celebrated their academic and character growth with the presence of their teachers and parents. Students played games, made music with shakers, and explained how to write code for their robots called Beebots. At the end of the event, the ECE parents were invited to dance with their children. This has now quickly become an ECE award ceremony tradition that we all get excited about.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


Dynamic Activity Recap


The Creative, Individualized, and Free-Style “Spirit Week”

Mr. Min Yu

Translated by Ms. Bonnie Sun

At BASIS International School Guangzhou, we are committed to something that goes beyond academic achievement: promoting character development and creativity. Spirit Week is one of such platforms available in the school where students let loose their imagination and show off their school spirit.


In Spirit Week, students can replace their school uniform with eccentric clothing, shoes, and hats. They can also wear their hair in the weirdest ways without getting frowned upon.


Aside from the signature Pajamas Day, the last Spirit Week featured Disney Day, National Traditional Dress Day, Dye Day, and Crazy Hat Day.


Let’s enjoy the splendor created by our students.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼 <a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


A Feast of Language

The Exhibition Match of BIGZ Chinese Debate Team

G8 Connie Xu

Translated by Ms. Sherry Shu

On January 10th, 2022, the BIGZ Chinese Debate Team presented a spectacular exhibition match on campus with an intriguing topic: Will life be wonderful or pathetic for humankind if Artificial Intelligence can do anything human beings do not want to do?


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

The debaters in this match were Cathy Li, Amy Huang from Grade 6, Tim Hu from Grade 7, and Michael Huang, Eason Li, Ken Wei, Rebecca Peng and Peggy Peng from Grade 8. Lucy Liu and Connie Xu served as the host and chairwoman respectively. The judges were the two coaches in the debate team and Chinese teacher Ms. Yvette Zhang.

参赛辩手有来自六年级的李梓铭Cathy Li、黄君若Amy Huang,七年级的胡天宁Tim Hu及八年级的黄可Michael Huang、李松晓Eason Li、魏凯航Ken Wei、彭蕴祺Rebecca Peng、彭紫萱Peggy Peng。刘昱彤Lucy Liu和徐子涵Connie Xu分别担任了主持人和主席,辩论队两位教练和中文老师张悦担任了评委。

The competition consisted of the following stages: constructive and rebuttal speeches, free debate, and closing arguments. Each debater calmly presented their statements and responded to their competitors with great confidence. Their wise and humorous remarks provoked laughter from the audience. Each debater showed their own personality. Some were calm and confident; others were aggressive and competitive in debate. The students, parents, and teachers were all immersed in this feast of language, admiring the “crossfire” of thoughts and beaming energy of these young debaters.


For this debate match, there was a newly added Q&A session. All the students participated actively and raised many interesting questions. Warm applause from the audience also encouraged more participation.


Since this was an exhibition match, there was no losing team. The fourth debater from the Affirmative Team, Eason Li, won the title of “THE BEST DEBATER” with his excellent performance. The event drew to a successful close with laughter and joy.



Parent-child Creative Workshop

Ms. Sandra Rizzello

Translated by Mr. Min Yu

The week after Christmas, Grade 4 Art hosted parents to join our art class by creating an object together, parents and children, with the use of the mosaic technique.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

The mosaic technique is an artistic technique that Grade 4 students have learnt. A mosaic is a piece of art that is composed of many tiny pieces of glass or tile. To be a prolific mosaic artist, you must exhibit patience and particular attention to detail that allows you to see the whole broken up into small shapes and colors.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼

I want to take a moment to thank all parents who actively participated with our students and was part of our Art lesson. It was lovely to see how the students collaborated with their parents. In these days of activities, the dialogue we established between the school and family for us as a teachers have proven a gift to improve the children's academic achievement, social skills, and emotional well-being.



A Glimpse into Classrooms


An Immersive Learning Experience of Chinese Traditional Culture Series II

Ms. Fay Yang

Translated by Sherry Shu

Continuing with our journey into Chinese culture, we will present the study of Chinese traditional clothing and architecture in this article.



Module Three:

Chinese Traditional Clothing

In addition to practical functions, traditional Chinese clothing symbolized people’s social status. Each dynasty has specific dressing rules about color, style, and fabrics for people of different social classes. After exploring the different clothing styles for each main dynasty, students learned more about Chinese traditional clothing by conducting further research. Some students investigated the development of traditional uniforms and wedding clothes. Others studied the clothing in A Dream in Red Mansions. Still others researched the traditional clothing of ethnic minorities and Chinese traditional accessories.

在中国古代,服饰除了基本的实用性之外,更有着明显的社会性,即 “别上下,辨亲疏”。不同时代对不同身份地位的人可以使用的服饰颜色、款式、用料等都有明确的规定。课堂上,我们首先介绍了先秦到民国的传统服饰的特点,然后请同学们根据自己的兴趣从古代官服演变、传统婚服演变、《红楼梦》中的服饰文化、少数民族服饰以及中国古代配饰5个角度进行深入研究和介绍。在制作海报和讲解的过程中,同学们对中国古代的服饰有了更细致全面的认识。

The module ended with a hands-on experience with the traditional tie-dye technique. Each student carefully designed and completed an exquisite tie-dye handkerchief of their own.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


Module Four:

Chinese Architecture

This module started with students reading Liang Sicheng’s masterpiece, A Pictorial History of Chinese Architecture, which introduced them to the practical, political, and aesthetic nature of Chinese architecture culture. They understood that ancient Chinese architects had a distinct preference for timber framework and rammed earth structure and that elements of Confucianism were embodied in key features of Chinese architecture, such as symmetric palaces and buildings with varying heights.


Then students were asked to build models and make presentations about one of the five types of traditional Chinese architecture: palaces, houses, temples, pagodas, and gardens.


<a href=https://school.net/school/2828.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>广州贝赛思国际学校</a>迎新春活动暨颁奖典礼


Phoenix Continued Their Success in MUN 

Mr. Frogh Kohyar

Translated by Mr. Min Yu

Model United Nations is an event where students get together and simulate the United Nations in a competitive debate format. Each student will represent a country, learn about that countries foreign policy, study an international issue and try to come up with a solution to that issue, based on their country’s interests.


Students are awarded for their ability to put together a realistic resolution to the issues they are facing in their committees. These committees range from Security Council to the World Health Organization. Moreover, the goal of such a simulation is to build skills such as publics speaking, collaboration, and leadership skills.


Utaloy’s MUN, which is referred to as U2NESCO, was a unique experience of online students engaging with offline students, who were present in a classroom. Our student made the trip for the in-person experience and survived three days of speeches, resolution writing and debating. We walked away with two Best Delegate awards for Yin Ting Wang, who was in an Education Committee representing the United Kingdom, and Alexandra Hui, who was representing Afghanistan.

Utaloy的模拟联合国大会的独特之处在于它是在线上和线下同时进行。我校学生在此次模拟之旅中表现出色,持续三天的拉锯战,演讲、提案和辩论,我们最终带走两个最佳代表奖,他们分别是代表英国教育部的Yin Ting Wang和代表阿富汗政府的Alexandra Hui,让我们祝贺他们!




    Covid快结束!!! I wish to be more smarter! Read more books~ 世界和平! Happy New Year => 万事胜意,身体健康!      

Editor 编辑 | Cora Lin & Min Yu

Proofread 审校 | Chan Deng

Photographer 摄影 | Min Yu & Vivi Chen & Fay Yang & Sophia Lee

Photo Editor 图片编辑 | Sophia Lee

Layout Editor 排版 | Sophia Lee

+86 020-8222-2888 | basisinternationalgz.com

BASIS International School Guangzhou


No. 8 Jiantashan Road, Science City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province 510663 PR China






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