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发布日期:2022-06-28 10:49:53

Announcing the 1st YCYW Game Design Contest! 上海耀中学子喜获游戏设计比赛一、三等奖
"Time for bed.” 

“10 more minutes!”, a voice called from a lit screen. 

This may be a familiar exchange and some may even recognise this routine in their home. Although video games can have a negative stigma attached to them, continue reading to find out how two YCIS Shanghai students used their creativity and programming knowledge to develop ideas into reality. 


“十分钟!” 屏幕中突然响起了一个声音。 


Leading up to Yew Chung Yew Wah’s 90th Anniversary, the Fellows-in-Residence and Education Technology Department launched a student video game design and development contest under the theme of Outer Space. We challenged students to use their imagination, critical thinking skills, and logical reasoning in hopes of inspiring our young YCIS developers and entrepreneurs to put forward their best ideas. 


Students were evaluated based on several factors:  


Creativity  创意性

Ease of access  可实现性

Programming  编程

Fun factor 趣味性

The outcome gave us some out-of-this-world game designs and ideas. YCIS Shanghai Puxi's very-own Year 5 Ziming was awarded first place while his peer Sebastian in Year 4 won third place. We are delighted with all of our YCIS Shanghai participants and the efforts they have shown! 

在众多参赛者中,上海耀中(浦西)五年级的Ziming喜获第一名!四年级的 Sebastian也取得了第三名的好成绩!让我们为他们鼓掌!

YCYW 2021 Video Game Competition


Q、What inspired you to develop your video game? 你的设计灵感和初衷是什么?

* Z:Ziming,S: Sebastian

Z:I took inspiration from a book called ‘Space’. On one of the pages, it said that there were many rocks falling on the moon and planets, like Mars. I thought that I could make a game with rocks falling from space onto the moon and use the player to help target the rocks.

我从一本名为 《空间 》的书中得到了灵感。书中提到月球和火星等行星上有许多岩石,我就想,我可以做一个游戏,让石头从太空中落到月球上,然后玩家向它们射击!"

Announcing the 1st YCYW Game Design Contest! 上海耀中学子喜获游戏设计比赛一、三等奖

S、We learned about the possibility of spaceflight at school and I believe going into space is relatable to a lot of children, including myself. I am confident in designing games and I thought I could imagine a design that my friends and I could enjoy together. 


Announcing the 1st YCYW Game Design Contest! 上海耀中学子喜获游戏设计比赛一、三等奖

Q、How long did it take to make your digital product? 完成这份作品耗时多久?

Z:It took me 10 days to finish it. I tried not to use outside resources to help me but I did get a lot of encouragement and advice from Mr Jones! 

我花了10天时间才完成,感谢Jake Jones老师在其中给予我的鼓励与建议!

S:The research and design process took me about one month. I would spend time working on my idea after school and on weekends. 

I am proud of myself because the final product took a long time and I overcame many obstacles fixing bugs in code. For example, I didn’t understand why my two programmable actions weren’t equating to anything. After consulting with different sources, I figured out the solution was to extend the time of the actions by adding a time interval variable in the code.  With my mom's encouragement and Mr Jones’ support along the way, the long hours were worth it and I can improve in different areas next time!    



Q、What would you like to do in the future? 你的未来梦想是什么?

Z:I would like to be a computer programmer. 


S:I love being creative! I think creativity is the key to link dreams to reality. So, I would love to create and design more funny video games to play with my friends. Or, I would like to become a professional golfer. 


YCIS Puxi Primary STEAM Coordinator Mr Jake Jones says, 

"I'm very proud of our students and enjoyed watching them build their games with creativity and not giving up when something wasn’t working. I look forward to even more participants from YCIS entering the competition next year, and testing out more great games!"

对于Ziming和Sebastian的成功,小学部STEAM课程主任Jake Jones老师深感自豪,


We also spoke with the boys’ co-teachers to get to know these students better: 


"Ziming is a highly motivated and enthusiastic student who loves to challenge himself! His positive outlook towards learning is infectious and he can regularly be found encouraging and supporting his peers with a mathematical problem."


—— YCIS Puxi Year 5 Co-teachers 

Ms Una Minogue and Ms Bella Pan 


Ms Una Minogue 与Ms Bella Pan 

“Sebastian is a strong and thoughtful leader. He enjoys inspiring others. He works hard to solve problems and embodies our YCIS virtues in what he does. We’re very proud of him for designing and creating an imaginative video game.” 

“Sebastian 是一位坚强而有思想的领导者。他喜欢激励他人、并努力解决问题。在他的身上,我们可以看到上海耀中所一直积极倡导的美德。对于他设计出了如此富有想象力的视频游戏,我们深感骄傲!” 

——YCIS Puxi Year 4 Co-teachers 

Mr James Ilott and Ms Evelyn You 


Mr James Ilott 与 Ms Evelyn You 





Announcing the 1st YCYW Game Design Contest! 上海耀中学子喜获游戏设计比赛一、三等奖

Oxford comes a-calling to YCIS Shanghai

Announcing the 1st YCYW Game Design Contest! 上海耀中学子喜获游戏设计比赛一、三等奖





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