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发布日期:2022-07-01 10:05:57



G6、Book Reports Out Of The Ordinary

Based on the novel, Where the Red Fern Grows, students are supposed to produce a product that will give a detailed summary, including information from each chapter. The format can be a comic strip, alternative ending, sequel, interview, etc. If students are doing an interview, it must be a video, include two characters, and can be done in pairs. Students are encouraged to be creative and demonstrate the many skills they have learned this year.


六(3)班 张臻一 Alan

Hi. I'm Alan. I made the novel into a song using the melody of "the Wellman." I chose to do my project in such a special way because it challenges my understanding of the story, my vocabulary, and also my ability to feel and make music. I think the biggest challenge in this project is to write the lyrics. It's quite hard to make the words follow the melody and rhyme while talking about the story at the same time. I improved my English and learned a lot from doing this project.

六(4)班 井悦帆 David

My project is presented in the form of an interview. I like the role of the doggy translator who is fun and helpful. The biggest challenge for me is editing this video. I need to cut the unnecessary parts and integrate appropriate sound effects to match the scenario. 

G7、Fanciful News Reports

Students are supposed to report news about a fictional event written by themselves. The format can be audios, videos, musicals and etc. Students' writing ability will be evaluated from the aspects of vocabulary, grammar, complexity, organization and readability.


七(6)班 郁婉乔 Jojo

I created this piece of fictional news by combining elements from the Harry Potter series with the pandemic our muggles are suffering from. The reports take place in America and England, mainly talking about the cure for Covid, care for magical creatures, street fights, and mass work resumption.

七(4)班 张语呗 Rebecca

"No exams" has always been the most common desire of students. What if one day this dream comes true? Not only students but also parents and teachers would be less stressed. Nonsense TV Show is not always nonsense. Someday you would find it real and say, "This was reported by Nonsense TV several years ago! It forecasts the future!"

G8、Irresistible Persuasive Advertisements

Students are supposed to create a product advertisement that uses each type of rhetorical appeal. The persuasive advertisement project could be in the form of an edited video or a presentation that should be creative, eye-catching and original. Logical fallacies should be avoided.


八(3)班 孙铭翊 Minnie

I saw a clip of the movie" The Wolf of Wall Street." In the clip, the main character asked the audience to sell the ordinary pen in his hand, which suddenly inspired me. I thought advertising a pen would be both challenging and fun. I need to make a mere pen attractive and create customers' shopping needs. Therefore, I want to put the focus of the advertisement on ethos, which can resonate with the audience. Along with this idea, I wrote three small events: business cooperation, communication with the deaf and the express signature. The three of them respectively embody the opportunity, warmth and convenience that the pen can bring us. Finally, some pathos and logos were added to make the AD juicier and more convincing.

八(6)班 黄歆妍 Lola

Being versatile enough to improve a dancer's feet flexibility, legs flexibility, and balance, Yoga bricks have become crucial aids on many dancers' way to success in ballet practice. Not only does this video commercial utilize persuasion techniques such as ethos, pathos, and logos to advertise yoga bricks, it also narrates the captivating story of a young dancer thriving for perfection.

Experiential learning through projects helps students discover the importance of learning by doing. They take the hypothetical and make it real. These hands-on learning experiences help boost their confidence and build leadership, collaborative and critical skills. It is not just what students learn but how they learn that proves priceless for a lifetime. As our Pinghe campus culture goes, modest and high-achieving, harmonious yet diverse.






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