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发布日期:2023-05-15 11:28:21

G1:Up, Up, and Away!

“Science is magic that works."

 -Kurt Vonnegut.  

<a href=https://school.net/school/7984.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey><a href=https://school.net/school/7984.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>清澜山学校</a></a>TsinglanSchool

The Grade 1 Annual Science Fair held on May 10th, 2023 was a commencement affair that was weeks in the making. As we embarked on a very fitting science theme with students excitedly watching hundreds of helium balloons fill the air, it was an added treat to be able to take the balloons along with them at the end of the extravaganza. This within itself demonstrated some of the science they have learned months prior which involved states of matter i.e. solids, liquids, and gas.

Watching students spark their curiosities and seeing their hard work come to fruition was the highlight of the day. Full of laughter, excitement, surprise, and a little chaos—students were able to showcase their abilities and share their exhibits among their peers, faculty/staff, and visiting parents. This event proved to be one of the most challenging projects that our little scientists have ever experienced thus far, which took the skills of teamwork, patience, tenacity, and carefulness.

Many intriguing and interesting projects were submitted from the Grade 1 students over the course of the event.  

This year, the Science Fair was divided into a few topics and categories that students could choose from, or they could work on an approved project that was not on the suggested list. We had various categories to explore and choose from such as: How Candy/Ice Melts, The Most Important Component for Plants to Grow, Objects Falling at Different Speeds, Different Soap Making Different Bubbles, Dissolving Candies in Liquids, Colored Water in Plants, Water Droplets on Coins, Shadows Changing, Food Changing in Various Liquids, Best Methods to Keep Apples Fresh, Melting Colored Ice Cubes, Density of Liquids, and Colors Affecting Taste. Some seemed more popular than others as we could see many repeated experiments, however; it still made for good science because none of the results were the same which is intriguing!

Students had a chance to see that science is all around us in our everyday lives, it is only if we take the time to examine and research how things happen and why they work is what gives us the gumption to learn more. As we enrich their lives through implementing events such as this, it’s important to remember that it’s not about popularity or winning and losing—everyone who participated in this is a winner.

Moreover, these enriching opportunities give students the tools and experience they need to demonstrate what they’ve learned and defend their findings. As they are still young learners, they will implement the skills of English with speaking, listening, reading, and writing, the skills of drama as they were able channel and become their inner scientists, art which encompassed decorating and designing boards, and math which was needed to collect data and create graphs.

More hands-on Science activities and experiments will be introduced at each grade level which will not only raise students’ motivation to participate in class, but also prepare them for more Science Fairs in the future. This was the first Science Fair for Grade 1 students, at which will be the first of many in years to come!

G2 Science Fair

The Grade 2 Science Fair held at Tsinglan School was an impressive display of scientific knowledge and creativity. The event took place in the basement hallway, where the students showcased their projects covering a variety of scientific topics.


One of the standout projects was titled "Which Ingredients Make the Best Slime?" The students explored different combinations of ingredients to create slime, documenting their process and analyzing the results. They also explained the science behind the ingredients and the chemical reactions that occur, showing their understanding of chemistry.


Another exciting project was "Which Melts Faster - Ice Cream or Popsicles?" The students compared the melting rates of ice cream and different flavored popsicles in controlled conditions. They collected data, recorded observations, and drew conclusions about the factors affecting the melting process, demonstrating their knowledge of thermodynamics and were able to make recommendations to people based on their results.


The third notable project was "Which Carnivorous Plant Eats the Most Insects?" The students studied different types of carnivorous plants, observing how they trap and consume insects. They kept a tally of the number of insects consumed and analyzed the results, showing their understanding of botany and ecology.


Overall, the Grade 2 Science Fair at Tsinglan School was a success. The students' hard work and enthusiasm for science were evident in their projects, which showcased their creativity and scientific knowledge. It was impressive to see them tackle complex scientific concepts with such enthusiasm and understanding. They are sure to achieve great things in the future.






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