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上海青浦区协和双语学校英语Book Festival圆满落幕

发布日期:2023-05-15 11:09:45

四月,正是读书好时节。趁着和煦春分,沐着温暖阳光,取一本好书沉醉,才不枉人间最美四月天。在青浦协和小学部,一群可敬又可爱的中外教老师们正带领着他们的孩子,在春天的赛道上肆意奔跑,拥抱万象。四月初,青浦协和小学部Book Festival英语阅读节活动正式拉开帷幕。

As we embraced the gentle springtime and soaked in the warm sunlight, there was no better way to fully appreciate the beauty of this past April than by immersing ourselves in a good book.

In early April, SUIS Qingpu's Primary School officially launched its Book Festival, an English reading event, and over the past month, a group of English teachers from our Primary School have been leading their students on a literary journey, encouraging them to explore the wonders of spring.

<a href=https://school.net/school/509.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海青浦区协和双语学校</a>

此次阅读活动旨在围绕三个关键词“Cultivate”“Clear” “Connect”展开,Cultivate Reading Interests 培养阅读兴趣;Clear Reading Obstacles 扫清阅读障碍, Connect Reading to life 用阅读联系生活。

为了激发学生的阅读兴趣,英语组结合学生的年龄特点共设置了4项主要活动:面向全体学生的Reading Marathon,面向1-3年级的Spelling bee,面向4-5年级的Quiz show以及每日进行的Daily Quiz。

This reading event revolved around three key words: "cultivate," "clear," and "connect." It aimed to cultivate students' reading interests, clear any obstacles they might encounter during their reading journey, and connect their reading experiences to real-life contexts.

To ignite students' interest in reading, the English department designed four main activities tailored to their age characteristics. These activities included a reading marathon for all students, a spelling bee for grades 1-3, a quiz show for grades 4 and 5, and a daily quiz held every day.

在历时一个多月的Book festival中,学生每日都被阅读元素包围着。在学校最显眼的入校大厅处,你会看到一张巨大的阅读马拉松展示墙,上面所展示的是学生们通过睿乐生平台进行线上阅读后的班级数据累计。许多学生因此被激发斗志,很多班级实现全员阅读。

Throughout the month-long Book Festival, students were surrounded by reading-related elements on a daily basis. In the main lobby of campus, a massive Reading Marathon display wall showcased the cumulative class data of students' online reading through the RuiLeSheng platform.

This inspiring display motivated many students, resulting in several classes achieving full participation in reading.

教室走道旁,你会看到开放式的Daily Quiz,只要有想法,便可以提笔写下,学生们互相切磋,不亦乐乎。

Along the school’s corridors, students could engage with an open Daily Quiz where they could freely express their ideas and write them down. They engaged in friendly competition and thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

在各年级组中,老师们还分别推进着spelling bee 和quiz show 活动。3月中旬,中外教师就开始在教研会议上共同完善活动的细节与过程。1-3年级的老师们细化每周字词表,并通过非常经典的《Akeelah and the Bee》激发学生们对Spelling的热情,使得每一位学生都跃跃欲试,信心满满。4-5年级的教师们则在前期Warm up的热身中,带领孩子们一起学习阅读策略,指导学生阅读指定书籍,通过答题竞赛的形式,将阅读和思维紧密联系。

In each grade level, teachers organized spelling bee and quiz show activities. As early as mid-March, Chinese and foreign teachers began collaborating in research meetings to refine the details of and processes for these activities. Teachers in Grades 1-3 developed weekly word lists and utilized the highly regarded "Akeelah and the Bee" to ignite students' enthusiasm for spelling.

As a result, every student eagerly participated and exuded growing confidence. Conversely, teachers in Grades 4 and 5 conducted warm-up exercises to introduce reading strategies to students. They guided students to read designated books and closely connected reading with critical thinking through quiz competitions.

Spelling bee和Quiz show 的赛程分为海选和年级赛两部分。1-3年级的中外教们首先在班级中进行了三次难度递增的选拔,在这过程中学生们不仅熟悉了Spelling Bee比赛的规则还在不断的准备中消除了对于背记单词的恐惧心理,不仅主动背,还能在背记的过程中互相切磋,分享背记策略。


The schedule for the Spelling Bee and Quiz Show consisted of two parts: preliminary selections and grade-level competitions. Chinese and foreign teachers in grades 1 to 3 conducted three rounds of progressively challenging selections within the classrooms. Throughout this process, students not only familiarized themselves with the rules of the Spelling Bee competition but also overcame their fear of memorizing words through continuous preparation.

They actively memorized words, engaged in mutual discussions, and shared memorization strategies. For Grades 4 and 5, teachers organized classroom selections where students participated in various team activities, competing for advancement to the next round. Teachers encouraged all students to participate and answer questions, fostering a habit of deep thinking during the reading process.

决赛如火如荼,一度不分上下,可见参赛选手准备之充分,备赛之认真。Spelling Bee 的比赛现场,各班气势高涨,每个班级的观众们都呼喊着自己的口号,为台上的班级代表加油助威。小选手们则带着充分准备的信心和不负众望的决心, 冷静而又小心翼翼的拼背着,45位班级代表经历了多轮角逐才逐拉开赛位。

当台上只剩下5位选手时,比赛正式进入白热化状态,每一个孩子心中都只有唯一的目标,成为冠军——Amazing bee!通过层层筛选,冠军披荆斩棘,乘风破浪,最终诞生!剧场内响起了雷鸣般的掌声,这是给冠军的喝彩,也是给每一个参与者的鼓舞。

The final round of the competition was intense and closely contested, showcasing the participants' thorough preparation and dedication. In the Spelling Bee competition, the atmosphere was electrifying, with each class's audience chanting their own slogans, cheering, and wholeheartedly supporting their representatives on stage.

The young contestants approached the competition with confidence and determination, demonstrating their preparedness and living up to the high expectations. With composure and caution, the 45 class representatives underwent multiple rounds of fierce competition before reaching the final showdown. When only five participants remained on stage, the competition reached its peak intensity.

Each child had one goal in mind: to become the champion, the "Amazing Bee"! Through rigorous selection and overcoming obstacles, the champion emerged, riding the waves of success. Thunderous applause filled the theater, celebrating the champion's victory and inspiring each and every participant.

Quiz Show决赛则设置了三轮。第一轮是basic question和open question,各小组比分只几分之差,竞争异常激烈,台下观众兴奋激昂。每一个答案的揭晓都引发掌声如雷。在Open question环节,同学们结合书本,深入思考,小组合作,智慧与知识的火花在台上绽放、充分展现了学生们的推理思维能力,书本结合实

际能力以及综合素养。比赛在两轮加时赛后,才迎来了冠军争夺赛。本轮比赛中,同学们各抒己见,链接自我、文本与社会,台下的各班后援团鼓足了劲为自己班级加油喝彩。在这场quiz show的舞台上,同学们才情飞扬,智慧绽放。锻炼了学生们的临场应变能力,演说能力还有团队协作能力。

The Quiz Show finals consisted of three rounds. The first round included basic and open questions, and the scores between each group were incredibly close, leading to intense competition and an enthusiastic audience.

The revelation of each answer was met with thunderous applause. During the open question segment, students combined their knowledge from books, engaged in deep thinking, and collaborated within their groups.

The sparks of intelligence and knowledge ignited on stage, showcasing the students' reasoning abilities, their ability to connect books with real-life situations, and their overall comprehensive skills.

After two rounds of overtime, the competition reached the championship round. In this round, students expressed their own opinions, linking themselves, the text, and society. The supporting teams from each class cheered and encouraged their own class. On stage during this quiz show, students demonstrated their talents and intelligence. They honed their ability to think on their feet, deliver speeches, and work as a team.

历时一个月的Book Festival最终在角色装扮的狂欢和各年级激烈又精彩的比赛中落下了帷幕。但学生们被激发的斗志还在不断绵延,阅读的乐趣在群体的推动下变得越发吸引人。活动虽已落幕,但学生们却已摩拳擦掌,准备好为下一次的比赛奋力奔跑了。 

The month of the Book Festival came to a close with a grand celebration of character costumes and intense yet exciting competitions across different grade levels.

However, the determination and enthusiasm instilled in the students continued to burn brightly, and the joy of reading became even more captivating with the support of the community. Although the event had ended, the students were already eager and prepared to give their all in the next competition.





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