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发布日期:2022-03-11 17:10:57

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>举办抢旗比赛



The CAS session on the afternoon of Feb. 28 saw the “Grabbing the Flag“game organized by SHBS. We aim to let students run in the early spring sunshine while enjoying the fun brought by sports so that sportsmanship can get promoted.


“Grabbing the flag” is a very popular American competition of team sports. During the game, the two teams need to guard the three balls in their own field while sending players to attack their opponent's field to grab the ball. If you get touched on the should in the opponent’s field, you will be put into the prison on their side and lose your freedom until your teammate successfully breaks into the prison to rescue you. The team that can break the blockade first, grab all the balls from their opponent’s field, and bring them back to the designated positions in their own field wins the game. Therefore, this game not only tests a player’s speed and physical strength but also their the mental ability and teamwork ability;  If you want to win a game, you need to figure out your team's offensive and defensive strategies well in advance, and be able to make changes in case of an emergency. 


Old students of SHBS were very familiar with this game, while the newcomers were eager to have a try after they learned about its rules. This time, each homeroom class sent a team on behalf of the whole class to compete teams representing other homeroom classes. They played their first rounds of the game on the basketball courts, the golf course and the indoor stadium respectively before they competed against each other in the finals. After the PE secretary of each class drew for its opponent in the first round of the competition, students began to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their opponent team and plan for their own offensive and defensive strategies. When lead players from different homeroom classes met, they used to make fun of each other by chatting. Now that they were about to compete on the courts, they began to feel more excited.


During the competition, the team strategies of some classes were impressive; some of the strikers of other classes were amazing. They sped forward throughout the game, flexibly avoided opponent players and successfully grabbed the ball and got back. All those offensive players kept keenly observant and alert, and they kept looking for opportunities to launch an attack. The defensive players, on the other hand, refused to give their opponent any chance by sticking to their posts. Though players from those homeroom classes did try their best to compete, they still lost the game but calmly accepted their failure by staying to watch the game and cheering for their opponents as well as their own players. Finally, the students from Class 1, Grade 10 won the championship, showing how strong their team was!  


It was a competition full of passion and youthful vitality. Friendship always outweighs competition! Through this competition, students once more promoted sportsmanship and enhanced the cohesion of their own homeroom classes.

文 | Wayne Xie

审核 | Miao&irene

翻译 | Dawn Xu

摄影 | 摄影社(Max Guo&Hanxiao Cai)

排版 | Jang





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