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发布日期:2022-03-26 09:22:33

<a href=https://school.net/school/370.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>深圳贝赛思国际学校</a>远程教学

As the school moves into an extended period of distance learning, it is vital for our students to stay healthy and positive. To address this need, the Primary LETs arranged special mental health classes to help students develop and maintain good online learning habits and positive attitudes.


In G1, teachers encouraged students to bring their favorite “friends” to class to have a fun time together. During the class, students shared their worries using the voices of their favorite cartoon characters. The students’ hilarious voice impersonations set the class at ease and allowed everyone to think positively about the situation. The students also drew pictures and wrote messages to the people they missed at school, including their friends, teachers, and the canteen staff. The LETs agreed to act as “postwomen” to deliver the messages.


In G2, the LETs and students engaged in lively discussions about being positive learners during distance learning. Following the discussion, students wrote their thoughts on paper and put the “energy power” in a “magic bottle.” By collecting the “energy power” from their classmates, the students learned different approaches to being positive distance learners, including participating in the movement sessions and keeping a healthy bedtime routine.

二年级课堂上,班主任和学生们就如何更积极地参与远程学习展开了热烈讨论。学生们把自己的想法写在纸上,并把 "纸片能量 "放在一个"魔法瓶 "里。收集展示了"纸片能量"后,同学们学习了远程教学过程中保持积极心态的方法,了解了参加运动课程和保持健康的睡眠作息对高效学习大有裨益。

The G3 mental health classes started with students showing each other their desks at home, which enabled them to learn how to maintain a tidy workspace as one of the healthy learning habits. With the guidance of the LETs, students shared their thoughts about the perks and challenges of virtual learning. The teachers also told a story about “Jason,” a fictional student who is doing distance learning during lockdowns. This story inspired the students to work on strategies to cope with difficulties during distance learning.


In the G4 mental health class, students posted their feelings about distance learning on an interactive platform and brainstormed ways to overcome lockdown challenges. To help students understand the notion and power of self-discipline, the LETs showed students a video introducing the Olympics gold-medalist Eileen Gu, which inspired students to build good study habits and grow as independent learners.


G5 students, on the other hand, read the diary of Mr. Bear, who encountered different challenges with distance learning during a lockdown. While reading the diary, the students took notes when they found something in common with Mr. Bear. They then shared their notes and exchanged ideas about overcoming such challenges. The G5 LETs also provided suggestions for staying positive during distance learning.



- Hard Work Pays Off -


In the weeks leading up to the Pre-Comps, the Middle School students worked hard to prepare for the exams, which took place from March 2–4.  Learning and studying online did not slow our teachers and students down as they adjusted to familiar but different preparation techniques. As in previous years, teachers provided study packets, mock exams, and hosted extra student hours during the review week –– all in an online format.


To help students cope with pre-exam stress and especially the uncertainty of testing online, the counseling team prepared online sessions, which taught different coping methods and allowed students to voice concerns. The deans and staff also provided extra support to students and teachers — ensuring that study materials were distributed efficiently, troubleshooting technical issues, and generally checking in on students' well-being and classes.


In the background, the administration and staff put forth monumental efforts to set up an online test system that functioned exceptionally well throughout the exam days. While there were some unpredictable moments, the teams worked quickly and efficiently to solve issues. 


To all our Middle School students — we look forward to seeing your great results! As the saying goes "hard work pays off."

致我们所有的初中生:俗话说 "功夫不负有心人",我们期待你们的优异成绩!

--- Mr. Mc Creanor


- The Elevator Pitch -

In class, we read and discussed The Rocket Man, a story by Ray Bradbury about a family coping with the father going off on a dangerous mission to space.


We read the short story before the Chinese New Year holiday, and I planned to have each student create a 90-second “elevator pitch” to convince their dad to stay home instead of going to space. I constructed an actual elevator for this project. However, I had to adapt the project to work during online learning.

我们在春节假期前读了这本书,读完后,我们原计划让每个学生准备一个90秒的 "电梯演讲",以说服“父亲”留在家里而不是去太空。为了这个项目,我甚至制作了一个电梯模型。然而,由于我们仍在线上教学,我不得不对项目调整了一番,以便适应线上的环境。

Instead, the students did a character study of the main character and completed a series of writing tasks to develop their arguments, which ranged from scientific to heart-warming.


"Fresh air is not only the key to physical health, but also to mental health... so I don't think it's a wise choice to go to space, and I really hope you could stay home this time."

“新鲜空气不仅关系到身体健康,也有助于心理健康... ... 所以我认为去太空不是个明智的选择,我真心希望这次您能待在家里。”

"Gravitation pull might cause your body to atrophy...because there is no resistance to work against."


"You should not go to space because of all the dangers... we want to keep you the way you are: smart, funny, and bright... with family together, all problems can be solved. Family is more important than any job you might enjoy."


As a final task, the students used Flipgrid to create 90-second videos of their arguments. While I chose the opinion for them, the students enhanced their skills as writers and critical readers by coming up with their own reasons, situations, and explanations to support their arguments.


--- Mr. Alex Couckuyt

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