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发布日期:2022-04-09 13:51:33

s we’ve adapted to online teaching these past few weeks, we’ve found joy and inspiration experimenting with new tools and a new virtual environment. 

At the same time, we remain committed to maintaining a high curricular standard and fostering the growth of our students. Indeed, WLSA students continue to use English to speak up for their perspectives on real-world issues, explore fiction and nonfiction, and analyze how authors construct stories, arguments, and speeches. 


与此同时,我们仍然致力于保持高标准的课程,积极促进学生的成长。WLSA 学子在虚拟课堂上继续使用英语来积极表达他们对现实世界问题的观点,徜徉书海,探索小说和非小说类型的作品,并分析作者如何建构故事,欣赏其精妙的论点和精彩的演讲。

Here are some highlights from every class:


Sino-Global 美高课程

G10 10年级

In Grade 10, students are tackling one of the fundamental questions of our time: what divides us and what unites us? 

A Raisin in the Sun, one of the great American plays of the 20th century, draws students in through familiar family dynamics before shifting the narrative and expanding their perspectives on race, gender, and social class. Students discuss these themes and other higher level questions in small group discussions before presenting their thoughts to the larger class. These ideas then culminate in the writing of argumentative pieces, including thesis statements, body paragraphs, and academic essays. Currently, students are continuing this process online in small group video calls and Dingtalk writing posts. 

In many ways, the online format has allowed for a unique kind of collaboration in terms of group leadership and forum-based peer editing. After the midterm, students will begin to dig into new genres of storytelling such as poems and short stories.




<a href=https://school.net/school/127.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>WLSA上海学校</a>学生分享线上学习生活

Students write, read, and support each other



G11 11年级

In Grade 11, students are studying argumentative writing by exploring real-world examples of authors making strong, assertive claims about some of the most profound issues in the contemporary world.  

Recently, they have debated ethical questions in charity donation and medicine, discussed the nature of true courage in sports and war, and considered how technological shifts have altered the media landscape. 

Right now, students are wrapping up a source synthesis essay that discusses whether modern technological habits have made their generation the “dumbest generation” (of course, many of them strongly disagree!).  This skill of synthesizing different real-world sources to take a coherent, logical stance will be vital to them, regardless of the discipline they pursue in the future.  

In the online classroom, we continue to have multimedia lectures, animated small group discussions, and even emoji-filled central forums.  We look forward to moving into 21st century rhetoric and then capping the year off with a creative exploration of poetry!





<a href=https://school.net/school/127.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>WLSA上海学校</a>学生分享线上学习生活

Speedwriting challenge to practice strong verbs.



G12 12年级

In Grade 12, students have continued their study of existentialism begun in the first semester through reading Man's Search for Meaning, by Vicktor Frankl, a memoir about a concentration camp survivor who developed the psychological theory of Logotherapy based on his experiences. 

They are analyzing the narrative and the complex ideas that it brings to life. Currently, they are working to apply this close reading and analysis by creating a podcast that works off of a subject area from the novel, simultaneously expanding their understanding and sharpening their verbal skills. 

Going online has of course been challenging; however, the students are focused and working hard in anticipation of their upcoming graduation. We continue to focus on connecting literature to the real world, exploring important philosophical ideas that they can carry with them, and preparing the students for university by reinforcing the nuances of analytical writing.




A-Level A-Level课程

G10 10年级

Grade 10 A-Levelers are preparing intensely for the O-Level English mock exam, both writing and reading comprehension. For writing, they’ve learned the purpose and structure of various types of argumentative writing, like the 'for and against' essay, opinion essay, and discursive essay. 

While practicing how to persuade the audience with the argument development in writing, students have simultaneously acquired a better understanding of how to differentiate opinions from facts in their reading comprehension practice. 




G11 11年级

Grade 11 A-Levelers are exploring English literature through the study of 20th century classic A Raisin in the Sun. This profound, canonical work is a direct throughway to important questions of family, multi-cultural society, and individual aspirations.  

In their exploration of the play, students are simultaneously refining their language skills and expanding their perspectives on the facets of identity that construct a person and a society. They collaborate in small groups, complete structured individual writing and responses in the public forum, and examine multimedia representations of the story. This keeps their English writing and speaking up to speed and expands their cultural horizons, even while they focus on serious preparation for their A-Level exams in other subjects.



<a href=https://school.net/school/127.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>WLSA上海学校</a>学生分享线上学习生活

Instructions for breakout groups – every student has a job to facilitate progress!



G12 12年级

As for Grade 12 students: they are currently studying a TED Talk as a way of developing their presentation skills—with a particular focus on how to integrate humor and emotion into speech. 

The most recent video they explored is about the power of sleep. G12 students are a group of type A students, while they are also a group of sleep-deprived teenagers who have been overwhelmed with the A-Level / AS mock exams. Going online is, of course, a challenge to students' self-discipline and time-management, in particular. 

This video not only demonstrates how to use the power of humor to impress and convince the audience, but also serves the purpose of reminding our young ladies and gentlemen of the crucial role of nights of slumbers to their sustainable development. We wish you happy watching, if you like!





That’s all from us!  Thanks for reading, and be sure to maintain strong and healthy habits during our time online.  We wish you all the best!



WSA English Department



WSA 英语教研组





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