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上海宏润博源学校夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴


发布日期:2021-08-05 14:48:14

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴

The continuous raining days have just ended, ushering in the scorching sun in July. Shanghai is unusually hot this summer. However, the last week of summer school, typhoon "In-Fa" came, bringing some coolness yet making us worried about the floods in Zhengzhou and other cities. Fortunately, Shanghai was safe and sound in the typhoon again. Thanks to everyone who have worked hard to make sure we are safe and sound in Shanghai.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴

In such a summer, the students spent three weeks in the beautiful campus of Honrun Boyuan. SHBS summer school focuses on academic study. However, in order to enrich our students' life, we designed interesting morning sessions and organize special activities every Wednesday afternoon. 
<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴
每日晨会又被称为ANCHOR会议时间,其中的几个大写字母分别代表了Attention(唤醒), News(新消息), Concerns(担忧), Highlight(亮点), Observation(感谢) 和 Reading(朗诵)。每日晨会的目的之一是让同学们在欢声笑语中开始一天的学习。在过去的三周里,参与主持每日晨会的不仅有校长,老师还有学生。在这段时间里, 每个人都可以发表自己观点,展现自己的才艺,没有老师和学生身份上的区别,只有求学路上的同行者。周三下午创意活动的设计初衷是为了给长时间浸泡在学习中的大脑带来点不一样的体验:7月生日会上的即兴表演挑战赛,影视欣赏和冰淇淋社交派对。同学们参加活动的热情和活动中洋溢的笑脸,是对夏校老师们最好的肯定和回馈。

Our daily morning session is called the ANCHOR session, standing for Attention, News, Concerns, Highlight, Observation, and Reading. One of its purposes is to make the students start the day with laughter. During this session, everyone can express his or her opinions and show his or her  talents, no distinction between teacher and student in this sense. We also designed some group activities for Wednesday afternoons so that the students could also have fun: an impromptu performance challenges in the birthday party, a film appreciation session, and an ice cream social party. The enthusiasm of the students and their smiling faces in the activity are the best recognition of our teachers.

为了唤醒同学们的脑细胞,为一天的学习做好准备,主持晨会的老师们在Attention 环节设计了不同的小游戏,让我们在欢声笑语中迎接新的一天。有的游戏考验团队合作,有的游戏考验反应能力还有体力,有些游戏考验智力和运气。如倍数游戏,7人解 “手链”,石头剪刀布之王,逗笑身边人等,让同学们感受到非电子游戏也可以非常有趣。

In order to fully awaken the students' brain cells and prepare them for one day's hardwork, the teachers designed various games in the Attention section so that the students can welcome the new day with laughters. Some games tested teamwork, their ability to react fast, or physical strength; others tested their talents and luck: 7 people to solve the "bracelet"; King of rock paper scissors;  make others laugh, and so on. All these make the students feel that non-video games can also be very interesting.

<a href=https://school.net/school/467.shtml target=_blank class=infotextkey>上海宏润博源学校</a>夏校 不止有充实的学术学习还有有趣的灵魂相伴
Highlight环节,给同学们一个展示自己特长的机会:葛同学给大家带来了美妙的小提琴演奏;段同学和丁同学分别给大家带来了非常有节奏带入感的说唱;王同学、章同学、纪同学和周同学分别展示了他们对流行歌曲的热爱;EF2同学介绍了他们自己设计的游戏;最新颖的highlight表演是来自新疆的达尼亚尔同学带领他的几位好友两位陈同学和段同学 一起表演的新疆舞蹈。极具民族韵味的背景音乐一奏响就把我们带到了新疆大巴扎。达尼亚尔同学天生自带新疆韵味的灵动舞姿,看得全场掌声不断。原来为了这天早上的表演几位同学从头学起,花了不少时间排练呢。

In Highlight section, all members have the chance to show their talents: David Ge gave us a wonderful violin performance; Trump Duan and Smile Ding respectively presented us very dynamic rap songs; Autin Wang, Kevin Zhang, Chris Ji and Leo Zhou showed their love for pop songs respectively. EF2 introduced a game designed by their group. The most novel highlight was the Xinjiang dance performed by Daniyar from Xinjiang and his friends Beau Chen, Coco Chen, and TrumpDuan. The Uyghur music brought us to Xinjiang immediately. Daniyar got the natural charm of Xinjiang dances and the audience kept applauding for them. In order to perform in the morning session, they spent some good time on the learning and practising.


The creative activities on Wednesday also brought a lot of fun. For example, at the birthday party, a total of five students celebrated the birthday together. In order to create a memorable birthday party for them, Ms. Irene and Ms. Miao designed some fun games. The system would randomly choose students to do impromptu performances. Everyone was excited and nervous all the way through, laughing constantly and marveling at the creativity and expressiveness of the students on the stage. For example, two of the boys, Leo Lu and David Ge,  got a challenge saying, "Two female frenemies who had quarreled met at the mall." Their performance was really wonderful, not only in language and body movements, even their voices were modeled on the female voice. At the end of the performance  students were still immersed in the role. When David walked past Ms. Irene, he said in his girly voice: "Ai Yo! Irene is also here. " , whihc made everyone laugh out loudly again. We were surprised to find their outstanding performing talent. 


As summer school drew to a close, the students developed deep connection with each other. Messages on the heart-shaped cards present the students' good memories of this time.




Our values:Dignity、Honor、Respect、Integrity








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